Chapter 219 Fu Yan
"It's strange, sister Xiao doesn't seem worried at all, what's going on?"

Long Jingxin was very puzzled. She originally wanted to help Xiao Yu block Zhang Long, but thinking of Xiao Yu's attitude and arrogant tone just now, she gave up this idea. She planned to ask Zhang Long to give Xiao Yu a thorough blow. After learning the lesson, she only needs to save Xiao Yu's life.

Xiao Yu didn't even stand up, but picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating. Xiao Jinxiu was just like him, relaxed and freehand.

Zhang Long was furious in his heart, he had never been so underestimated by anyone, and when he was about to make a move, his complexion suddenly changed.Long Jingxin and the three young men at the table behind Xiao Yu also changed drastically.


A violent explosion sounded from the distant sky, and everyone saw a wave of air dispersing from high altitude, pressing towards the restaurant.Seeing this wave of air, both Zhang Long and Long Jingxin all looked solemn.

"Let's do it together!"

The young man at the table behind Xiao Yu who had been watching the distance shouted loudly, and all the disciples of the Liufeng Sect on this floor came to the fence of the restaurant and shot together.Long Jingxin also joined the ranks, and Zhang Long couldn't care less about Xiao Yu at the moment, and hurriedly shot at the air waves rolling in from outside.


The tyrannical vitality of more than a hundred yuan-breakers swept forward and collided with the roaring air waves, making a dull sound.

Long Jingxin and the others all flickered, and those whose strength was at the fourth level of the Yuan Shattering Realm all took a few steps back, but they simply blocked the wave of air.

Except for Xiao Yu, everyone looked at the distant sky, there were bursts of disturbing fluctuations, and the two figures kept interlacing, obviously they were fighting.

"That's Elder Liu!"

Long Jingxin saw the figure in the sky clearly and exclaimed.


All the disciples of Liufengmen were taken aback for a moment, their expressions were extremely horrified, they came out to participate in the auction this time, Elder Liu was responsible for taking care of them and their group, their strength had already reached the second level of concentration level, yet the man in the sky could match him The fight was inextricably linked, how could this not surprise them?

Not only them, but even the other restaurants around them exclaimed again and again. They are almost all strong in the Yuan-shattering realm, so they naturally know what the battle at that level in the sky means.

"Bang bang bang!"

The blows in the sky were extremely swift and violent, and there were constant muffled sounds.Xiao Yu only cared about eating with his head down, completely ignoring the rare fight in the distance.Countless powerhouses in Shura City watched with relish the fight between the two powerhouses in the concentration state in the sky. Most of them had the mentality of watching a show, but the disciples of Liufengmen were a little worried.

"Everyone, don't worry, with Elder Liu's strength, he can't do anything in the ordinary state of concentration."

Long Jingxin noticed everyone's strangeness, so she spoke out.Hearing what Long Jingxin said, those disciples were just relieved.


Two huge palms appeared in the sky, colliding with each other suddenly.If the terrifying fluctuations were contaminated even a little bit, even the powerhouse at the peak of the Shattering Origin Realm would have to be severely injured on the spot.Fortunately, the two were fighting at high altitude, and the strong one below the rest of the wave could barely block it.


There was another confrontation, and the two people in the sky took a few steps back. Seeing this, Long Jingxin frowned, and the other disciples of the Liufeng Sect also looked extremely ugly.Because just now they clearly saw that their Elder Liu took two steps back, that is to say, in the battle in the sky, Elder Liu was at a disadvantage.

"Who is that person, and why is he so strong?"

Long Jingxin stared, the man who fought Elder Liu in the sky was dressed in red, his eyes were bright, like a burning flame, but he couldn't see his face clearly.


Suddenly, countless wind currents scattered in the sky, and one of the wind currents grazed the roof of a certain restaurant, cutting off a floor of the building immediately.

When Long Jingxin and the others saw this scene, they all exclaimed: "Whirlwind? You actually forced Elder Liu to such a point."

In the sky where Elder Liu was, a long knife condensed by divine power suddenly appeared. The long knife was ten thousand feet in size, surrounded by countless cyan wind currents visible to the naked eye, and even that space was cut into countless roads by the wind currents. tiny pieces.


There was a light sound in the sky. At first, everyone had no effect, but then the light sound suddenly became extremely harsh, almost piercing people's eardrums.

Many people covered their ears, but Long Jingxin and others were very surprised that they were not affected in any way.


The divine power sword slashed straight down in the air, but the red-clothed figure did not dodge or dodge, a terrifying torrent of divine power suddenly burst out of his body, and the divine power formed a fiery red barrier around him, and the barrier grew from small to large , exploded violently.


Terrifying power suddenly swept away, and the moment the fiery red barrier burst, countless fiery red lines with the thickness of the wrist flew out, and they bound the divine power sword released by Elder Liu in circles. , In the blink of an eye, a huge fiery red ball has completely wrapped the divine power long knife in it.


With a crisp sound, the huge ball exploded, and the divine long knife in it was directly blasted into pieces all over the sky.

In the sky, Elder Liu donated blood and sprayed wildly, his figure flew down, and by no coincidence, he flew towards the restaurant where Long Jingxin was.

"Ah! Elder Liu!"

Long Jingxin let out an exclamation, and Zhang Long beside him and the two youths at the seventh level of the Origin Breaking Realm flew out together.Long Jingxin and Zhang Long's palms touched Elder Liu's back at the same time.


The two immediately spurted out a bloody arrow, and the two young men behind them quickly put their palms on the backs of Zhang Long and Long Jingxin, and immediately two more bloody arrows spurted out.

Five people smashed into the restaurant from the outside, and the disciples of Liufengmen finally caught the five people together.


There was a sharp piercing sound, and the figure in red had already appeared outside the restaurant. This time, everyone could clearly see that it was a very ordinary-looking middle-aged man.With a cruel smile on his face, he looked at Elder Liu in the restaurant.

"Liu Changfeng, I haven't seen you for many years, do you feel surprised?"

He licked his lips, bloodthirsty killing intent shot out of his eyes.

Elder Liu struggled to stand up from the disciples, and said angrily: "I knew I shouldn't have let you go, Fu Yan, I can die today, but I hope you don't hurt these disciples of Liufengmen. If the Lord is angry, even if you go to the ends of the earth, He will never let you go."

"Elder Liu!"

Long Jingxin looked sad, this Elder Liu is her half teacher in Liufengmen, but now he wants to sacrifice his life to protect them.The rest of the disciples also looked dejected. They Liufengmen always get face from various forces, but they did not expect to encounter such a situation today.

(End of this chapter)

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