Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 285 History of the Dark Prison

Chapter 285 History of the Dark Prison

In the Fort of the Rising Sun, cheers can be heard everywhere, and everyone is full of joy.

Today is the most exciting day since the establishment of Fort Rising Sun, because they completely defeated the Iron Sword Sect, which was once the most tyrannical in the Far West, and brought back the people from the Iron Sword Sect to the Fort Rising Sun.

Originally, everyone thought that there would be a tough battle, and some people were even prepared to fight desperately, but no one expected that the contest between the two forces would end in this way.

No one will forget that the credit for all this is that terrifying young man named Xiao Yu.

Many people in Fort Rising Sun know that members of the Xiao family live in the fort temporarily, but they don't know the origin of the Xiao family and their castle master. Except for the five generals, no one in Fort Rising Sun knows Xiao Xuri's real identity and real name .

There were not many people who witnessed Xiao Yu defeating Xiao Xuri back then. Most people in Fort Rising Sun thought that the Xiao family was seeking the protection of Fort Rising Sun, because they did not know that there was such a number one person as Xiao Yu in the Xiao Family. Until today, Rising Sun Xiao Yu's name caused huge waves in Fort Nei just now.

Killing two masters whose strength has reached the ninth level of Concentration Realm or above by one person is enough to shock any force.

What Xiao Yu did will definitely be spread quickly.

Those masters who watched the battle in the dense forest in the distance will surely spread this horrifying news.

The protagonist of this battle, Xiao Yu, is sitting in the main hall of Fort Rising Sun, enjoying delicious food and wine. Beside him is a stunning young girl who is none other than Xiao Jinxiu.

She was pouring wine for Xiao Yu with a gentle face, and today Xiao Yu left another shocking stroke in her heart.

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri sat on the other side, and they looked at the young couple and smiled at each other. 】

"Brother Xiao Yu, you actually left without saying goodbye last time, you can't do that this time!"

Remembering Xiao Yu's sudden departure last time, Xiao Jinxiu said coquettishly.

"I walked in a hurry last time!"

Xiao Yu's tone was flat, he didn't want to explain too much about this matter, he knew that Xiao Jinxiu was just complaining slightly and didn't care too much.

"Then you should drink a few more glasses!"

Xiao Jinxiu smiled and poured another glass of wine for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Jinxiu's pretty face close at hand, but there was no fluctuation in his heart. Although he had integrated into this world now, he still had the thoughts of modern people in his heart. Xiao Jinxiu was his cousin, and he had no half thought.

Seeing Xiao Yu's indifferent look, Xiao Jinxiu sighed slightly in her heart, but she was not discouraged. It would be a strange thing if a world-class figure like Xiao Yu could easily walk into his heart.

"Yu'er, what did you find when you went back to the Fire Cloud Empire this time?"

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri had a few drinks with Xiao Yu, Xiao Maifei asked suddenly.

"I found a letter from my father!"

Xiao Yu took out the letter paper from his arms, loosened his palm, and the letter landed lightly on Xiao Maifei's desk.

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri got together, and after reading the contents of the letter, Xiao Xuri frowned slightly, while Xiao Maifei looked shocked.

"'Dark Prison'? It's actually 'Dark Prison'? Haoyun actually cooperates with them?"

Xiao Maifei said in surprise, there was actually a trace of fear in his voice.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu frowned, "Grandpa, do you know this 'dark prison'?"

Xiao Maifei nodded.

"What is the origin of this 'dark prison'?"

Xiao Yu asked in a deep voice, this mysterious force had fought against him several times, and he always felt that there was an invisible big hand behind him manipulating everything.

Xiao Maifei's expression changed, and he said slowly: "About the 'Dark Prison', I also heard it from my mentor, and it was 200 years ago. At that time, he was still a disciple of Liufengmen, but he witnessed a shocking It was a war that spread to the mainland, and all the first-class sects could not avoid it. They all formed an alliance, just to face a force that turned out to be out of nowhere, and the name of that force was 'Dark Prison' .”

Xiao Yu, Xiao Xuri, and Xiao Jinxiu were all startled. Any one of the first-class sects on the mainland has extremely terrifying combat power, but the 'Dark Prison' requires all the first-rate sects to unite to deal with it. What kind of terrifying force is this?

"'Dark Prison' is so strong?"

Xiao Yu was a little strange, he had fought several times with the masters in "Dark Prison". Although they were all powerful, he never believed that "Dark Prison" could compete with all first-class sects.He felt that there was something hidden in it.

"'Dark Prison' is indeed very strong, and there are countless masters among them. According to my mentor, the masters in the 'Dark Prison' are more powerful than the masters in all the first-class sects combined. We need a few more people." Xiao Maifei continued, "In that battle, many first-class sects suffered a devastating blow, and they had already disappeared in the mainland, and the remaining first-class sects were also seriously injured. They were defeated by all the first-class sects, their headquarters were also defeated, and the first-class forces joined forces to hunt down the members of the 'Dark Prison', and the 'Dark Prison' forces completely disappeared."

"Death?" Xiao Yu shook his head, "I don't think so. If so, how can we explain the current 'dark prison'?"

Xiao Maifei frowned and said, "I also find it strange, that's why I was so shocked when I saw the mention of 'Dark Prison' in the letter left by Hao Yun."

"I think the remnants of the 'Dark Prison' must have escaped!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he felt that his premonition was correct.

"Regardless of whether this 'dark prison' is the 'dark prison' of 200 years ago, there is no doubt that Haoyun is in their hands. Hey, I really can't imagine that Haoyun loves Bicui so deeply, and is willing to do it for her. He is really confused about resurrecting Beicui and cooperating with these wolves, how can there be any secret technique for resurrecting people in this world?"

Xiao Maifei sighed, he was very worried about Xiao Haoyun's current situation.Xiao Xuri's face was also heavy, he always thought about his own brother in his dreams.

"Grandpa, don't worry too much!" Xiao Yu waved his hand, "As long as Dad is not dead, I will definitely be able to rescue him."

Xiao Yu's tone was firm and unquestionable, and none of the three present doubted his words.

Xiao Yu's journey along the way, everything shows that he has unlimited potential.

"By the way, grandpa, what about elder brother and younger uncle?"

Only then did Xiao Yu remember that he hadn't seen Xiao Yun and Xiao Long for a while.

"Oh, I asked the two of them to help me send something to Liufengmen!"

Xiao Maifei replied.

"Send something to Liufengmen?" Xiao Yu immediately thought of the mentor Xiao Maifei was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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