Chapter 222 Help
"What did you say? Say it again!"

Xiao Yu's tone suddenly changed from peaceful to extremely cold, his eyes seemed to pierce Long Jingxin.

Long Jingxin couldn't help taking a step back, she was very puzzled, she didn't know why Xiao Yu's tone suddenly changed when she was talking normally.

"You... what do you want me to say?"

"What do you mean by future sister-in-law? What's the matter?"

Xiao Yu said coldly, one hand was already clasped on Long Jingxin's wrist, and the force from it made Long Jingxin's wrist hurt.

"Ao Zixuan is my elder brother's fiancee and my future sister-in-law, is there any problem?"

Long Jingxin tried to pull his hand away, but it didn't loosen at all, Xiao Yu's hand held it tightly like iron tongs.


Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and his complexion completely sank.

"Is she your elder brother's fiancee?"

Xiao Yu seemed to be talking to himself, he let go of Long Jingxin, and his face was a bit hideous.Long Jingxin had never seen Xiao Yu with such an expression before, and immediately retreated again and again. She was really afraid that Xiao Yu would suddenly attack in anger, and she would really suffer.

Everyone in the Xiao family naturally knew about Ao Zixuan, and they also knew that there was an extremely close relationship between Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu. Now that they heard Long Jingxin say that Ao Zixuan had become someone else's fiancée, Xiao Yu would have reacted like this. Expected.

Even so, among them Xiao Jinxiu had a sad expression on his face.Xiao Yu's appearance shows that Ao Zixuan occupies a unique place in his heart, which is really what she needs, but she understands that it may be very difficult to achieve that step.

"If one day he can be so distraught because of my performance, then I am really willing to die!"

Xiao Jinxiu sighed inwardly.

Xiao Yu's expression changed a few times, and he took a deep breath.

"You asked me to help, did you kill someone or hit someone?"

Long Jingxin was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "It's not murder, at most it's just beating. As long as you promise to help me, I... will be yours for the first time."

"Okay, very good!" Xiao Yu grinned, with an extremely violent meaning in his smile, "I really want to find some people to vent my anger on. Since it's beating someone, then I'll help if I'm so busy."

"Really? That's great!"

Long Jingxin did not expect such a big change in Xiao Yu's attitude, and was immediately overjoyed.

Xiao Yu ignored her, turned to Xiao Jinxiu and said, "Jinxiu, take everyone to find an inn."

"Ah, brother Xiao Yu, you..."

Xiao Jinxiu looked sad, she didn't expect Ao Zixuan to have such a great influence on Xiao Yu, that she could shake his mind.

Xiao Yu's face was determined, Xiao Jinxiu naturally couldn't change what he had decided, Xiao Jinxiu sighed softly in his heart, nodded, and led everyone in the Xiao family.

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at Long Jingxin, and said in a deep voice: "I only have one day, if you have to wait until tomorrow, then I will not accompany you."

Long Jingxin quickly shook her head and said: "No, no, the time is today, just as long as you agree!"

"Okay, tell me what you want to do!"

Xiao Yu said coldly.

"I will stay at the Shura Auction in Shura City. There will be an auction. There is one item that is extremely important to me. I will definitely buy it at a high price. However, there are a lot of fish and dragons in this Shura City. There must be many people coveting it. This thing, if Elder Liu was still in his prime, we would naturally not be afraid, but he was beaten and injured by the man in red just now, and he will not be able to do it for ten days, so I need you to protect me, or help me take it away."

Long Jing gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay, I'm looking for some opponents to play with!"

Xiao Yu said coldly.

After he finished speaking, his thoughts had already flown to the Death Valley of the Fire Cloud Empire. That was the happiest time since he reunited with Ao Zixuan, but now he heard the news that Ao Zixuan became someone else's fiancée News, how can he calm down?

"I can understand that Xuanxuan was brought back to Liufengmen by the elders of Liufengmen, but how could she agree to be someone else's fiancée?"

He never believed that Ao Zixuan's feelings for him were fake, he felt that there must be something strange about this matter.

Even so, he still felt very depressed.

"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet!"

Long Jingxin waved her small hand in front of Xiao Yu's eyes, interrupting his thoughts.

Xiao Yu glanced at Long Jingxin, and said indifferently: "Xiao Yu!"

"Xiao Yu?" Long Jingxin blinked her big eyes, "This name sounds really nice!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do now? I can't wait to find someone to fight!"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

"What a fighting maniac!"

Long Jingxin's heart was dark, but she had a smile on her face: "Let's go back to the restaurant first, there are four more people who will accompany us later."

"Are you talking about the four Yuan-shattering realm seventh level?"

"Huh?" Long Jingxin asked puzzled, "How do you know?"

"Then Elder Liu has been seriously injured. Naturally, he will not be among the people who enter the auction, and it is impossible for the auction to allow so many of your disciples to enter, so it is natural to choose the strongest few, and you said four, your disciples Apart from you, there are only four masters at the seventh level of the Yuan-shattering realm, who else would it be?"

Xiao Yu looked stern, and walked directly towards the restaurant where he had dinner before.

But Long Jingxin became more and more curious about Xiao Yu.

"Den! Deng!"

Everyone in Liufengmen heard the sound of footsteps, clear and steady.

Xiao Yu climbed up to the second floor step by step, and sat down on the previous table, completely ignoring the astonished gazes of Liufengmen disciples around him.

With a joyful expression on her face, Long Jingxin rushed from downstairs, ran to Elder Liu and said, "Elder Liu, he beat me."

"Really? Great!"

Elder Liu also looked overjoyed, he had already determined that Xiao Yu was a young generation from those places, if he was willing to help Long Jingxin, then he was more than [-]% sure of this matter.

Zhang Long's arrogance towards Xiao Yu before did not know where it went, he shrank beside his senior brothers, he didn't want Xiao Yu to see him, for fear that Xiao Yu would come to trouble him.

"Young master, you are willing to help Jingxin girl this time. I am really grateful. I will definitely give you the reward afterwards."

Liu Changfeng walked up to Xiao Yu, arched his hands, and his voice was extremely respectful, which made all the disciples of Liufeng Sect dumbfounded. Elder Liu's status in Liufeng Sect also belongs to the upper class, and no one has ever seen him salute a junior like this before. .But they don't know what Liu Changfeng thinks in his heart. Liu Changfeng thinks that Xiao Yu came from those places. For the vast majority of martial arts practitioners, those places are sacred and inviolable, let alone him. , even their Liufeng sect dare not show any disrespect.

However, Xiao Yu waved his hands and didn't pay much attention to Liu Changfeng.He naturally has his own plan to help Long Jingxin.

"Elder Liu!" Long Jingxin tugged at the corner of Liu Changfeng's clothes, "I have already promised him the reward, so you don't need to worry about it anymore!"

Long Jingxin's face turned red after saying this, making Liu Changfeng confused.

(End of this chapter)

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