Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 216 Overlord God of War

Chapter 216 Overlord God of War
Sensing Xiao Jinxiu's gaze, Xiao Yu also looked over.As soon as he met Xiao Yu's gaze, Xiao Jinxiu immediately turned his head away, not daring to meet his gaze.

How could Xiao Yu not know what happened before? When he shot from the space crack, he saw himself transformed into a werewolf hugging Xiao Jinxiu tightly. At first he didn't understand, but after thinking about it, he realized Know why this happened.

"Oh, why did you provoke another one!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed, he didn't want to have too much contact with girls from the bottom of his heart, now he hasn't figured out the things about Ao Zixuan, Liu Piaoxu, Lin Qingbing, and Yang Xiruo, but Xiao Jinxiu has been added.

He knew that Xiao Jinxiu had no blood relationship with him, but the thinking of modern people tried their best to avoid any cross-line relationship with his cousin.

"Young Master Xiao!"

Uncle Biao walked up to Xiao Yu and knelt down suddenly.

Xiao Yu raised his hand, and an invisible force forcibly lifted Uncle Biao's figure, and he said coldly: "Uncle Biao, the villagers took our group to stay overnight, and I will help you catch all the culprits. It's a matter of you coming and going, it's only natural, if you want to thank me in this way, then I won't accept it."


Uncle Biao was at a loss for words for a moment, he naturally heard Xiao Yu's unquestionable tone, and immediately dared not perform this great gift again.

"Then Mr. Xiao, let the whole village thank you tonight for your great kindness!"

Uncle Biao didn't speak, but all the villagers behind him said in unison.

Xiao Yu knew it was hard to turn down the kindness, so naturally he didn't shirk it. Everyone in the Xiao family cheered and cheered. It was natural for them to wish for such a rural banquet in such a boring day of traveling.

That night, the village did not turn off the lights again for vigilance. Instead, every household opened their doors and lit all the lights. The whole village could see the brightly lit scene from a distance.

Uncle Biao and other villagers took out the best things from each family, and set up a long table on the village road, forming a long queue.The children of the Xiao family sat on one side with the village names, chatted and drank, and had a good time.

The corpses of the werewolf and the skinny old man Yan Lingzi had been completely burned by Xiao Yu's fire pillar, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

"Young Master Xiao, we peasants, we are so lucky to meet a hero like you!"

Uncle Biao drank a lot, and now he can't speak clearly.

Xiao Yu drank the wine toasted by the villagers one cup after another, and some pretty girls among them gave him a glance, but he could only sit straight and ignore it.

"Uncle Biao, you don't need to say that, martial arts practitioners may not be superior, many martial arts practitioners are even inferior to animals, pigs and dogs, you don't need to think too highly of them!"

Xiao Yu smiled and spoke bluntly.After hearing this, Uncle Biao was taken aback. In the past, when he traveled to the north and south to do some small business, he also met many martial arts practitioners, but every martial arts practitioner was proud of being able to martial arts, and belittled martial arts practitioners like Xiao Yu He has never seen it.

Xiao Yu drank a few more drinks with Uncle Biao, and Uncle Biao was so overwhelmed with alcohol that he collapsed on the dining table.

Early the next morning, almost all the villagers were still sound asleep at home. Last night they indulged themselves for the first time in half a year, and completely relaxed their tense nerves.

The members of the Xiao family were already ready to go, Xiao Yu looked at the 190 seven members of the Xiao family including Xiao Jinxiu, one of them was quite a few, and nodded inwardly.

Before the banquet started last night, he had told them not to get drunk and not to delay the next day's schedule. This morning, no one was absent.

"The Xiao family will still need fresh blood in the future!"

Xiao Yu was in a good mood, he was interested in growing such a family just now.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Xiao Yu waved his hand and took the lead.Xiao Jinxiu followed, but instead of walking side by side, he followed behind him.


Everyone in the Xiao family shouted in unison, and the horses galloped all of a sudden, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The group walked for three days. They were not very lucky during these three days. They did not come across a place like the Unnamed Village for them to stay. Along the way, everyone traveled during the day and slept in the open at night. Fortunately, everyone is a martial artist. Although this kind of day is bitter, it is nothing.

On the fourth day, Xiao Yu and his party finally could no longer walk the country road.On their way to the west, they had to pass through a city.

This city does not belong to any empire, it exists independently, and this city is called Shura City.

"I heard that this city does not belong to any empire, why is it so lively?"

Xiao Yu and his group came to Shura City, and found that the city gate was wide open, countless people were coming in and out, without any restrictions, not even a gatekeeper.Seeing this situation, Xiao Jinxiu said strangely.

"Hey, little girl, don't you know that?" On the left side of Xiao Yu and his party, a black-robed man wearing a bamboo hat whose face could not be seen said with a smile, "This Asura City has a radius of several million The only trading place in the mile, do you think it is lively?"

Xiao Jinxiu heard that although the man in black's voice was low, his tone was calm and without any malice, so he asked curiously: "I wonder if senior knows why this city is called Shura City?"

"Senior?" The man in black robe wearing a bamboo hat was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, "If someone asks me, I may not say it, but if I call you senior, I will tell you."

Xiao Jinxiu put on an attitude of listening attentively, and the rest of the Xiao family stretched out their ears, even Xiao Yu was a little interested.

The corners of the black-robed man's mouth curled up a bit, obviously he was very proud of everyone's attitude, he put on an inscrutable tone and said: "A million years ago, the mainland was still in ancient times, and there was an extremely strong man who killed Entering Taoism, using killing skills to cultivate martial arts, his strength has grown extremely rapidly, and he has reached the top of the mainland pyramid in just 200 years. His strength is frightening. Many strong people just listen to their names and turn around and flee. Many people When you mention him, your face will change miserably."

"Ah? So powerful, but what does this have to do with Shura City?"

Xiao Jinxiu asked.

"Don't worry, listen to me!"

The black-robed man wearing the hat stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Jinxiu's shoulder. Xiao Yu noticed his hand and showed a strange expression on his face.

"This strong man was called Emperor Shura in ancient times. This city was also his main city at that time. Naturally, it was named after 'Sura'. However, after his fall, this city of Shura was searched by countless strong men. Clean, the valuable treasures of this city have disappeared at this moment, but there is an extremely well-preserved trading ground here, so it has become the only trading place within a million miles."

As the man in black spoke, he waved his fingers and paced left and right.

"Ah, so that's the case!" Xiao Jinxiu asked curiously, "However, Emperor Shura is so powerful, how did he die?"

The black-robed man smiled mysteriously, and his tone suddenly became solemn: "He was beheaded by someone, and the person who killed him was known as the Batian God of War in ancient times."

(End of this chapter)

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