Chapter 210 Full Moon
In the room, Xiao Jinxiu couldn't sleep no matter what, she was thinking wildly all the time, always thinking about what could happen to Xiao Yu with her, and also afraid of what would happen to Xiao Yu, this feeling was the most exciting.

Xiao Yu lay on his side facing the door of the house, rested with his eyes closed, and completely relaxed his mind.The responsibility of the Xiao family is always to have someone to resist, and as the strongest, he is the only candidate.With great power comes great responsibility.

Xiao Yu was a little bit embarrassed when he recalled the hatred he had towards the Xiao family back then.When Yang Shucheng died at the hands of three members of the Xiao family, he brought his hatred for Sima Yu to the Xiao family. He did have the idea of ​​letting the Xiao family perish, and he was very persistent at one time.But all of these disappeared the moment Xiao Maifei appeared.

No matter what, Xiao Yu's surname is Xiao, and he is from the Xiao family.

"Some things are not static, they are full of many variables!"

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart and opened his eyes.

It was already late at night, but he suddenly felt sleepless and stood up.

Xiao Jinxiu, who was not asleep, suddenly tensed up, her heart beating violently.

"Brother Xiao Yu got up, what... what is he going to do?"

"Me, should I resist or obey him?"

While Xiao Jinxiu was thinking wildly, Xiao Yu had already opened the door and walked out.

"Bah, bah, what am I thinking, how could Xiao Yu be that kind of person?"

Xiao Jinxiu couldn't help scolding herself for being shameless.

The round table and wooden benches in the yard did not move away, Xiao Yu sat aside, the tea on the table was already cold.

Xiao Yu poured himself a cup of tea, drank it slowly, and recalled the road he had traveled all these years, like a dream.

At the end of the village, a black shadow was extremely fast and flashed directly onto the village road. Its scarlet eyes looked at the row of houses where the members of the Xiao family lived. After sniffing, it immediately changed direction and looked at the village road. Houses on the other side.


With a strange cry, it leaped over the wall and fell into one of the courtyards.It went to one of the rooms, its nose sniffed, and its eyes sparkled with excitement.


With a low growl, it rushed directly into the room.The wooden door couldn't stop it at all.


When the people in the house heard the movement, they were about to yell, but it had already rushed at the person, its sharp teeth biting his throat.


Xiao Yu, who was drinking tea, suddenly changed his expression, and he felt an extremely strong murderous aura.


Xiao Yu's figure rose directly into the sky, standing in the air.

"where is it?"

He glanced quickly at each of the houses below, trying to determine the source of the murderous intent.What surprised him was that the strong murderous aura just now suddenly disappeared.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and sensed again, but found nothing.

He fell from the air to the ground and sniffed.

"The smell of blood? It's there!"

Xiao Yu had lived in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for three years and was very sensitive to smells. He immediately determined the direction of the bloody smell and shot directly at one of the courtyards.

The courtyard was pitch black, but with Xiao Yu's strength, he had already reached the point where he could see things at night, and now it was no different from daytime to him.At a glance, he saw the blood flowing out of the houses in the courtyard.When he entered the door, he saw that a woman who looked like a village girl had died, her throat had been bitten off, and all the internal organs in her stomach had been emptied.

"How is it possible? Why can't I feel it at all?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled, he really felt the presence of murderous intent just now, and the woman who was bitten to death here also proved his sense was correct, but now he couldn't feel where the murderer was at all.

There are only two possibilities. The first is that the murderer is much stronger than him. The probability of this is very small. The second is that the murderer can hide the breath. There are many techniques to hide the breath in this world.

"I don't believe it!"

Xiao Yu supported the ground with one hand, a circle of colorful cards suddenly appeared on the ground, and at the same time, everything within a radius of ten thousand li was under his control.


Xiao Yu frowned, he didn't notice the monster Uncle Biao mentioned.

"how can that be?"

Xiao Yu never believed that the monster had escaped. The woman had obviously died not long ago. No matter how fast the monster was, it was impossible for it to cross thousands of miles in an instant. As long as it was within this range, Xiao Yu would definitely be able to spot it, but now Even Xiao Yu couldn't explain the situation.


Xiao Yu's complexion changed suddenly, he noticed that there was a person lying in the courtyard next to this courtyard, a young man.He leaned against the courtyard wall and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Xiao Yu stood up, jumped over the wall and fell into the courtyard next door. He saw the young man leaning against the courtyard wall.

This young man has an ordinary appearance, dressed in coarse linen, with some sand on his fingers, a typical country boy.Xiao Yu's gaze stayed on him, feeling strange in his heart.

Xiao Yu walked into that young man, and he didn't feel any strange aura on his body, most importantly, he didn't smell even a trace of blood.

"If he had killed the woman just now, the blood in his body must have not dissipated at this moment. It seems that he is not the murderer. It is not strange that people in the countryside like to sleep on the ground. I am overthinking."

Xiao Yu shook his head, he had to pay attention to the strangeness of this matter.He jumped out of the courtyard and quickly returned to the courtyard where he lived before.

"Uncle Biao!"

Xiao Yu knocked lightly on the gate of Uncle Biao's courtyard, waking him up.

"Hey, here we come, what's the matter, Young Master Xiao?" Uncle Biao opened the door sleepily with his clothes on, and when he looked at the sky, he asked strangely, "Young Master Xiao, what's going on at night? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Uncle Biao, he's dead!"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.


Uncle Biao was shocked immediately, and his drowsiness dispelled a lot. He looked at Xiao Yu and asked in horror: "What's going on?"

Xiao Yu recounted what happened before.

"Wait, I'll wake everyone up right now!"

Uncle Biao got dressed in a hurry, and called his family and other village households.

In the middle of the night, the originally quiet village suddenly became lively. Every household went out to light torches, and many people shouted, "He's dead again."

The disciples of the Xiao family all looked puzzled, and they didn't know what happened, but they still got dressed and got up when they heard the movement.

Nearly 400 people occupied the village road at once.

"Master Xiao, in which room did you find it?"

Uncle Biao asked.

As soon as Xiao Yu pointed, Uncle Biao's expression changed immediately.

"Oh, that's the home of the widow Huniu. Her husband died not long ago, and she was the only one left. We originally let her live with the women in the village, but she refused to say anything, saying that she wanted to keep a vigil for her husband. In January, I felt like something was going to happen sooner or later."

Uncle Biao patted himself on the forehead, and ran towards Hu Niu's house with a group of young and strong boys.

Xiao Yu looked at the moon in the sky. Tonight's moon is very round and full.

(End of this chapter)

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