Chapter 291 Sudden Attack

"Want to use this trick against me?" Li Yuan's face remained unchanged, "Then try it!"

"Wanyang cauldron, the light of Wanyang!"

He touched the huge cauldron with both hands, pouring all the divine power in his body into it, and suddenly the huge cauldron was filled with red light, and a circular flame spewed out from the cauldron, like a scorching sun.

The first round of "sun" hit nine giant dragons, but it didn't reduce its fall. Everyone thought that Li Yuan had nothing to do, but unexpectedly, another round of "sun" was shot from the giant cauldron, and one after another shot into the sky Then, wave after wave bombarded the nine giant dragons.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the bombardment like machine gun fire, the falling speed of the nine dragons was many times slower than before. In the end, the formation formed by the nine dragons was bombarded and flew upside down into the sky.


Long Xiaotian's eyes were fixed, and the shock in his heart was indescribable. He had already opened the domain, but Li Yuan hadn't launched it yet, but the attack he released after opening the domain was broken by Li Yuan who hadn't released the domain. This kind of thing is It was absolutely impossible to happen, but now that the facts were in front of him, he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Long Xiaotian, are you surprised?" Li Yuan was very satisfied with Long Xiaotian's current expression, "Let me tell you, I have already opened up the domain early in the morning, and this Wanyang cauldron is my domain!"

"Has the field been launched early in the morning?"

Long Xiaotian was very surprised, Li Yuan opened the domain silently, this is the scariest thing.He was acquainted with Li Yuan, but he had never fought against him, and now he knew for the first time that Li Yuan's domain was the Wanyang Cauldron he summoned.

"Hmph, even so, so what?"

With a flash, Long Xiaotian appeared on top of the nine giant dragons, and with a wave of the dragon-slaying sword, the nine giant dragons separated again, and slowly transformed into nine huge divine power lightsabers, each of which was similar to That dragon-slaying sword is very similar.

"Kowloon Battle Formation, kill!"

Accompanied by a low shout, nine giant swords descended from the sky and shot at Li Yuan from nine different directions. Each sword carried extremely terrifying power, shaking the space to collapse, and everywhere was filled with sharp hissing sounds.


The nine giant swords were extremely fast, piercing through the space and appearing around Li Yuan.

"Wanyang Ding, Wanyang Purdue!"

Li Yuan felt the powerful force coming from the giant sword, his complexion changed, and the knots in his hand kept changing.The giant cauldron was thrown downside down, covering Li Yuan in it.

"Ding ding ding!"

Nine giant swords pierced directly on the giant cauldron, making a crisp sound, sparks sprayed, and the surrounding space was torn into pieces, space cracks appeared one after another in the sky, and most of the buildings below Things directly collapsed into countless ruins, and the top masters of Liufengmen and Chiyangzong cast their defenses one after another to resist the terrifying power that slanted down from the sky.It is also because of this that the disciples in their sect were able to survive.

"Break it for me!"

Long Xiaotian was high in the sky, looking at the deadlocked situation, his expression was extremely gloomy. The divine power in his hand surged and poured into the Dragon Slaying Sword, and the sword body radiated ten thousand feet of light.He holds the sword in both hands, which is integrated with the dragon-slaying sword, and the human sword is one.

The thunder of the gods fell from the sky, and the rumbling sound resounded in all directions.

An invincible divine sword descended from the sky and pierced the bottom of the huge cauldron.

Countless people watched this scene, secretly guessing, what will be the outcome?

The huge divine sword pierced the giant cauldron, and the violent force directly smashed the giant cauldron hundreds of feet down. Cracks the size of a thumb appeared on the bottom of the giant cauldron. Straight stabbing, this is Long Xiaotian's most powerful ultimate move, the combination of man and sword, reaching the peak of forgetting both things and me, once he uses this move, it is a real lore.

There was a figure inside the red giant cauldron, it was Li Yuan, his complexion was extremely ugly at this moment, he raised his hands up with great effort, and very fine beads of sweat appeared on his face.

He thought that he had improved his strength and could be compared with Long Xiaotian, but now it seems that he is still a little short of time. Long Zhantian has the sacred weapon Slaying Dragon Sword, and he can use it together with the killing move of Dragon Slaying Sword. Still overwhelming.


There were more and more cracks on the bottom of the giant cauldron, and they became denser and denser. Everyone in the Liufengmen looked happy. They knew that once the giant cauldron was broken, their sect master, Long Xiaotian, had really won the victory.

"Break, break!"

Countless Liufengmen disciples shouted excitedly, they are all doing their part for their own sect.

Everyone in the Scarlet Yang Sect looked very ugly. They knew very well that their suzerain was absolutely at the bottom of the current situation, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

Li Yuan spat out a mouthful of donated blood, and the divine sword stabbed a few points again, and Long Xiaotian's roar full of fighting intent came from the divine sword.

"Elder Supreme, do you still not make a move?"

Li Yuan knew that he had to ask for help, and if he dragged on, he would suffer serious injuries.

Long Xiaotian's complexion changed in the divine sword, and he secretly thought that it was not good.


A stream of light shot straight out from the direction of Chiyangzong, and when it reached the sky, it turned into a huge flaming spear, and shot straight at the divine sword transformed by Long Xiaotian.


This kind of change made everyone in Liufengmen unexpected. The speed of the spear was so fast that it was too fast for the eight elders to react, and it directly hit the divine sword.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the divine sword transformed by Long Xiaotian was directly knocked aside by the flaming spear, and a wave of fire swept out directly. Long Zhantian held the dragon-slaying sword and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He is also worthy of being the master of a sect. At this last moment, he poured all his strength into the Dragon Slaying Sword, and swung it down at the giant cauldron when he was retreating.


The fiery red giant cauldron directly exploded into light spots all over the sky, and when the giant cauldron scattered, Li Yuan spurted blood wildly, and smashed towards the direction of Chiyangzong.


One person rushed out of it, directly grabbed Li Yuan's robe, and caught him.

This is an old man, but it is not the yin and yang eye who was in the same car with Li Yuan.

He gently placed Li Yuan on the chariot pole, and with a wave of one hand, the flaming spear in the sky shrank rapidly, turning into an ordinary silver spear and shooting back.


Both Long Zhantian and Ao Zixuan flew out, trying to catch Long Xiaotian, but someone was faster than them, and the eight elders of Liufengmen had already caught Long Xiaotian firmly.

Long Xiaotian's mouth and nose were bleeding, his breathing was disordered, and he was obviously seriously injured.The eight elders all looked dignified.

Being able to severely injure Long Xiaotian with one blow shows that the old man who came out of the Chiyang Sect is also a strong man in the Broken God Realm.

This time the Chiyang Sect actually sent out two strong men from the Broken God Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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