Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 191 Straight into the Barracks

Chapter 191 Straight into the Barracks
Xiao Yun woke up after resting for a whole night.

"This wine is really not a good thing!"

Xiao Yun patted his dizzy head, cursing inwardly.

He went out and stopped a servant.

"Help me call the second young master, and just say that I have something to ask him."

The servant immediately replied: "Go back to Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master has gone out early in the morning."

"Going out?" Xiao Yun was slightly surprised, and suddenly his face changed, "Not good!"

Thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, there is a vast military camp, which is the largest military camp in the Huoyun Empire.

At this moment, every soldier is training hard in the barracks, and each one is more attentive than the other.They joined the ranks of soldiers, and what they had to do was to fight bravely for the common people of the Fire Cloud Empire and fight for the prosperity and stability of the Fire Cloud Empire.

The military camp was heavily guarded, surrounded by walls made of solid granite, about [-] feet high, the military camp looked like a solid fortress from a distance.

In the distance, a figure in white was galloping towards him.

Xiao Yu had already seen the military camp not far away, so he flew off his horse and walked slowly towards the military camp.

The other side was still a hundred feet away from the entrance of the barracks, and soldiers on the high platform of the barracks had already stretched their bowstrings, and a warning voice came: "Stop, if we go any further, we will shoot arrows."

The voice is majestic and powerful, which shows that these soldiers are indeed well-trained.

Xiao Yu's footsteps did not stop, and he continued to move forward.


The four soldiers on the high platform snorted coldly, and the bows and arrows in their hands were already out of the string.

There was a sharp piercing sound, and four bows and arrows had already shot towards Xiao Yu's chest.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

There were four sounds of gold and iron clashing, several soldiers on the high platform and more than 40 people guarding the gate of the barracks were shocked to see that the bows and arrows shot at Xiao Yu's body all fell down, and the arrows had already been bent.


The four soldiers on the high platform were the most frightened.They were all carefully selected to participate in the defense work on the high platform. Each of them has the strength of the seventh level of the Shattering Yuan Realm, and their arms are so strong that they can pull the hard bows in their hands to the full string, and the bows and arrows they shoot are mixed. Exuding tyrannical vitality, that power is enough to kill even a master at the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm.But the young man in front of him blocked it lightly, and he didn't seem to do anything.

"Keep shooting arrows!"

The four of them looked at each other, they all bent their bows and set up arrows, each of them fired two arrows in a row, and continued to shoot towards Xiao Yu.A total of eight bows and arrows, one for Xiao Yu's heart, one for Xiao Yu's left eye, one for Xiao Yu's right eye, two for Xiao Yu's knees, and two for Xiao Yu's ribs, the last one was actually Shooting at Xiao Yu's crotch.

The four of them are one body, fighting together, knowing that Xiao Yu is a strong enemy at this moment, they naturally used the most ruthless shooting skills. He was in a hurry, and even got tricked.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

Eight crisp sounds sounded when the arrow feathers touched the front of Xiao Yu's body, and the eight arrow feathers all fell to the ground as before.


The four shooters on the high platform were stunned for a while, but they were soldiers from beginning to end, with resolute hearts, and immediately blew the horn.This is the horn that will only be sounded when there is a major change in the military camp.

At the gate of the barracks, more than 40 soldiers have formed spear arrays to completely block the gate.They knew that Xiao Yu's visitor was not kind, so they didn't waste any more words.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, stepped forward with one step, and his fierce vitality turned into a storm, directly rolling towards the more than 40 soldiers.


More than 40 soldiers flew back screaming as if struck by lightning.The four shooters on the high platform were dumbfounded, and suddenly felt that Xiao Yu had appeared on the high platform to the left.


The eyeballs of these two people were about to pop out, Xiao Yu slapped out with a palm, the two screamed again and again, Xiao Yu directly photographed them from the high platform on the left to the high platform on the right.The two people on the high platform on the right wanted to catch their companions, and when they touched, they immediately spurted blood donations.Xiao Yu had used some dark energy on the two of them earlier, in order to teach these four guys who were ruthless.

The four shooters stumbled together from the high platform and fell to the ground, their ears and noses were bleeding, and they all passed out.

Xiao Yu jumped down from the high platform, immediately surrounded by hundreds of good people.One by one holding spears, surrounded Xiao Yu in a circle.

"I want to find Ao Wuqing, and everyone who has nothing to do with it, get out, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless."

Most of these soldiers were iron-blooded soldiers, they defended their homes and the country, Xiao Yu naturally didn't want to make things too difficult for them.

"Looking for the general? Presumptuous, this is a military camp, you can come here whenever you want, even if the emperor comes, you can't just drive straight in like this."

A centurion walked to the front of the formation and said coldly.This person's strength is not bad, and he has reached the peak of Yuan Yuan Realm.

"The emperor? I'm not the emperor, and you don't have to compare him with me."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he stomped the ground fiercely. A wave of air exploded around him hundreds of meters away, rising from the ground, and the soldiers with spears were thrown into the air one by one, howling all over the sky for a while.

"Who is so presumptuous in our barracks!"

A majestic voice came from behind, and a middle-aged man flew forward like a roc spreading its wings, and landed in front of Xiao Yu.

This middle-aged man had a square Chinese character face, a burly figure, strong arms, curled up muscles, and powerful eyes, staring straight at Xiao Yu.There was a look of astonishment on his face, obviously he didn't expect that it was a young man who made a big disturbance in the barracks.

"Who are you? Why did you come to our barracks to make trouble?"

The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.He didn't dare to be too unreasonable when he came up. He saw that Xiao Yu was able to come and go freely in the barracks at a young age, so he naturally thought that he was a child of that big family. A little sympathetic.

"You're not Ao Wuqing, tell Ao Wuqing to come out and see me!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the middle-aged man, and found that his strength was at the second level of the Yuan-shattering realm, and he was disappointed immediately.He didn't pay attention to the middle-aged people at all.

"Bold, our general's name can be called by you as a junior? No matter you are a child of the He family, I, Jing Leng, will teach you a lesson today."

Hearing Xiao Yu mentioning Ao Wuqing, the middle-aged man named Jing Leng was furious immediately, and with a big move, it turned into a huge vitality palm and grabbed Xiao Yu.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and tell Ao Wuqing to come out!"

Just a moment ago Xiao Yu was still more than ten zhang away in front of him, but after Jing Leng released his martial arts, he found Xiao Yu's voice rang in his ears, and he was stunned.

Xiao Yu didn't make any movement, just stood quietly beside Jing Leng, Jing Leng was so startled that he took three steps back, panting heavily.

"I'll say it one last time, tell Ao Wuqing to come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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