Chapter 19 Death
Xiao Yu has been staying in the manor for the past few days, familiarizing himself with the hero skills in his mind in the courtyard, and he finds that he can only use a few hero skills, including cards, Picheng Law Enforcer, Galen, Mondo, Carter, Fire Man.Although the skills of other heroes are also in his mind, they can't be released no matter what.

"This situation is embarrassing. Could it be that I have to reach a certain level of strength to be able to use more hero skills?"

Xiao Yu recalled that at first he could only release the skills of Wei, Galen, Mengduo, and cards. After entering the Yuan Condensation Realm, he only gained the skills of Huo Nan and Carter. The BUG produced bold guesses.

Xiao Yu was playing with the flame brought out by the fire man's skill in his hand, and felt a violent energy beating in his hand. The sunset in the sky was about to set, and it was already evening in Fanyun Town. In the yard, it looks a little coquettish.


"Huh?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised when he heard the knock on the door, "Who could it be? It's almost evening, and Uncle Yang usually doesn't come here at this time."

Xiao Yu never expected that there would be a group of uninvited guests outside the door. He opened the door, and three middle-aged men in hard attire were standing at the door. The eagle-eyed man in front of him was unusually tall, half taller than Xiao Yu size.

He looked down at Xiao Yu, and asked coldly, "Are you Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and the three people in front of him were all of the strength of Yuan Yuan Realm, which was extremely strange, but it was inevitable under such circumstances, these three people could find here Come on, it means that he has been thoroughly investigated. At this time, if you say that you are not Xiao Yu, it will not be of much use, and it is not in Xiao Yu's character to change your name.

He nodded, secretly on guard.The middle-aged man in the lead glanced at Xiao Yu, and a trace of contempt flickered at the corner of his mouth.

"Only entering and exiting the Yuan Condensation Realm at such an age can only be regarded as a low-ranking member of the family. The name of the family's trash is indeed well-deserved. I think if you hadn't been born well and became the son of the former patriarch, the family would have exiled you long ago. gone."

The middle-aged man looked arrogant and laughed.

"Family? Are you from the Xiao family?"

Xiao Yu was startled, and only then did he notice a half-finger-long circle on the shoulders of the three of them, with a Bihaijiao printed in the circle, which is the Zhen clan monster of the Xiao family, and Bihaijiao's subordinate is a golden Xiao This is the unified attire of the Xiao family, but generally speaking, only the Xiao family will wear this when they go out to deal with the family's internal affairs.

"Are they coming to deal with some family business?"

Xiao Yu was a little confused. He had followed Uncle Yang to this place for a long time, and now he basically had nothing to do with the Xiao family. Although he had the blood of the Xiao family on him, he had actually broken away from the Xiao family at the moment his father died. , He didn't understand why someone from the Xiao family still came to the door now.

"If you are here to laugh at me, then please go back!"

Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent, and he was about to close the door when the middle-aged man at the head suddenly made a move. He slapped the gate of Xiao Yu's manor with his palm, and a solid sandalwood door was shattered vigorously, and Xiao Yu was thrown backwards by Yu Jin. .


Xiao Yu retreated sharply, turned upside down in the air, and finally landed firmly on the ground. He looked at the middle-aged man with anger, his eyes flickering with coldness.

"What do you want to do?"

The tall middle-aged man pointed to the entire manor, and said loudly: "Nothing to do, I just came to take back the family property."


Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious. This manor was the only relic left to him by his father. Apart from that, he had not obtained anything from the Xiao family. Now that someone from the Xiao family came to take the manor back, it was really deceiving. too much.

"Why do you?"

Xiao Yu clenched his fists tightly, faintly already surrounded by vitality.

"Why? It's true that this manor belongs to your father, but as a member of the Xiao family, his property will be owned by the Xiao family after his death. Still in doubt?"

The leading middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yu jokingly, and he enjoyed the feeling of seeing others powerless the most.

"Haha, hahaha!"

Xiao Yu laughed back in anger, a kind of sad and indignant laughter came from the manor, causing the birds to scatter.

"Take back the manor, and then? Is there anything else?"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, but there was an undisguised coldness in this smile.

"Anything else?" The middle-aged man suddenly showed a sneer, and continued, "You, Xiao Yu, have left the Xiao family, so naturally you can no longer practice the Xiao family's mind. The three of us are ordered to cultivate your body. abolition."


Almost as soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, Xiao Yu rushed out, stepped on the courtyard wall in one step, and flew away. He had sensed that something was wrong just now, until the middle-aged The man said that he realized that this matter was completely aimed at himself. It is a small thing to occupy a manor, but if the cultivation base is abolished, then you have to work hard to practice and come back. This is the most terrifying thing. After weighing the pros and cons, he knew that he was by no means an opponent of these three, so he chose to escape by surprise.

The moment Xiao Yu jumped over the courtyard wall, the three of them were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect Xiao Yu to run so simply.

"Humph! Want to go?"

The three of them were just a little dazed, and they immediately chased after them. They chose the most outrageous way, knocking down the courtyard wall with one blow, and the three of them chased towards the place where Xiao Yu was escaping like stars and moons. Xiao Yu's figure was not far ahead. far away.


Xiao Yu didn't turn his head back, but he could still feel the pressure that was getting closer behind him. As long as he was caught up by these three people, the fate waiting for him would be extremely miserable.

"You can't get away!"

The middle-aged man in the lead sneered again and again, looking at Xiao Yu who was getting closer and closer to them, a fiery red color had already appeared on the palm of his hand.

"go with!"

The middle-aged man was still a few feet away from Xiao Yu, but he didn't care about it, he hit Xiao Yu's back with a palm, a crimson palm print tore through the air, and hit Xiao Yu's back.This is the unique skill in the Xiao family, soul chasing hand.


In desperation, Xiao Yu could only forcibly twist his body, and punched that palm print.


I only felt a crackling sound from the bones all over my body, and a strong force went up Xiao Yu's wrist, breaking his right arm in an instant, all the bones in the arm were crushed, and even the shoulder bone was implicated.


Xiao Yu let out a cry of pain, the piercing pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow, not only that, a master of the third level of Yuan Shattering Realm used his soul chasing hand with all his strength, and the force even shook Xiao Yu into the wall, and his back was also severely injured in an instant, The internal organs in the body are almost displaced.

"Damn it, is this the difference between the Condensed Yuan Realm and the Broken Yuan Realm?"

Xiao Yu was lying on the gravel, and he didn't even have the strength to get up. He remembered that when he defeated Leng Ming in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, he had taken advantage of a sneak attack. If Leng Ming was ready to fight him with all his strength, Then he must be defeated in a short time.He experienced again a deep sense of powerlessness and a longing for power.

"Why didn't you run away?"

The three middle-aged men fell not far away and looked at Xiao Yu who was in a mess, and there was a flash of joy in their hearts.

"Hey, after completing this mission, the wife of the head of the house will definitely reward us generously, and our strength will definitely be improved by then."

Thinking of this, the three of them felt even more excited. The three of them joined forces to attack. They didn't use any martial arts, they just used pure energy to try to crush Xiao Yu to death.

"No, I can't die."

Xiao Yu gritted his silver teeth tightly, his arm was bleeding from excessive force, but he still stood up tremblingly, but the three primordial forces were already close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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