Chapter 264

Xiao Yu was startled, and grabbed Ao Zixuan's shoulder, but Ao Zixuan struggled violently, screaming in pain.

"Ah! My head hurts! It hurts!"

Ao Zixuan tried her best to roll over, Xiao Yu's eyes were wide open, there was no sign at all.He believed that if he hadn't been holding Ao Zixuan now, she would have smashed her head on the table and stool.

"Ah! I'm so uncomfortable, ah!"

Ao Zixuan howled terribly, writhing violently in Xiao Yu's arms, she began to beat her head with her hands.

"Xuanxuan, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yu grabbed Ao Zixuan's hands to prevent her from harming herself, a trace of cold divine power invaded Ao Zixuan's body, but this time it didn't have any effect.Ao Zixuan was still howling in pain, her delicate and unparalleled face was completely distorted, with a hideous expression.

"what happened?"

Ao Huiling came out from the back of the house and found Ao Zixuan who seemed to be insane, she frowned and asked.

"I don't know, did she suddenly do this just now?"

Xiao Yu held Ao Zixuan's hands, controlled her in his arms, and prevented her from doing any more drastic things.

"I'll put her to sleep first!"

A ball of yellow light emerged from Ao Huiling's palm, and it lightly placed on top of Ao Zixuan's head.


Ao Zixuan's expression froze, and she fell into Xiao Yu's arms.

After Ao Zixuan settled down, Xiao Yu and Ao Huiling sat in the hall, the station door was closed tightly.

"Xiao Yu, what's going on with Zixuan? You have to tell me, I see her symptoms are not simple."

Ao Huiling looked at Xiao Yu solemnly.

"That's how she works."

Xiao Yu then told what happened to Ao Zixuan from the beginning to the end.

"Seizing Emotion and Forgetting Sex Pill?"

Xiao Yu didn't mention the Duoqing Wangxing Pill, but Ao Huiling actually said the name of this pill right away.

"how do you know?"

Xiao Yu was startled.

"I didn't expect it to be true!" Ao Huiling showed anger on her face, "Brother actually did such a thing to Zixuan, did he even sacrifice his own daughter in order to improve the national power of the Fire Cloud Empire? "

Xiao Yu felt more and more shocked in his heart.

"How do you know that Ao Wuji did it?"

Ao Huiling sighed, and said: "To be honest, the person who invented this elixir is the ancestor of our Ao family. The world only knows that there are two elixir, but only people from our Ao family know that this elixir is actually There are three pills, and the ancestors of the Ao family secretly left one in the family. This pill is not recorded in the historical materials. I really can't imagine that the eldest brother is so mad that he uses it to make Zixuan forget his feelings."

"It is so!"

Xiao Yu vaguely remembered that Yao Wang had mentioned that there were only two Duoqing Wangxing Pills in the world. At that time, he still wondered where the pills Ao Zixuan took came from. It turned out that the Ao family still had such a secret.

"So, the ancestor of their proud family is that medical genius!"

"Xiao Yu!" Ao Huiling stared at Xiao Yu seriously, "I am Zixuan's aunt, and now I have to ask you for one thing."

A bad omen flashed in Xiao Yu's heart: "What's the matter?"

"Leave Zixuan! Be sure to stay away from her!"

When Ao Huiling said this, her expression was extremely solemn and serious.

"What?" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

His voice was low, his face was extremely ugly, and he spit out word by word from his mouth: "Why?"

Ao Huiling pointed to the room where Ao Zixuan was, and said softly: "If I'm not wrong, she will definitely forget the time with you when she wakes up, and only remember the ruthless moments with you. This is to steal love and forget sex Even if the person who takes the medicine really thinks of his former lover, but because this action is contrary to the nerve power of the elixir, it will cause a huge burden on the nerves of the person who takes it, and the two collide violently in its brain, That's why she has headaches and pains. Every time after her brain is confused, she will forget the time she had with her previous lover. If she thinks about it again, her brain will be confused again from time to time, ranging from unconsciousness to insanity. Crazy, and even life-threatening. I say that, do you understand?"

"That is to say! If I continue to stay with her, then she may think of me again, but because of thinking of me, her life will be in danger again! So, I want to stay away from her and put an end to all this?"

Xiao Yu looked away, and sat down on the stool.

"It's actually like this!"

Xiao Yu's gaze has lost focus, and he thought that Ao Zixuan had recovered her memory, and the good times of the two of them would come again, but now it seems that everything is an extravagant hope.


Now Xiao Yu felt nothing but bitterness in his heart. He poured a cup of tea and swallowed the tea leaves.He chewed lightly, letting the tea leaves emit a trace of bitterness, filling his mouth.

No matter how bitter the tea is, how can it compare to the crying in his heart.

"Xiao Yu, I know this is cruel, but you have to do it! If you love Zixuan, then let her live a good life!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's appearance, Ao Huiling couldn't bear it, but for Ao Zixuan, she was still ruthless. Only by keeping Xiao Yu away from Ao Zixuan could her life not be in danger.

"Yeah, I love her!"

Xiao Yu swallowed the chewed tea leaves, he recalled every little thing he had with Ao Zixuan, with a faint smile on his face.

"Perhaps, this is destined!"

Xiao Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had become extremely firm. At this moment, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"Aunt Ling, don't worry, Zixuan will definitely survive!"

Xiao Yu raised his head, but the calm expression on his face made Ao Huiling's heart twitch.

"This pill is really cruel!"

Ao Huiling also had nothing to do, she patted Xiao Yu's shoulder lightly, and sat down beside him.

"Go and see Zixuan, if she still remembers all the things with you when she wakes up, it means that Duoqing Wangxing Pill has no effect on her, but if she only remembers the part of being ruthless with you, it will be more difficult for her to be with you." She can't recall the feeling at all, so you leave him immediately, please!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu stood up and walked step by step into the room where Ao Zixuan was.

Ao Zixuan was lying on the bed, she slept so peacefully, her beautiful face made Xiao Yu's heart rippling again.No matter how beautiful a beauty is, Xiao Yu's heart will not be moved, but this is Ao Zixuan, this is his favorite woman.


Xiao Yu called out in a low voice, stroking Ao Zixuan's face with one hand, stroking extremely meticulously, from her eyebrows to her pointed chin.Her skin is so slippery it's hard to put it down.

"Xuanxuan, no matter what state you are in after waking up, I will let you live well, even without me."

(End of this chapter)

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