Chapter 230 Fierce Battle


In desperation, Xiao Yu didn't have time to turn around, so he could only use the divine power in his body to strike backwards with one elbow.

Withered wood old man's withered palm slapped Xiao Yu's elbow, and the majestic and majestic divine power burst out suddenly, and the power was extremely powerful.

Xiao Yu couldn't bear it either, he let out a muffled groan, and his figure flew down.Just now Xiao Yu hastily defended and counterattacked, while the old man withered wood had been waiting for a long time. Comparing the two, Xiao Yu was naturally at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu's supernatural power is amazing. Although he only has the strength of the first level of Concentration Realm, the level of divine power in his body can definitely compete with the seventh level of Concentration Realm. In this move, he even used the whirling to unload [-]% of the dead man's strength. Dropped, the damage wasn't too great.

Xiao Yu stopped his figure, and just as he stood firm in the void, he suddenly felt the strong wind pressing down on him again.

"It came quickly!"

Xiao Yu's eyes shot cold light, he twisted his body in the air and spun, one foot had already swept towards the old man with dead wood above his head, this foot had the momentum of thunder.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, the sole of his foot was already attached to the old man's palm.

"Wither reverse!"

Although the old man Kumu had already touched the soles of Xiao Yu's feet, he used all his special martial arts again before his strength broke out.


Xiao Yu's kick hit the empty space again.


Xiao Yu's heart was shocked, but the speed of the dead wood palm was faster this time, and it directly hit Xiao Yu's vest.


Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was rolled forward by the blow, and there were bursts of violent explosions in the void, which were caused by Xiao Yu's bombardment in the void, he wanted to stabilize his body.

However, the palm of Kumusou is not easy to deal with. He has been famous for a long time. He is not only powerful, but also has rich combat experience. In addition, the divine power he cultivated has a corrosive effect. Xiao Yu was invaded by his divine power, and suddenly felt collapse.

"Hey!" The old man withered wood laughed, "Boy, do you know how powerful this old man is now?"

His figure flashed repeatedly, before Xiao Yu could stabilize his figure, he kicked him again.

Straight on Xiao Yu's chest.

Even if Xiao Yu's physical body was strong, he couldn't help stamping with all his strength from the seventh level of the concentration state, and immediately spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his body fell to the ground.

Just now he clearly felt that a rib in his body had been broken.


When Xiao Yu hit the ground, a cloud of smoke and dust was immediately splashed.The dead wood old man didn't stop for a moment, he raised his hands to the sky, and the dead gray divine power twisted and coiled on top of his head, forming a huge ghost hand.

"Withered Hand!"

The old man withered wood gave a low snort, and swung his hands down suddenly.A huge ghost hand descended from the sky, covering thousands of miles. Countless people were terrified when they saw this huge handprint. If it fell on their heads, they might be reduced to dust of history in an instant.At this moment, the old man withered wood became so mad during the fight that he even forgot that the Tianyang grass was on Xiao Yu's body, and he was not worried that the Tianyang grass on Xiao Yu's body would be destroyed under this terrible attack.


The giant hand slapped it mercilessly, and there was an explosion that shook the sky, and the entire Shura City trembled violently.The huge palm print pressed into the ground, and the covered part of the ground collapsed into the ground, forming a palm-shaped hollow.

"Hey! That's all! See what you can do!"

The dead wood old man stood in the void, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a little color on his face.Just now in the confrontation with Xiao Yu, he really felt the powerful power contained in Xiao Yu's body. If it weren't for his exquisite martial arts and special divine power, he might not have gained the upper hand so quickly and severely injured Xiao Yu.But now, Xiao Yu has been hit by his withering hand, not only his body will be injured, but also the divine power in his body will also wither and be slowly eroded. At that time, Xiao Yu will become a useless person, which of course he is happy to see arrived.He was not a broad-minded person, so he was very pleased to see Xiao Yu, a peerless genius, killed by him.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound on the ground, and the whole ground trembled.


Withering Wood's eyes fixed on the bottom, his complexion changed.


There was another muffled sound, stronger than the one just now, and the sand and stones in the deep pit on the ground of the auction site were actually shaken and flew into the sky.


There was another loud noise, and a figure broke through the ground and shot straight into the sky.


Xiao Yu fell several tens of feet away from Kumusou, with a stern expression and a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but his aura was not at all sluggish, instead his whole body was full of fierce fighting intent.

"Are you all right?"

The old man withered wood showed surprise.

"Old guy!" Xiao Yu showed a ferocious smile, "Today I'm going to beat you to pieces!"

Xiao Yu's voice was cold, filled with incomparable anger, and the old man withered wood trembled when he heard the voice.

"Hmph!" Kumu old man came back to his senses, and snorted coldly, "Boy, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you say big words. I beat you so hard just now that you still dare to talk nonsense now?"

"Your little skill, instantly distorting the space and changing the orientation of the two of us, I have already seen through it!"

Xiao Yu sneered, but what he said made the old man's expression change.

His withering reversal skillfully uses the space to switch his body shape with his opponent's, so every time Xiao Yu attacks him, he can appear behind Xiao Yu in an advantageous way. If he is willing to be without him, that is two Switched places.

Xiao Yu was hit by him twice, with his mind, he naturally saw through the mystery of this move.

"Haha! So what if you see through it? Can you crack it?"

The old man withered wood sneered, he didn't feel the slightest panic because Xiao Yu saw through his technique.Many people have seen through his trick, but without exception, those people were unable to decipher it, and finally lost to him, even his formidable opponent.

"Crack it?" Xiao Yu said disdainfully, "I said it earlier, old guy, you are doomed today!"

"Hmph, yellow-mouthed kid, look for a fight!"

Withered wood old man set off again, dead gray divine power gathered around him, forming sharp thin lines, each thin line is enough to cut an ordinary strong man in the concentration state.


Xiao Yu grinned, and at the same time his figure swept out, directly facing the old man with the wood.A gorgeous flame rose from his left hand, but his right hand was held far away in the direction of the dead tree old man.

A golden flame imprint suddenly appeared on Kumusou's body, and his body felt like it was being burned.But this bit of pain will not weaken the attack of Withering Tree Old Man, he didn't care about it, the countless dead gray thin lines changed again, turned into a thick horse of divine power, and poured down on Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's figure shuttled back and forth in countless ways of divine power training, assaulting left and right, dodging all these attacks, and soon approached the old man with the dead tree, and pulled his right fist back fiercely. Send it to the dead wood old man.

"Wither reverse!"

Withered wood old man used this move again at the right time, Xiao Yu's figure immediately changed with him, he appeared behind Xiao Yu again, and slapped Xiao Yu's left rib with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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