Chapter 225 Bidding
"I really don't know what Kaolin bear skin is, I don't know much about these!"

Xiao Yu knew what Long Jingxin was thinking, and replied calmly.He only cared about improving his strength in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, and when he returned to the imperial capital, he hardly had time to read books. It is normal for him not to understand these things.

Long Jingxin put away the thoughts in her heart and explained: "The kaolin bear skin is the fur of an old giant bear. If it is worn on the body, it can make your cultivation more compact, and it will slowly drain the vitality or energy in your body. It is a rare treasure to improve the quality of divine power, but it is extremely difficult to obtain the fur of an old giant bear. These old giant bears usually live on high mountains and are extremely difficult to find, and the old giant bear is a fifth-level spirit. The beast, whose strength is comparable to a strong man in the state of concentration, is extremely difficult to kill, and a Kaolin bear skin is really hard to find."

Xiao Yu nodded, he already understood the value of the kaolin bear skin.But at the same time, Xiao Yu has no interest in these genius treasures.At the beginning, even Panlong Zhanhuang offered him the Thunder Dragon Saber as a gift, and he directly refused, let alone these ordinary treasures that could not be compared with the Thunder Dragon Saber.

Long Jingxin was very interested in this kaolin bear skin, but she still forcibly suppressed her emotions. All the money she brought out this time was for Tianyangcao.If she spends it here, then the competition for Tianyangcao may be extremely disadvantageous.

Zhan Ling'er on the opposite side didn't seem to have any intention of bidding. She looked at Long Jingxin and smiled brightly, but Long Jingxin knew that there was a provocative meaning in that smile.

"This fight between women is terrifying!"

This boring auction procedure made Xiao Yu completely unable to listen. He closed his eyes again and leaned back on the seat.

The auctioned items were quickly bid by their respective winners. Ye Shuluo was a little happy. The higher the price of these auctioned items, the higher the rewards they got. These auctioned items were sold very well. s price.

"Okay! Everyone, the next auction item is also very special and precious. It has no effect on ordinary people, but it is an invaluable treasure to martial arts practitioners who are born with shortcomings. This auction item is... God Yangcao!"

As Ye Shura's words fell, Long Jingxin's eyes became hot.

"finally reached!"

Zhang Long and the others could all see that Long Jingxin was shaking violently, obviously the excitement in her heart could not be expressed in words.

Long Jingxin has been troubled by the blocked meridian in her body for a long time, and her father has been looking around for the whereabouts of Tianyang Grass, but they have found nothing. Half a month ago, there was finally news that there was someone in the auction held here in Shura City. Tianyangcao will show up, she came immediately after she knew it, originally her father also wanted to go together, but was held back by an extremely difficult matter, so she had to let Elder Liu accompany him.Now that the Tianyang Grass is on the high platform in front of her, how can she keep calm?
Xiao Yu also opened his eyes at this time, looking at the slightly shiny golden grass plant in the crystal cover.

"This is the Sky Sun Grass?"

Under Xiao Yu's induction, the sun grass exuded a very strong yang energy that day, which was the real power of pure yang.The power of pure yang is extremely domineering, no wonder it can have the effect of breaking through blocked meridians.

Xiao Yu stroked his chest lightly, and thought to himself: "I don't know if this Tianyang grass will have any effect on the divine veins of the Holy Lord."

His idea was stifled just as soon as it came out. Xiao Yu no longer cared much about whether or not the Divine Vein of the Holy One could be restored. The Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable hadn't affected him during his battles these days.

As soon as the Tianyang Grass appeared, it attracted many strong people in the room to wait and see, but they were just curious and didn't think about bidding.Although Tianyang Grass is rare, it doesn't have much effect on them.

The moment Zhan Ling'er saw Tianyang Grass, she didn't have any surprised expression, her beautiful eyes were completely fixed on Long Jingxin.It is useless for her to use Tianyang grass, but as long as it is something that can endanger Long Jingxin, she will definitely do it.Going out this time also got the approval of his father Zhanwang.

If the Heavenly Sun Grass is obtained by Zhan Ling'er this time, Long Jingxin's situation will be extremely dangerous. If he can't find another Tianyang Grass by the end of the year, Long Jingxin will definitely die.At that time, nothing will be more sad than Long Jingxin's father. Of course, this is the result Zhan Wang is happy to see.

Zhan Ling'er turned her head and glanced at the old man in gray beside her, and the old man gave her a reassuring look.Zhan Ling'er's heart became more stable, and her gaze towards Long Jingxin became more gloomy and cold.

"Long Jingxin, you and I have been fighting for so many years, let me see if you can continue fighting with me after this year."

Long Jingxin naturally felt Zhan Linger's hostile gaze, and for some reason, she felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

At this time, a palm was waved in front of his eyes, and that light tone made her feel a little at ease.

"You can rest assured to bid, and I will definitely hand over Tianyang Grass to you in the end."

Looking at Xiao Yu's confident expression, Long Jing nodded.

"Okay, let's start bidding now, the starting price is [-] gold coins!"

Ye Shura waved his hand and said loudly.

"The person in No. 80 and six spaces bids 20 gold coins!"

Ye Shura looked around and said loudly.

"The people in the 99 spaces bid 30 gold coins!"


Ye Xiuluo never stopped talking, and there were indeed quite a few people bidding.Long Jingxin and Zhan Linger didn't ask for a price, they knew that most of the previous bids were clowns, and in the end there must be very few people who could compete with their two sects in terms of financial resources.

After shouting for about a quarter of an hour, the voice of Ye Xiuluo's announcement also became more and more intermittent, and it was obvious that the people who called for the price had become more and more hesitant.

The price of Tianyang Grass has been raised to a high price of 350 million, which has far exceeded Ye Xiuluo's expectations. His face with Chinese characters is full of excitement. He thought that there were only a few people bidding for Tianyang Grass, but he didn't expect it to be so There are many, and the price is also raised so high.Although Ye Shura is a strong man in the concentration state, he is also a businessman at the same time. He is different from those strong men in the concentration state who regard money as something outside of them.

The price was finally fixed at 400 million gold coins, and there were no more bids at this moment.

"400 million gold coins, is there a higher one? Is there a higher one?"

Ye Xiuluo didn't have the demeanor of a great master at the moment, he looked around excitedly, as if he regarded money as his life.

Long Jingxin and Zhan Linger looked at each other at the same time, they knew that the time to bid had come.

Intense sparks shot out between the eyes of the two women, as if they were about to burn.

This fight between women is indeed extremely terrifying.

Xiao Yu looked at the gray-clothed old man opposite, he always felt that this man would do something.

(End of this chapter)

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