Chapter 200 Shirtless Battle
"Junior, die for me!"

The Crane God Venerable was the first to strike, and he had long been brooding over the fact that he had fallen short in the fight with Xiao Yu.His figure soars into the air, and his thin body is not conspicuous, but the huge white crane behind him is something that people dare not ignore.

The releaser of the white crane had a powerful momentum, flapped its giant wings, and a violent wind fell from the sky.


Xiao Yu snorted, folded his hands in front of his chest, resisting the raging wind from the front, his feet wiped a very obvious mark on the floor.


Just as the wind in front of him weakened a little, Xiao Yu heard a cold snort from behind, and his complexion changed immediately.

A crack opened in the space behind him, and a cyan dragon claw protruded from it, carrying a terrifying force enough to seriously injure a person in the first level of concentration level, and slapped towards Xiao Yu's back.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were focused, his body spun in a whirl, and his leg had already swept on the cyan dragon's claw.



Where the two collided, a terrifying energy storm swept over. Under this storm, whether it was the ground of the Xiao Family Square or the surrounding courtyard walls, they were all blasted into pieces, and countless fragments blasted towards the surroundings. shoot away.The buildings within a hundred meters away from them were also affected, and they were knocked down by the energy.


The powerhouses of the other four families who were hundreds of feet away felt the approach of this terrifying energy storm, and all of them changed their faces and retreated, while at the same time, the vitality in their bodies resisted.


There were a few masters at the first level of the Yuan-shattering realm with a mouthful of blood, obviously suffering from trauma.Everyone was staring at the direction of the Xiao family, their faces extremely horrified.

"Just the aftermath of the battle can have such a terrifying effect!"

Ao Wuji's face was pale, and his heart became more and more terrified.His younger brother Ao Wuqing fell into the hands of this group of people, he really didn't know what to do.

Xiao Yu and the Dragon God Venerable had a hard time, the strong force contained in his legs made the Dragon God Venerable startled, his body shot backwards, retreated more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure, and looked at Xiao Yu There was a trace of seriousness in his gaze.

Xiao Yu was also slapped by the green dragon's claws of the Dragon God Venerable, and he turned around several times in the air before releasing the force.

As soon as he stopped, Xiao Yu felt the strong wind above his head, and the space around him seemed to be a little overwhelmed by this terrible offensive, and there was a loud explosion.

Xiao Yu raised his head to look at the sky, and the elephant god was already standing in the air, and behind him, a giant elephant with two hoofs condensed by divine power connected to the tower, and the space below was shattered piece by piece, and it collapsed towards Xiao Yu.

"Rocket bombardment!"

Xiao Yu didn't panic at all, he made seals with his hands on his chest, and three rocket shells shot upwards from his chest.



The rockets bombarded the space debris, and the first shot blasted all the space debris, and the second and third hit the giant elephant's hooves one after the other.


The Elephant God Venerable snorted, and took a few steps in the void.Under Xiao Yu's rocket bombardment, he felt his viscera tremble, which was extremely uncomfortable. What surprised him the most was the fact that Xiao Yu used martial arts that he had never seen or heard before.How would he know that this is the ultimate skill of the heroic bombardier in League of Legends?
"Eagle Claw!"

Just as God Zun Xiang retreated, there was another loud shout from Xiao Yu's side, and a huge eagle claw was extremely fast, directly penetrating the space and grabbing Xiao Yu's back.


Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, his figure flew to one side, and avoided the next blow of the eagle claw.He had just focused on dealing with the three of them with all his strength, but the fourth person was powerless, so the Ying Shenzun wounded Xiao Yu with one blow.

A huge scar appeared on Xiao Yu's back, and blood flowed out, staining his white clothes red.The Eagle God Venerable had a gloomy expression, and there was no trace of joy on his face.

In his opinion, his move was enough to disembowel Xiao Yu, but it only left a wound on Xiao Yu's body, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Your body is so strong, it really surprises me."

The Eagle God Venerable said coldly.

"Hey, are you still called a god? Four old dogs, how shameless!"

Xiao Yu sneered again and again, the faces of the four gods trembled, and they all blushed extremely at Xiao Yu's words.Any one of them can be regarded as the strongest in the world today. In some medium-sized empires, they can even become overlords and call themselves kings. Although they serve in a mysterious sect at the same time, everyone is very proud and never disdains the younger generation. Gu, but today it was four against one, and it took so long to take down Xiao Yu, it was really embarrassing.

"Xiao Yu, what happened?"

At this moment, Xiao Yun's anxious voice came from a distance, and Xiao Yu frowned.

"Brother? Oops!"

Xiao Yu's complexion changed, his body moved, and he spanned a distance of tens of feet in an instant, and all the four great gods were left behind by him.

"Want to go?"

The faces of the four gods became solemn, and they had already locked onto Xiao Yu. The four of them disappeared, and in the next moment, they appeared behind Xiao Yu at a distance of Zhang Xu.

Spatial movement, this is the strongest means possessed by the Concentration Realm powerhouse.

Xiao Yu naturally felt the movement behind him. He just glanced sideways, but the next second his speed increased dramatically, and Xiao Yun's figure in front of him had already appeared.

"Brother, let's go!"

Xiao Yu let out a loud roar, and suddenly rushed forward, hitting Xiao Yun's chest with a palm, and a gentle force directly pushed Xiao Yun hundreds of feet away.


The four gods released their powerful attacks behind Xiao Yu. Suddenly, dragon claws, crane shadows, elephant hooves and eagle claws roared in the air, and they all attacked Xiao Yu in front.

"Brother, listen to me, let's go!"

Seeing that Xiao Yu, who was hundreds of meters away, wanted to charge up again, Xiao Yu let out a loud shout, and turned around to block the four violent attacks.


Xiao Yu blocked the joint attack of the four with one person's strength, and immediately spurted a mouthful of blood, and the wound behind him was even more blood splattered.


Xiao Yu's figure smashed into a private house, and the private house was instantly torn apart.

"Xiao Yu is fighting four against one?"

The strong men of the other four families obviously saw Xiao Yu's figure, swallowing their saliva one by one, their faces full of horror.

Ao Wuji opened his mouth, if he believed 100% in the matter of Ao Wuqing being captured by the Concentration Realm before, now he really believed it [-]%.

"When did our Huoyun Empire have so many Concentration-level powerhouses?"

Ao Wuji turned to the four Gods of Dragon, Crane, Elephant and Eagle, his heart trembled.

"Little Feather!"

Xiao Yun's eyes turned red when he saw Xiao Yu was seriously injured. He knew the horror of these four people, and even Xiao Yu couldn't resist them. What could he do when he went up?
He remembered Xiao Yu's roar just now, gritted his teeth, turned around and fled.

"People from the Xiao family, don't let them go!"

He Shenzun was about to pursue him, when the private house beside him where Xiao Yu was buried suddenly exploded.


Under the violent explosion, the tyrannical divine power in front of the four gods condensed into a barrier, blocking the scattered bricks, stones and tiles.

"We haven't finished fighting yet!"

Xiao Yu stood in the ruins, his eyes shot a little bit cold, and the hearts of the four great gods trembled.

"If you want to kill someone from my Xiao family, pass me first!"

There was still some dust on Xiao Yu's face, he was shocked suddenly, and all the clothes on his upper body turned into debris and fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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