Chapter 258 Bonfire Party
Xiao Yu flew out from the top of Juling Mountain. The originally good mountain peak was torn apart by the fierce confrontation before. All the vegetation on the mountain was uprooted, and the ground was exposed in patches of potholes.

Xiao Yu turned around and didn't stay any longer, darting towards the direction where the white horse was before.


Xiao Yu was in mid-air, but his heart trembled suddenly.

Ao Zixuan was sitting on the grass, looking up at the sky with a dazed expression.The white horse was standing beside her, gnawing on the tender green grass roots.

Seemingly desperate, she looked in the direction where Xiao Yu fell.

When meeting Xiao Yu's gaze, her expression became extremely complicated.

"You didn't leave?"

Xiao Yu fell to the ground, the surprise on his face was undisguised.

"I just went for a walk, who said I was leaving? I don't want to care about you, this white horse must be taken care of by someone!"

Ao Zixuan said with a face of indifference.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly: "Then you can go now!"

Ao Zixuan was startled, Xiao Yu actually asked her to leave for the second time.She really wanted to leave before, and wanted to stay away from this place, but she hadn't walked for a few breaths before thinking of the weird scene before.Xiao Yu asked her about the death canyon, but she couldn't remember the most important process in the middle. The memory of how she came out of the battle emperor's domain seemed to be completely absent. When her memory connected, she had already appeared in the death canyon. Besides, Xiao Yu said that he took her to see a doctor. All these things revealed something unusual. Her intuition told her that if she followed Xiao Yu, she might be able to know the truth, and it was precisely because of this that she turned back.

"What? Don't want to leave?"

Xiao Yu looked at Ao Zixuan and sighed softly in his heart, he knew that Ao Zixuan had not recovered his memory.

"Tell me, is there something wrong with me?"

Ao Zixuan asked with a solemn expression.

Xiao Yu froze on the spot, not knowing how to answer Ao Zixuan's question for a moment.

"You..." Xiao Yu's lips twitched, and finally said a few words, "You are fine!"

"I'm fine?" Ao Zixuan's face changed, "You're lying to me, if I was fine you wouldn't bring me to see a doctor, at first I also thought you were a lunatic, but when I think about it carefully, the story about Death Canyon My memory is indeed incomplete, a big part seems to be missing in the middle, you must know something, or you wouldn’t treat me like this.”

"You really want to know?"

Xiao Yu stared at Ao Zixuan's eyes, he used to be the only one in these eyes, but now they have changed.

Ao Zixuan was flustered by Xiao Yu's burning eyes, but she still stubbornly looked at Xiao Yu and nodded heavily.

"Okay! I'll take you to some places!"

Xiao Yu remembered the words of Medicine King Yunyan, he put Ao Zixuan on the horse, and the two continued on their way.In fact, they can now go where they want to go with their own speed, but this white horse has been with Xiao Yu for a while, it is full of endurance and very gentle, and he is not willing to abandon it.Xiao Yu now cherishes the people and things around him more and more. Recently, he often thinks of Liu Piaoxu, Lin Qingbing, and Yang Xiruo.

"I don't know what happened to them!"

Xiao Yu made up his mind, he wanted to take Ao Zixuan back to Huoyun Empire, and meet Lin Qingbing and his daughters along the way.

Ao Zixuan sat on the horse without saying a word. She felt that Xiao Yu had some kind of relationship with her. She had already guessed it, but she didn't dare to think about it. She was Long Zhantian's fiancée. It's that kind of relationship with Xiao Yu, which makes her feel so embarrassing.

The two of them rushed to the Huoyun Empire together.

The northern border of the Fire Cloud Empire welcomes two former residents.

Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan walked side by side, the white horse didn't need to be led, it walked beside Xiao Yu very naturally, this is its master.

The northern border of the Huoyun Empire is a settlement area of ​​some barbarians. Although they are called barbarians, they are hospitable and have never been stingy with their guests. It's just that their cultural accomplishment is a little less.

The two were warmly received by them as soon as they entered the country.

It was night now, and the barbarians liked to sing, dance, and party. Whenever guests came, they would set up a bonfire at night and roast some poultry and animals for the guests to enjoy.

Xiao Yu didn't feel anything, but Ao Zixuan felt it was very fresh. The two of them sat around the campfire with the barbarians and followed them humming local folk songs.

"Dear guest, you are really like a fairy, can I ask you to dance?"

A burly young man walked up to Ao Zixuan and asked politely.He is the son of the patriarch of the barbarian clan, he was shocked when he saw Ao Zixuan, and at night Ao Zixuan's pretty face was even more charming against the backdrop of the bonfire, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Batu, nonsense!" The boy's father, the patriarch of the barbarian clan Ba ​​Tian shouted, "How can you be worthy of this beautiful girl, the young man beside her is a pair with her."

These words made Ao Zixuan's pretty face blush, but she didn't feel disgusted this time, it was just a little awkward.She turned around, Xiao Yu stared blankly at the bonfire, as if she didn't hear it.

Batu was somewhat dissatisfied and said, "Daddy, don't we barbarians even have the courage to pursue love?"

In fact, Batu himself knew that he was not good enough for Ao Zixuan.

"Hey, Batu, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" Ba Tian frowned, and he didn't shy away from speaking, and said directly, "This young man is your idol, do you dare to do this?"

Batu was taken aback: "Idol?"

"Hey!" Ba Tian whispered a few words in Batu's ear, Batu's face changed drastically when he heard that, and he looked at Xiao Yu in shock.

"Xiao, hero Xiao?"

Batu was about to stutter, Batian told him that the handsome young man in front of him was his idol Xiao Yu.

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously, none of them revealed their names, so I don't know how Batu would call Xiao Yu Xiao Daxia.

Only then did Xiao Yu raise his head slightly, and asked strangely, "How do you know I'm Xiao Yu?"

Batu was so excited that he almost knelt on the ground and trembled all over his body. Ever since he heard about Xiao Yu's deeds, he had always regarded Xiao Yu as an idol and a target of pursuit, but he had never seen Xiao Yu. How could he not be excited in front of him?Ba Tian shook his head, looked at this disappointing son, and confessed to Xiao Yu: "Please Daxia Xiao make amends, I told him, when I went to Xuanwu Terrace, I happened to see you on Xuanwu Terrace Fighting fiercely with the five major families, that's why I can recognize you."

Xiao Yu waved his hand, he didn't care about this matter at all.

Ao Zixuan's heart was shocked: "Have you ever fought against me with the five big families?"

Xiao Yu sighed: "Yes, at that time, nothing has changed!"

Ao Zixuan was in a trance for a while, and she grasped the most important point of it all at once.If what Ba Tian said is true, why doesn't she have any impression of this matter?As a direct descendant of the Ao family's royal family, it is absolutely impossible for her not to know about such a major event, this is a very abnormal thing.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ao Zixuan began to feel a wave of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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