Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 208 Strange Village Name

Chapter 208 Strange Village Name
"No, there are people in this house, why don't you see them lighting up the lights? It's just after evening. Could it be that they have already turned off the lights and gone to sleep?"

Xiao Jinxiu frowned, she clearly sensed the slight breathing in the house.


A gust of wind blew, and everyone couldn't help shivering, feeling the chill behind them.

"Hey, after running for a whole day, I thought I could have a place to rest, but who would have thought that the people in this village would be so hostile!"

Some people can't help but complain.

"Let's advance to the village!"

Xiao Yu naturally knew that everyone was tired, even if they were not tired, the horses under them still needed to rest and eat.

A group of people walked into the village. The roads in this village were quite spacious, and they could even accommodate them.Xiao Yu walked to a house that looked larger, and knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Under Xiao Yu's induction, the people in the house suddenly became short of breath, but tried their best to suppress it, as if they didn't want to make a sound.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yu frowned, feeling that these people were really strange.He shook his head and knocked on the next one, but the result was the same as before.


Xiao Yu looked at the exhausted crowd behind him, and decided to break in directly.

"Wait for me here for a while, I'll be right there!"

Everyone nodded, Xiao Yu jumped into the courtyard wall.

This house is obviously inhabited, and all kinds of equipment in the courtyard are free of dust, and there are still some footprints in the soft soil in the courtyard.

Xiao Yu went straight to one of the rooms. He knew there were people in this room, so he deliberately amplified the footsteps to see how the people in the room would react.

There were three people in the room, and when they heard Xiao Yu's footsteps, their whole bodies tensed up, and their hearts were beating non-stop.

Xiao Yu grinned, and there seemed to be movement in the room.

"Kill it!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar, the doors of the three houses in the courtyard where Xiao Yu was all opened, and the torches were lit, and two or three people rushed out from each house, holding poles, hatchets and other utensils in their hands Greeted to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was stunned. He didn't expect these ordinary people to have such a big reaction. He leaned slightly, tapped his toes, and his body shape had changed many times on the spot. All hit the empty space.


These seven or eight ordinary village names were shocked, none of the weapons in their hands hit Xiao Yu, which made them more sure that Xiao Yu was the monster that had been rampant recently.

"Everyone, what do you mean by doing this?"

Xiao Yu said loudly.Xiao Jinxiu and the others outside the courtyard all heard the movement, but they didn't move, they all stayed where they were, and none of them forgot Xiao Yu's order just now.What's more, they all know the situation in the house very well, how can these mountain village names hurt Xiao Yu?

Those who besieged Xiao Yu were taken aback for a moment, and they immediately exclaimed when they saw it.

"Oh my god, it's a person, everyone stop!"

One of the middle-aged people called out, and everyone stopped their movements. Xiao Yu was handsome and elegant, so they naturally knew that they had hit the wrong target.

"Young master, you...how did you come to my house?"

The middle-aged man was bolder, he stepped forward and asked Xiao Yu.

"I knocked on the door just now, but no one answered, so I wanted to come in to see if anyone was there. My friends and I wanted to stay overnight!"

Xiao Yu pointed to the door, he didn't care about these people's attack on him just now, he already knew from their tone, obviously they recognized the wrong person, or they took Xiao Yu as some kind of person they were afraid of. thing.

"Ah! Is that so?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, before he put down the weapon in his hand, Xiao Yu's tone was sincere and peaceful, and without malice, he naturally relaxed his vigilance.

The rest of the people were still a little nervous. One of the young men took two steps back and said in a trembling voice: "Uncle Biao, you can't trust him, don't you remember what Liu Laosan said?"

The middle-aged man named Uncle Biao was stunned for a moment, and raised the hatchet in his hand again, distanced himself from Xiao Yu, and looked at Xiao Yu nervously.

"What happened to these people? Why are they so afraid?"

Xiao Yu felt that something was wrong, so he planned to ask first. The young man who spoke before had brandished a stick and hit Xiao Yu on the head.

Xiao Yu shook his head and stretched out his hand to make a move. They only felt a suction force coming from their hands, and the weapons in their hands couldn't be held immediately, and they all flew out of their hands.


All the weapons fell on the ground, Xiao Yu said patiently: "Everyone, you have also seen that it is very easy for me to kill you, will I still talk nonsense with you here? I have no malicious intentions, I just want to ask where there is A place to stay."

Everyone looked at the empty hands and took a few steps back in horror.The middle-aged man named Uncle Biao seemed to have thought of something and suddenly became agitated.

"Are you a martial artist?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "Forget it, what happened to you guys? Why are every household shutting up and not even lighting the lights?"

Uncle Biao looked at Xiao Yu carefully again, before he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Young master, I'm really sorry, just now we regarded you as a monster, that's why we attacked you!"

"Monster?" Xiao Yu asked, "Is there a monster in this village?"

Uncle Biao nodded, and said, "That's right! Let's talk about the specifics in the house, my lord, please come in."

This Uncle Biao also traveled across the country when he was young, and he has seen a lot. After knowing that Xiao Yu is a martial artist, he suddenly became active. If he could ask Xiao Yu for help, the tragedy in the village might be stopped.

"There are my friends outside the door. I wonder if I can inform other families to open the door and let them stay overnight. Don't worry, we will definitely pay you a lot!"

Xiao Yu cupped his hands at Uncle Biao, without any arrogance.After he avenged the murder of his mother, his character really became much calmer.

"Since there are still friends, let them come in together!"

Uncle Biao opened the courtyard door as he spoke. He was stunned when he saw the scene outside the courtyard. More than a hundred people were standing on the village road looking at him.

"This... son, are these all your friends?"

Uncle Biao turned his head in surprise, Xiao Yu nodded.

"Then let them come in directly!"

Uncle Biao took a look at everyone in Xiao's family, and found that they were all young men and women, so he immediately waved his hand to invite them to come in.

"Uncle, I'm afraid your house can't accommodate so many people?"

Xiao Yu was a little strange. Although the courtyard was big, it was impossible to accommodate so many people.

"Don't worry, let them come in, make sure everyone can live!"

Uncle Biao smiled and didn't care.

Xiao Jinxiu had already led the members of the Xiao family across the courtyard gate.

(End of this chapter)

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