Chapter 205 Breakthrough
The giant eagle was burned into nothingness under the breath of the golden dragon, and completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth. Even the figure of the eagle god did not appear again, obviously he was completely dead.

For some reason, after the death of these two people, everyone noticed that the five-clawed golden dragon had grown a lot in size, and its power was also stronger than before.


The giant elephant shrank into a human figure in an instant, and the elephant god was full of panic and inhumanity. He tore open a space crack and wanted to escape, but found that a shadow had enveloped him.


When he looked up, he saw a huge golden dragon claw pressing towards him. He only had time to scream, but when the dragon claw pressed down on the ground, he couldn't move at all.


With a soft sound, the huge five-clawed golden dragon dissipated away, and the golden light gathered into a figure, which was stepping on the body of Zun Xiang, and it was Xiao Yu who was naked to the waist.

"Hmph! God Venerable? It's just rubbish."

Xiao Yu grinned, and Ao Wuji and the others felt terrified of this smile.

"It's just a devil, what else can't he do?"

Ao Wuji swallowed his saliva, and suddenly felt an unprecedented fear in his heart.

"If he knows what we did to Zixuan, then..."

Ao Wuji didn't dare to think about it anymore, he took a few deep breaths before suppressing the hard-to-disguise fear in his heart.

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!"

The elephant god wanted to break free from Xiao Yu's control, but found that Xiao Yu's strength was several times stronger than before, and he was able to suppress him so that he could not move.He immediately begged for mercy with a winning streak, and he no longer had the slightest arrogance before.

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, he had previously killed the Dragon God and the Eagle God by Thunder, but left the Elephant God alone, so naturally he had his plan.He had already observed that among the four people, this elephant god was the most greedy for life and afraid of death, and his will was weak. If he was spared, he should be able to learn about their power from his mouth.


Xiao Maifei, who recovered from the shock, rushed to Xiao Yu's side, seeing Xiao Yu's majesty like an emperor ruling the world, even he was overwhelmed.

"Grandpa, where are the others?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, this was something he was worried about.

"I've ordered them to leave!" Xiao Maifei looked at the elephant god who was like a dead dog on the ground, "Who are they and what happened?"

"Grandpa, I will tell you more about this matter later, I also want to find out their identities first!"

Xiao Yu turned the Elephant God over and stepped on it again, only to hear "click", several ribs of the Elephant God were broken, and he immediately let out a painful howl.

"If you don't want to die, you can, tell me what faction you belong to, you only have one chance!"

Xiao Yu's icy eyes stared directly into the heart of Zun Xiang, making him feel cold all over his body, especially when he recalled the tragic experience of his three companions before, his heart was even colder.

"I, I say! Don't kill me!"

Lord Xiang Shen nodded repeatedly, he was a person who was afraid of death, facing such a strong man like Xiao Yu, how could he resist at all.


Xiao Yu roared loudly, shaking the god like a god whose heart was about to burst out of his chest.

"we are……"

When Zun Xiang Shen said the key point, his eyes suddenly opened wide and his face twisted.


Xiao Yu's complexion changed slightly, and he secretly felt bad, he felt the power in the body of Xiang Shenzun that was violently expanding.He directly threw the elephant deity in his hand into the distance.

"Grandpa, let's go!"

Xiao Yu grabbed Xiao Maifei's shoulder and pulled him back quickly, trying to keep the distance from the elephant god as far as possible.In this flash, there is a distance of thousands of feet, and he has retreated to the same place as Ao Wuji and others in an instant.


The body of the elephant god in the distance suddenly swelled and turned into a huge ball, and then exploded suddenly. A violent force raged around him with him as the center. Hundreds of houses closer to him All turned into fly ash in an instant.

The aftermath of energy shot towards Xiao Yu and the others, he snorted coldly, stepped forward, and a very special energy swept out, forming a barrier hundreds of feet thick in front, resisting all the raging energy storm .

Seeing the energy released by Xiao Yu, Xiao Maifei's complexion changed drastically, with an expression of disbelief on his face.


A mushroom cloud appeared in the sky where Zun Zun's body exploded, which shows how terrible its destructive power is. All the buildings within a radius of ten thousand zhang around Zun Zun Xiang were destroyed and dilapidated, leaving only some ruins.

The two major forces of Tianyun Academy and Duanyun faction were also slightly affected, and several gates and walls were all blasted into pieces by the shock wave.

"Blow yourself up?"

Xiao Yu looked at this scene with a gloomy expression, his fists were creaking, and the astonishing aura emanating from his body made Deao Wuji and the others feel like bowing their heads and worshiping, even Xiao Maifei stepped into the contemplation. The strong man in the environment also felt dark in his heart, feeling that it was hard to resist.

"Yu'er, what happened just now?"

Xiao Maifei asked.

"There seems to be something buried in that guy's body. As long as he is touched, he will explode instantly, and the person who touches it is probably very far away from this place!"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

"What?" Xiao Maifei was startled, "I've heard of this kind of method. It's a method used by some vicious forces to control their subordinates. But it's usually only done by strong people with big means, at least It is also necessary to set foot on the peak of the concentration state. At this point, they will set up a restriction in the body of the subordinate, and at the same time leave a special mark on the subordinate's body to monitor their words and deeds. If they find that the subordinate wants to reveal the secret of the sect, then Then the ban will be detonated, and the subordinates will explode and die."

"There is such a thing, that is to say, their mysterious force has a strong man at the peak of the concentration state!"

Xiao Yu pondered, but he had a general idea of ​​this mysterious force in his heart.At the peak of the concentration state, if such a strong person appears, even Xiao Yu is not sure that he will be able to retreat completely.

"Yu'er, when I watched you release the barrier just now, the vitality in your body has been transformed into divine power, and you have stepped into the state of concentration?"

Xiao Maifei held back the shock in his heart and forced his tone to remain calm, but the slightly trembling voice still betrayed him.

"Hmm! I just stepped in!"

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter, but it made everyone around him turn pale in astonishment, and they all looked at Xiao Yu with horror on their faces.

"Concentration state? This..."

Ao Wuji felt that his heart was about to be overwhelmed.It was shocking that Xiao Yu was actually promoted in battle.As we all know, it takes time to stabilize the state when being promoted, and even more needs a quiet environment. If it is disturbed by external forces, the state will slip, and the state will slip, and the mind will be insane, but all these are completely absent in Xiao Yu.

Countless people gasped. When Xiao Yu broke through the Yuan Realm, he could kill the masters of the Concentrating Concentration Realm. Now that he has stepped into the Concentration Concentration Realm, how terrifying would it be?

(End of this chapter)

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