Chapter 293 Long Xiu
"Elder Taishang?"

Long Xiaotian laughed loudly and shouted to the sky, his tone was full of surprise.

The disciples of Liufengmen all looked ignorant, they didn't know who Long Xiaotian was calling.

The faces of the eight elders changed, and they all showed a deep look of horror.

Long Zhantian frowned slightly, and for a moment he couldn't remember who Long Xiaotian was calling.

Ao Zixuan was the first to react, she said in surprise: "Could it be that Supreme Elder who sees the dragon and never sees the end?"

Zhao Tianxing's face remained unchanged, he looked at a certain place in the void, and said calmly: "Long Xiu, we have not seen each other for decades, since we are old friends, do we still need to hide our heads and show our tails like this?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the sky, a crack in space was slowly torn open, and two figures walked out from it.

One of them is a beautiful girl, her appearance is somewhat similar to Long Zhantian.The other person is an old man. He has white beard and hair, and his eyes reveal vicissitudes of life. He is dressed in a blue robe and looks like an old master who teaches. He doesn't have any aura of pressure on him.

"Elder Taishang!"

The eight elders of Liufengmen all bowed to the old man in the sky, and even Long Xiaotian bowed his head slightly. revered.

The disciples of Liufengmen didn't understand that the ordinary-looking old man in the sky was the Supreme Elder they had never seen before, and they all knelt down one by one.

Zhao Tianxing looked at the old man who had just arrived, and said sarcastically: "Long Xiu, you old guy will make such a big battle as soon as you show up, are you trying to scare me?"

Long Xiu didn't answer, he glanced at Long Xiaotian, and heard a slightly distressed voice.

"Xiaotian, you are seriously injured, you should step back and rest first!"


Long Xiaotian naturally nodded in agreement, with Long Xiu here, the strength of Liufengmen was immediately strengthened by countless times, even if Chiyangzong still had peerless masters like Zhao Tianxing, they could be fearless.

"Girl, go down and see your father first!"

Long Xiu turned his head to look at the beautiful girl beside him. This girl was none other than Long Jingxin who Xiao Yu helped in Shura City back then.

Long Jingxin nodded, Long Xiu waved his hand, and a gentle force sent Long Jingxin to the ground. Long Jingxin saw the serious injury of Long Xiaotian, and mist appeared in his eyes.

"Father, are you alright?"

Long Xiaotian rubbed Long Jingxin's head, his seriousness was full of kindness, he said softly: "Girl, don't worry, your father is strong, so there is nothing wrong with it, you have the ability to find the Supreme Elder , if you hadn’t brought him here, today’s Liufeng Sect would have been a disaster.”

Long Xiaotian still had lingering fears when he said this.

Long Jing choked with sobs and said, "Father, you should rest well, Grandpa Xiu will definitely send them away."

Long Xiaotian nodded, stopped talking, and began to meditate to heal his injuries.

"elder brother!"

Long Jingxin saw Long Zhantian at the side, and called out softly. When she saw Ao Zixuan beside Long Zhantian, she felt disturbed for a while.Xiao Yu once lost his soul because of Ao Zixuan, and she will never forget Xiao Yu's soul-lost, walking corpse-like appearance.

Ao Zixuan smiled at her, she sighed softly in her heart, and still called sister-in-law.

Only then did Long Xiu turn his head to look at Zhao Tianxing, but Zhao Tianxing's face was full of murderous intent. Long Xiu's ignorance of him just now made him really angry.

"Zhao Tianxing? Unexpectedly, you are not dead yet. Today, your Chiyang Sect made a big attack. Are you deceiving me that there is no one in Liufeng Sect?"

Long Xiu's tone was flat, but anyone could feel the supreme power contained in it.This is a strong man, even just a few words will reveal unspeakable domineering.

"Long Xiu, you are not dead, how can I die?" Zhao Tianxing sneered, "I said before that I will defeat you!"

Long Xiu remained silent. He and Zhao Tianxing had known each other since they were young, and the two were old acquaintances, but their relationship was not very good. At that time, they competed fiercely for a woman, and even broke out a fight. So Zhao Tianxing ended in defeat, Long Xiu successfully embraced the beauty back, but shortly after that, his wife died for some reason, and since then, he no longer cared about Liufengmen's affairs, and wandered around all day long.

Zhao Tianxing has always wanted to find Long Xiu for revenge. He thought he couldn't find Long Xiu, but he didn't expect this great opportunity to be sent to him.

"Long Xiu, I've been in retreat for the past 20 years, and I really want to know, are you still as capable as you were back then?"

Zhao Tianxing slowly rose into the air, and the spear in his hand shook violently.

He rose to the same height as Long Xiu and then stopped, pointing the spear obliquely, and flames danced on the tip of the spear.

"Come on, let me see how much progress you have made over the years?"

Long Xiu's face remained unchanged, with one hand behind his back and one hand stretched out in front of his chest, looking extremely indifferent.

"The gun exploded!"

Seeing Long Xiu's indifferent appearance, Zhao Tianxing felt unhappy for a while. He let out a loud shout, and the spear in his hand drew a trajectory, bringing up a cloud of flames, and scatter towards Long Xiu like an overwhelming sky.

"War Dragon Three Forms, Solid Form!"

With a movement of Long Xiu's fingers, a golden mask around him automatically lifted up, and the flames collided with it, making dull sounds one after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

The flames were connected, but they couldn't shake the golden light mask at all.Zhao Tianxing knew that this attack would not work, and when the flames fell from the sky, his figure had already disappeared in place.


With a thought in Long Xiu's mind, he tilted his head slightly and turned to the other side. The point of the gun mixed with flames had already reached his forehead. On the other end of the gun, Zhao Tianxing's ferocious face appeared.

He leaned back slightly, pulling some distance away from the gun tip, the hand lying across his chest suddenly stretched out, and grabbed the gun tip mixed with flames.

"Boom! Boom!"

A violent explosion suddenly occurred in the sky, and thick black smoke spread from the place where the two touched, and the people below could no longer see clearly.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw the scene in the sky, and their eyes widened.

I saw that Long Xiu's palm directly held the long spear that Zhao Tianxing stabbed at, and a golden light glowed on his palm, which was extremely strange.

The long spear that could easily pierce through the defense of a God Breaker was easily blocked by him like this.

"Glass hand? The Long family's glazed hand? You actually mastered it?"

Zhao Tianxing exclaimed with a look of horror on his face.

Long Xiaotian below was also shocked, his face full of shock.

"Father, what kind of martial art is used by the Supreme Elder?"

Long Zhantian asked.

"Liu Lishou, is it Liu Lishou?"

Long Xiaotian muttered to himself, his body trembling violently.

(End of this chapter)

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