Chapter 242
"It seems that you won't tell the truth without giving you some trouble!"

Xiao Yu grinned and exerted all of a sudden.


With a crisp sound, Tan Qingshan howled like a pig, his shoulder bones had been crushed by Xiao Yu.


Tan Qingshan's painful cries spread throughout the inn, Wei Tian and Qiu Haitang couldn't help shrinking their necks, they never thought that Xiao Yu, who looked pleasant and cheerful, would be so ruthless in his strikes.

"Speak, or not?"

Xiao Yu stared at Tan Qingshan with cold eyes, Tan Qingshan had no doubt that if he did not tell the truth, Xiao Yu would crush his other shoulder bone as well.

"I said I said it!"

Tan Qingshan was pampered and spoiled since he was a child, and his path of cultivation has been smooth sailing. He has never suffered such pain, so he nodded immediately.

"It was I who asked the elder to bring Ao Zixuan back to Liufengmen."

The corner of Tan Qingshan's mouth twitched slightly, his expression panicked, this time he could tell that Tan Qingshan was not lying.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, let go of his hand, and Tan Qingshan's back was already covered with cold sweat.He touched his shattered shoulder bones and grinned.Although their Tan family has high-quality elixir, it will definitely take some time to recover to their original state. This injury is really the most serious he has suffered in so many years.

Although he didn't dare to show it on the surface, he secretly hated Xiao Yu in his heart. He swore that as long as Xiao Yu was still in the Lance Mogao Empire, he would want the Raptor Empire, one of the subsidiary powers of the Lance Mogao Empire, Experts from the Tan family came out to deal with Xiao Yu.

"Brother Xiao, you..."

Wei Tian didn't know what to say, the sharp contrast made him unable to adapt for a while.Xiao Yu lowered his head and thought for himself, but didn't hear Wei Tian's words.Tan Qingshan sat motionless on the stool, he didn't dare to move, he was afraid that if he moved, Xiao Yu would be dissatisfied and attack him again.


There were noisy footsteps outside the door, it seemed to be four people.

Four youths came in, all of them were dressed in the costumes of Rufumen.

The person in the lead looks pretty good, but his eyes are rolling around, and he can tell that he is not a good person at a glance.He saw the three of Wei Tian at a glance.

Xiao Yu sat with his back facing the four of them, they didn't see Xiao Yu's face.

"Senior Brother Tan Qingshan, Senior Brother Wei Tian, ​​Senior Sister Qiu Haitang, what a coincidence, you are here too!"

The person in the lead was obviously familiar with Tan Qingshan, so he patted Tan Qingshan on the shoulder.


Tan Qingshan let out a cry of pain, the man was taking pictures of his broken bones.

"Brother Qingshan? What's wrong? Are you injured?"

The man's expression changed, and he said angrily.He looked at Wei Tian and Qiu Haitang, thinking it was their hands.

Tan Qingshan gritted his teeth and said nothing, how dare he say that Xiao Yu hurt him.

"Senior Brother Qingshan, tell me who hurt you, we brothers will help you avenge. In Lansimogao Empire, those who dare to touch our Liufengmen don't want to live."

The leader's tone was passionate. He and Tan Qingshan are both women, so they have always had similar tastes. Now that Tan Qingshan is injured, he naturally wants to express it.

"Really? I hurt him, how?"

An indifferent voice sounded beside them.

"You look for……"

The young man in the lead turned his head to look at Xiao Yu, before the word "death" came out, his expression was already stiff on his face, and then slowly changed, becoming extremely ugly, as if swallowing thousands of flies.

"You dare to hurt our senior brother, and don't take our Liufengmen seriously?"

The three people beside him didn't know what to do, and one of them even scolded Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu only cared about eating, when he saw the young man in charge, he knew that he didn't need to deal with this matter by himself.


The person who made the noise just now was slapped across the face. He looked at the leading young man in disbelief, and said aggrievedly, "Senior Brother Zhang Long, why did you hit me?"

It turned out that the leading young man was Zhang Long who wanted to moles Xiao Jinxiu in Shura City.He had long regarded Xiao Yu as one of the people who could not be messed with, just now he hadn't noticed Xiao Yu's existence when he came in, but when he saw it later, he was completely dumbfounded.Hearing some of his younger juniors scolding Xiao Yu now, he almost turned green with fright.

"Shut up, idiot, do you know who this is? He is Xiao Yu Xiao Daxia, a good friend of your sister Jing Xin!"

Zhang Long glared at his junior juniors, but cold sweat was already on his face.He has seen Xiao Yu's methods before. He can kill even a strong man at the seventh level of the Concentration Realm. To kill such a terrifying person is just a wave of his hand.

"Xiao Daxia, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, my little juniors are blind and offended you, I hope you don't have the same knowledge as them, they are young and ignorant."

Zhang Long turned around, looked at Xiao Yu flatteringly, and flattered him.

Wei Tian, ​​Qiu Haitang, and Tan Qingshan were already dumbfounded.They were well aware of Zhang Long's temperament, if his opponent hadn't been so strong that it was unattainable, he would never have behaved so humblely.What surprised them the most was that Xiao Yu seemed to be good friends with Long Jingxin.


Xiao Yu snorted softly and waved his hands.He didn't even think about getting into trouble with these ants.The other side would attack Tan Qingshan because of some connection between Tan Qingshan and Ao Zixuan.

Seeing Xiao Yu like this, Zhang Long immediately put down a hanging letter, and his juniors also lowered their heads resentfully, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that Xiao Yu would not be offended.

Tan Qingshan's expression was complicated, he was starting to feel a little uncertain now, he didn't know Xiao Yu's identity.He had faintly felt that even if his masters from the Tan family were dispatched, they might not be able to cause harm to Xiao Yu.Don't talk about anything else, just talk about Long Jingxin's terrible background, if she knows that he, Tan Qingshan, ordered someone to attack her friend, he will never have a good life in Liufengmen.

"Tan Qingshan said that he was the one who asked someone to bring Xuanxuan back to Liufengmen. This statement is absolutely true, but she didn't say goodbye to me and just left obediently with them. This is really strange."

Thinking about Ao Zixuan, Xiao Yu became more and more upset.He really wanted to see Ao Zixuan right away and know everything from her.

"Hero Xiao, what is the purpose of coming to our Lansimogao Empire this time? Is there anything I can do for you."

Zhang Long asked cautiously.

"You don't need to worry about this!"

Xiao Yu was never polite to this kind of person and said indifferently.

"Okay, okay! I'm talking too much!"

Zhang Long quickly apologized with a smile.

Xiao Yu stood up, clasped his fists at Wei Tian and Qiu Haitang and said, "Brother Wei, sister-in-law, I have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

Wei Tian and Qiu Haitang hurriedly got up to return the gift, flattered.

Xiao Yu asked the waiter to take the horse outside the door. When he went out, he gave Tan Qingshan a cold look, and said: "If you continue to pester them in the future, you will know what will happen."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu left the inn with the horse without looking back.

It wasn't until Xiao Yu really walked away that Tan Qingshan gasped heavily, and now he was relieved.

"Zhang Long, who is he?"

Tan Qingshan asked.He was completely slaughtered today, but even if he was slaughtered, he still wanted to know what kind of person he fell into the hands of.

"Him? I don't know, I only know that he saved the life of Junior Sister Jingxin and killed a master of the third level of Concentration Realm and a master of the seventh level of Concentration Realm!"

Zhang Long came with a trembling voice, and the whole inn instantly fell into dead silence.Both Wei Tian and Qiu Haitang had a feeling of unreality, such a fearsome top expert had just eaten at the same table with them.

(End of this chapter)

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