Chapter 198 Disaster Comes
"What?" The person on the throne noticed the changes in the expressions of the Dragon God and the Crane God, and said in a deep voice, "Do you two have any questions?"

Dragon God Venerable and Crane God Venerable looked at each other, and said with a wry smile: "Return to Hall Master, I'm afraid the two of us may not be able to take Xiao Yu down."


The person on the throne suddenly became interested. He sat cross-legged and slowly opened his legs. Standing on the ground, he stood up, and the ghostly flames around his body swept away, revealing a trace of cold air.

The flame is the hottest thing, but the ghost flame around this person is completely different. It is completely opposite to other flames. It releases an extremely cold breath, and some ice crystals have condensed on the stone walls around the hall.

The faces of the Dragon God Venerable and the Crane God Venerable froze, and their hearts were dark.

"Hall Master's Nether Lenghuo is becoming more and more domineering!"

The air in the hall dropped, and the two of them were shocked to find that trace of cold air rushing towards their bodies.The two hurriedly used their divine power to resist the domineering aura.

"This Xiao Yu, the two of you can't take it down? He just defeated a half-step Concentration Realm and a waste at the first stage of Concentration Realm. The combination of the two of you is enough to match a strong man at the fourth stage of Concentration Realm. Why are you afraid of him?"

The faces of the people on the throne were not real, but their voices revealed an incomparable power, which made it difficult for the Dragon God Venerable and the Crane God Venerable to resist.

"Hallmaster, this Xiao Yu is very weird. He only has the strength of the ninth level of Yuansha Realm, but his fist strength is enough to match mine. I bumped against him and suffered some minor injuries."

Dragon God Venerable replied truthfully.

"It can hurt you in one move? And it's the strength of breaking the original realm? It's amazing!"

The fingers of the person on the throne trembled slightly, hitting the space around him one after another, causing rippling water marks, which was very strange.

He thought for a moment and said, "Since this is the case, if you add two gods, are you sure you can take him down?"

Dragon God Venerable and Crane God Venerable looked happy, and replied: "Absolutely!"

"Okay!" the man said again, "Tomorrow, the Eagle God Venerable and the Elephant God Venerable will arrive, and when the time comes, the four of you will act together, and you must kill Xiao Yu and make the Xiao family restless."

The Dragon God Venerable and the Crane God Venerable looked at each other with great joy, and then felt very strange that the four great gods and gods jointly dispatched to kill a junior, this is really unprecedented.

At noon on the second day, the Imperial City was still peaceful and peaceful.

Xiao Yu lay down on a big tree in Xiao's house and rested with his eyes closed, but he kept thinking about the recent events in his mind. He tried to connect them together, hoping to find some useful clues.

"Brother Xiao Yu! What are you doing up there?"

A youthful and playful voice came from below.

Xiao Yu's thoughts were disturbed, he looked down, Xiao Jinxiu was standing under the tree looking at him.

"I'm thinking about something. Aren't you going to the Xiao family training camp to practice today?"

Xiao Yu replied.

"Today's practice is finished, so I'll come back for a walk. I wanted to find Grandpa, but he didn't know where he went."

Xiao Jinxiu giggled, leaped and landed beside Xiao Yu.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I recently learned a set of martial arts, can you give me some pointers?"

Xiao Jinxiu leaned closer to Xiao Yu and made a gesture of clasping his fists.


Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know any martial arts at all, all his attack methods were obtained from heroes, and every hero skill was the strongest martial skill in the world, so he had no knowledge of these so-called martial arts. Martial arts are not interested.

Not only his martial arts, but even the Xiao family's kung fu that he practiced has undergone great changes. He has never practiced the Xiao family's kung fu. The vitality in his body now is a very strange energy, which does not belong to any top-level kung fu. The vitality or divine power cultivated by the Fa.

"You show it and let me see!"

Xiao Yu nodded in agreement. Although he doesn't know martial arts, all martial arts in the world have similarities and the same effect. He is confident that he can give Xiao Jinxiu some useful advice.

"Okay! Then watch!"

Xiao Jinxiu flew down to the ground, jumped up again, and spun in the air. The emerald green dress she was wearing spun with the wind, like a blooming flower.


With a shout, one of Xiao Jinxiu's palms was sent from bottom to top in the direction of Xiao Yu, and a beam of vitality shot out from Xiao Jinxiu's palm, and it was enlarged and turned into a fierce tiger, with awe-inspiring power.

Xiao Yu's eyes showed approval. Xiao Jinxiu's strength has reached the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm. Her talent is really extraordinary to be able to release a martial skill with such a powerful attack power with such strength.

"In time, she should be able to catch up with Big Brother!"

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart, but the Vitality Tiger had already bitten him. Xiao Yu stretched out a palm, and it was directly on the throat of the Vitality Tiger. Squeeze and explode away, turning into bright spots all over the sky.

Xiao Jinxiu curled her small mouth, extremely depressed, and muttered in her mouth: "What a pervert!"

Xiao Yu grinned and said approvingly: "Your move is not bad. Under the Huoyun Empire's Primordial Breaking Realm, perhaps only Lin Qingbing can catch it."


A flowery smile appeared on Xiao Jinxiu's face, and she jumped to Xiao Yu's side again.

"I'm telling the truth!" Xiao Yu said in a flat tone, "But you can compress your vitality a little more when you strike the palm, so that the bursting power can be stronger, and the vitality will fly faster."

"Understood, thank you Xiao Daxia for your guidance!"

Xiao Jinxiu cupped his hands at Xiao Yu and said with a coquettish smile.

"This girl!"

Xiao Yu shook his head helplessly, his expression suddenly changed.


There was a loud noise from outside the Xiao family, as if something had exploded.

The violent vibration shocked the uncle where Xiao Yu and the two were. Xiao Yu grabbed Xiao Jinxiu, threw her backwards, and shouted: "Quickly go and notify the elders, and arrange for the Xiao family members to leave Xiao's house and leave Huoyun." Empire, hurry up!"

Xiao Jinxiu was thrown back to the eaves by Xiao Yu, and when she turned her head again, Xiao Yu's figure had long since disappeared. She remembered Xiao Yu's entrustment, and her complexion changed drastically.

Xiao Yu landed on the square at the entrance of the gate of the Xiao family, and found two guards and dozens of members of the Xiao family guards lying on the ground, bleeding from their mouths and noses, obviously dead.

Xiao Yu's expression was cold, and he looked up at the gate of Xiao's house. Four figures were standing in front of them. They were of different shapes, but each of them released a unique and terrifying aura. Even Xiao Yu felt the great shock. pressure.

"Four concentrators?"

Xiao Yu clenched his fists tightly, and his joints made crisp sounds.He has already recognized two of them as the two masters in concentration state who captured Ao Wuqing in the barracks yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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