Chapter 281 The Dark Domain

Two completely different forces collided, and the space suddenly collapsed, and the surroundings were intertwined with darkness and beauty, which looked weird and beautiful.

The terrifying temperature and tyrannical force swept away, and the clouds in the sky were directly rolled into a vortex.

The world changes color!

Both Xiao Yu and the man in black had serious expressions on their faces.

They all felt the unparalleled strength of the other party, and they knew that the other party was definitely a formidable enemy.

"This person is stronger than the person who uses the Nether Flame, so he must be handled with care."

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes slightly, he already had a general understanding of the strength of the man in black in the round of competition just now.

"It is indeed not easy for this kid to win against Nether, but today he cannot escape death."

The man in black thought to himself, the smile on the corner of his mouth became colder and colder.

"Dark energy!"

The man in black let out a low cry, and a dark and strange air mass appeared on both hands. When he folded his hands, the air mass magnified exponentially and turned into a huge black ball of one hundred thousand feet in an instant.

"go with!"

With a wave of his hands, the huge black ball fell straight down. Wherever it passed, the space was torn into pieces, and the surrounding air was directly compressed by it, turning it into a vacuum state.A breath of death enveloped the area.

Everyone in Sunrise Fort and Tiejianmen showed fear on their faces. If the ball really fell, they would be blasted into nothingness within a hundred miles in an instant.

Under this move, even a master like Tie Chunqiu who was at the ninth level of Concentration Realm would be seriously injured on the spot.

This is the trick that carries the aura of destruction!
Xiao Yu's face was solemn, and he found it very strange that although the person in front of him was somewhat stronger than the person using the Nether Flame, the attack he unleashed was several times stronger than that of the Nether Flame before, and there was a qualitative difference between the two. difference.He didn't know what was going on.


Xiao Yu's finger bones made a crisp sound, and he punched the huge black ball.


A fist of tens of thousands of feet of divine power smashed into the huge black ball, only to hear a bang. Although the black ball did not collapse, it slowed down a little under the obstruction of this fist.

Xiao Yu's fist of divine power was completely destroyed by that domineering force, but he did not show any signs of panic, everything was within his expectations.

"Life Form Disintegration Ray!"

A huge black hole thousands of feet suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yu. A pink light beam shot out from the black hole. When the light beam passed through the hole, it enlarged rapidly, and its area increased several times in an instant. The area covered by the light beam was even larger than that huge black ball. .


The beam of light swept the black ball head-on, and pink light fragments flew all over the sky. The speed of the huge black ball, which was originally as fast as thunder, suddenly slowed down and gradually stopped.


The man in black's face darkened, and he felt that the dark energy emitted by him was rapidly disintegrating, and the strange light beam emitted by Xiao Yu was advancing towards him.

"Hit me!"

Xiao Yu yelled loudly, the divine power in his body erupted suddenly, like a flood, the life form disintegration ray surged instantly, and shot the huge black ball towards the man in black, unstoppable.

"It happened!"

The man in black was terrified, he didn't know what would happen when he was irradiated by this light beam, he immediately dodged and appeared ten thousand feet away, the huge black ball was pushed straight into the sky, and exploded in the boundless void.


A dark air wave exploded in the endless high altitude, raging in all directions, and the people below felt a burst of scalp tingling. If the explosion happened on the ground, would the ground under their feet still be intact?
Xiao Yu swung his robe and stretched out one hand, the man in black who was tens of thousands of feet away from him had a gloomy expression.

The destructive power of his dark vigor is astonishing, and the destructive power contained in it is enough to kill all living beings. An ordinary master of the ninth level of concentration state may be directly seriously injured and defeated by this move. Even the master of the peak concentration state can only choose to avoid it sharp, but Xiao Yu chose to use the most domineering way to take it hard.

"If your strength is so much, I'm afraid you won't be able to step on me today!"

Xiao Yu had a look of contempt on his face. He already had a lot of experience after fighting a master at the peak of the Concentration Realm once. Facing a master of this level, he also roughly knew how much strength he should use and how much strength he should reserve. The so-called Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.


The man in black smiled instead of anger, the black air mass on his body spread from the palm of his hand to his whole body, permeated around him, and then spread further, a black line spread across the sky, like a spider's web, covering the entire sky in an instant .

The pitch-black air mass rolled in the air, and those blank places were quickly covered and eroded by it, and the earth fell into a gray darkness.A few birds in the sky flew over the pitch-black air mass inadvertently, but in an instant, they all exploded and died, leaving only a cloud of blood mist behind.

"Dark Realm!"

The man in black reached out to the sky with one hand, and the jet-black air mass above his head twisted into a vortex, and his body was swallowed by the vortex.

"A domain again?"

Xiao Yu's expression darkened, he knew that this must be the domain transformed by the man in black.The domains transformed into by every Concentration Realm master who has obtained the comprehension domain are different. For example, Nether, who fought against Xiao Yu before, his comprehension domain is the Nether Flame Sea, but the domain transformed by the man in black is called the Dark Domain.

The sky was full of that dark and domineering air mass surging, and the man in black had completely turned into a part of the pitch-black air mass. Xiao Yu couldn't tell where the man in black was located in the pitch-black air mass.

Seeing this strange scene, the people from Sunrise Fort and Tiejianmen gasped one by one.

"This is the realm!"

Xiao Maifei said in a deep voice.


Xiao Xuri looked puzzled, he was still far away from this realm, so naturally he didn't know.

Xiao Maifei nodded: "Yes, it's the field. When I was studying art at Liufengmen, my master used the field. According to him, only masters at the peak of the concentration state can comprehend it, and only those who have comprehended it can understand it." Only now has the opportunity to step into the Broken God Realm.

When Xiao Maifei said this, he pondered for a while, his face extremely solemn.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Xiao Xuri asked.

"This field will give the user a large power bonus. It is easy for a strong person who has a field to defeat a strong person who does not have a field."

"What? That Yuer he"

Xiao Xuri raised his head suddenly, and happened to see the scene where Xiao Yu was hit by the black air mass.


Xiao Yu was hit in the front by the jet-black air mass continuously shooting from all directions, he was so shaken that he fell backwards and stepped on a few steps before he stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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