Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 261 How Can You Forget?

Chapter 261 How Can You Forget?

"Xuanwu Terrace?"

A vague figure flashed in Ao Zixuan's head, a person was tied to that figure, to be exact, he was carrying a person on his back, and countless powerful opponents surrounded him, trying to take his life.

Ao Zixuan shook her head, trying to make these scenes clearer, but no matter how hard she tried, her memory was still very vague, hazy, flashing out at any time.

The beautiful woman grabbed Ao Zixuan's shoulder: "Zixuan, what's wrong with you?"

Ao Zixuan recovered, forced a smile and said: "Aunt Ling, I'm fine!"

Xiao Yu could see clearly from the side, he expected Ao Zixuan to remember everything, but judging from Ao Zixuan's expression, it seemed that he didn't.

"Xiao Yu!" The beautiful woman looked at Xiao Yu and said with emotion, "Hao Yun gave birth to a good son."

"You know my dad?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, listening to the beautiful woman, it seemed that he and Xiao Haoyun were old acquaintances.

"Your father used to be the number one general in the empire, of course I know it."

There was a hint of loneliness in the beautiful woman's eyes, but she was quickly suppressed by it, and she seemed unwilling to say more about this matter.

Xiao Yu didn't ask any further questions, the beautiful woman obviously had an unspeakable secret.

"Perhaps there was some story between her and father back then."

Ao Zixuan felt incomparably bitter in her heart, what the beautiful woman said just now was naturally true, the person she said kneeling to Ao Wuji for her lover must be Ao Zixuan herself, and that lover was Xiao Yu.In this way, she and Xiao Yu really have an inseparable story, but the strange thing is that she has no memory of everything about Xiao Yu.

According to the beautiful woman, Xiao Yu is a member of the Xiao family, if so, it is impossible for her not to know, but in her impression, there is no such thing at all.

"I really have a problem!"

Ao Zixuan's eyes lost focus, but she still held on, and said to the beautiful woman: "Aunt Ling, we want to take a walk in the Death Canyon, and we will come to see you later."

The beautiful woman couldn't help laughing, this death canyon is a fierce place, there are probably not many people who talk about it like Ao Zixuan.She was also very surprised, when Ao Zixuan left, she was only at the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, but now even she felt a slight danger, it was obvious that Ao Zixuan's strength had greatly improved during this time.

She looked at Xiao Yu again, she only had that kind of unfathomable feeling on Xiao Yu.She had no doubt at all that if Xiao Yu wanted to defeat her, one move would be enough.

"Then hurry up and get it! I'll prepare lunch for you here!" After finishing speaking, the beautiful woman took Ao Zixuan to the door, and said to Xiao Yu, "Zixuan will be handed over to you, you have to take her seat belt Come back!"

Xiao Yu nodded. In fact, even if he didn't make a move now, Ao Zixuan was enough to deal with the things in Death Canyon.

They left the white horse at the station, and the two entered the Death Canyon together.

Arriving in the desert at the entrance of the Death Canyon, Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu strolled leisurely in the courtyard, without the sense of vigilance they had when they came here before.

Those elusive sand puppets didn't dare to make any changes at all, the pressure emanating from Ao Zixuan was enough to make them run away, away from Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan.

These sand puppets are all sensitive things, they will only attack people or animals that pose no threat to them, but they will never go beyond the thunder pool for those beings that they can't afford to provoke.Although there was no pressure on Xiao Yu, the danger they felt on Xiao Yu was tens of thousands of times stronger than that on Ao Zixuan.

At the end of the desert, there are continuous mountains, and the Death Canyon is surrounded by mountains. Xiao Yu looked up at these human-shaped peaks, and suddenly remembered something.

When he first arrived here, he felt a splitting headache, and the pain in his body was unbearable. Later, a white light shot into his body from a certain mountain peak, and his condition was relieved. After that, the saint in his body was deeply buried. Started to have a little ability.

Now when he sees these mountain peaks again, he feels nothing unusual, without any abnormalities. He doesn't know whether this is a coincidence or a predetermined fate.

"what happened to you?"

Ao Zixuan turned her head to look at Xiao Yu, and found that he was staring at the mountain in a daze.

"It's okay! Let's go!"

Xiao Yu shook his head, and stepped into the death canyon. Ao Zixuan stared at Xiao Yu's back, and suddenly felt very familiar. This figure seemed to belong to the person who just appeared in her mind.

"It seems that the person on the Xuanwu stage that Aunt Ling said is really him."

Ao Zixuan became more and more flustered, she felt that seeing Xiao Yu now would make her heart beat faster, which was a sign of falling.

During these days with Xiao Yu, she found that almost everything about Xiao Yu was attracting her.Whether it's the handsome and miraculous appearance, the unparalleled strength, the sad and melancholy charm, and the slightly sad but memorable song, they all come from Xiao Yu.

It is love that makes the heart beat, and it is love that makes people afraid.

That kind of sweet heartbeat is the best factor for two people to be together.

Ao Zixuan's footsteps faltered, and followed Xiao Yu.

The two crossed the sea of ​​flowers, walked through the dense forest, and saw the stone statue of Ice and Fire Twin Dragons again, but the original stone statue still had some vitality, and now even the stone has decayed.

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, it seems that after Panlong Zhanhuang fell, the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons also followed him.

Xiao Yu sensed it, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't struggle, her heart beat faster and she didn't know what Xiao Yu was going to do.


Xiao Yu directly tore open a space crack and pulled Ao Zixuan into it.

When they reappeared, the two had already arrived in another space, and there was a completely collapsed palace ruins in front of them.

Xiao Yu let go of Ao Zixuan, his expression didn't change at all, his eyes stared at the ruins, and he recalled all kinds of things in the Zhanhuang domain.

Ao Zixuan stared blankly at the ruins in front of her, a stream of information passing through her brain.


Ao Zixuan let out a soft cry, crouched down holding her head, her face showing pain.


Xiao Yu was startled, and immediately blurted out the original address for Ao Zixuan.He put his arms around Ao Zixuan's shoulders, and a trace of cold divine power entered into her body, making her wake up immediately.

When Ao Zixuan raised her pretty face again, her face was already full of tears.Her gaze towards Xiao Yu was filled with remorse and guilt.

"Xuanxuan, what's wrong with you?"

The concerned look on Xiao Yu's face made her hate herself even more.In just a moment, all the past came to mind.

All the things between her and Xiao Yu passed through her mind slowly like a movie showing.

"Brother Xiao Yu! How can I forget you? How can I? How can I?"

Tears flowed down Ao Zixuan's pretty face and fell to the ground drop by drop.She threw herself into Xiao Yu's arms, and used the greatest strength in her life to hold Xiao Yu's hand, for fear that Xiao Yu would just disappear from her sight.

(End of this chapter)

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