Chapter 302
"Boy, I know you are strong, but no matter how strong you are, you can't beat the combination of the three of us! You must die today!"

Seeing Zhao Tianxing and Li Yuan whose aura had returned to their peak, Yin Yang felt a little relieved.The tone became arrogant again.

"You slaughtered my sect's disciples, if you don't confess you here today, how can I, Li Yuan, have the face to be the lord of the Chiyang Sect again?"

Li Yuan pointed at Xiao Yu, the murderous intent in his tone could not be suppressed.Xiao Yu touched the foundation of their Chiyang Sect, this kind of enmity can only be compensated with blood.

Zhao Tianxing also completely transferred his resentment towards Long Xiu at this moment, he already regarded Xiao Yu as the number one enemy.Compared with Long Xiu's, Xiao Yu's danger has undoubtedly risen several levels.

"Father, what should we do?"

Long Jingxin looked at Long Xiaotian nervously, and she didn't think Xiao Yu could fight three with one, after all, those were three genuine masters of the God Breaking Realm, and together they were enough to destroy a first-class force.

No matter how strong Xiao Yu was, he was still a human being. Long Jingxin believed that none of the three of them could be a match for Xiao Yu, but now it was not a fair one-on-one duel, but three against one.

Long Xiaotian smiled wryly and shook his head, what can he do now, with his seriously injured body, not being a burden is already the best result.

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu's handsome and elegant face, there was no trace of panic on it, but a calm expression on his face, his eyes scanned the three people around him coldly, extremely firm.

"He doesn't really want to fight three against one?"

Ao Zixuan's heart skipped a beat, and her heart beat violently.


At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The loud and arrogant laughter made the ground tremble slightly.

Li Yuan, Yin Yang Eye, and Zhao Tianxing all frowned, they didn't understand why Xiao Yu could still laugh at this moment.

Countless eyes focused on the young and tall figure in the sky.

Xiao Yu lowered his head, his eyes shot out a sharp light, his whole body's aura rose immediately, and an incomparably surging fighting spirit swept across the sky.

"Three broken gods?" Xiao Yu spread out one hand, and gorgeous flames burned on it.

"You three, go up together, why should I, Xiao Yu, be afraid!"

Xiao Yu shouted loudly, his voice was like thunder, his arrogance shook the sky, and many people below were dizzy from the shock.

Everyone was dumbfounded, Xiao Yu was still so arrogant at this time, that he wanted to fight three God Broken Realm alone?
"Come on the three of you together!"

These words came from Xiao Yu's mouth with an unattainable power, a soaring arrogance shook everyone's heart, a hero of the world, it should be like this, no matter the outcome, at least, he is not afraid, he won't hold back.

Ao Zixuan's heart seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, he seemed to have heard this sentence somewhere.

"You guys fight together, why should I, Xiao Yu, be afraid!"

These words echoed in Ao Zixuan's mind all the time, she felt extremely familiar, she tried hard to recall, but the picture in her mind was very blurred, and she couldn't see it clearly.

Dimly, she saw a man carrying a woman on his back, but the man was surrounded by a group of people.

She tried her best to recall the man's face, but there was a sharp pain in her head.

Ao Zixuan showed pain on her face, she rubbed her head and stood aside.Everyone looked at the sky nervously, even Long Zhantian didn't notice anything strange about her.

"Arrogance!" Yin Yangyan sneered, "In terms of fighting alone, you may be able to see enough, but if you want to win with the three of us teaming up, it's just a dream!"

Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing also had mocking smiles on their lips, the meaning was self-evident.

"Since you want to fight, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Xiao Yu didn't even want to look at them, said coldly.

Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing looked at each other, but neither of them made a move, and Yin Yang eyes were also moving energy from a distance, but they didn't make a move either.

The three of them naturally have their own thoughts, they are afraid, even though they know they have the chance to win, they are still afraid.It is indeed possible for three God Breakers to defeat a God Breaker, but if that master of the Breaker God fights back desperately, the one who strikes first will definitely bear the brunt and suffer a heavy blow.

Obviously, none of the three of them wanted to be that early bird.

"Hahahaha, it's ridiculous!"

Xiao Yu saw what the three of them were thinking, and laughed out loud, the irony in that laughter was extremely obvious, he simply looked down on such a strong man in the Broken God Realm.

No matter how strong their strength is, their character is always only worthy of being a weak person.

The real strong is fearless and courageous.

"Since none of you are willing to do anything, then I will come first!"

Xiao Yu let out a low shout, and the gorgeous flame in his hand turned into a huge fireball, and threw it directly towards the yin and yang eyes.

Yin Yangyan's expression was serious immediately, and he felt a low-end terrifying destructive power from the fireball thrown by Xiao Yu. Even in his "dark prison", he might not be able to find a flame of equal intensity. flame.

How did he know that this is the soul fire carried by the ancient creature Vengeance Flame Soul itself, which is enough to burn everything, even the soul, so how can the domineering Chengdu be compared with these ordinary flames from other worlds?
When You Ming fought Xiao Yu back then, his Nether Flame was completely defeated in the confrontation with Xiao Yu.


With a wave of the yin and yang eye sleeve robe, the divine power formed barriers in front of him, and his figure also retreated violently at the same time. He didn't want to come into contact with Xiao Yu's fireball at close range.


Tens of thousands of barriers of divine power were pierced and melted one by one by the fireball thrown by Xiao Yu. The flames were so overbearing that they even ignited the divine power of the yin and yang eyes.


There is no way for the yin and yang eyes, only to drop tens of thousands of feet to avoid Xiao Yu's huge fireball.

"Bang, bang!"

A huge fireball exploded in the distant sky, and a fiery air wave hit from afar. The terrifying high temperature directly descended from the sky, the vegetation was directly ignited, and flames appeared all around.The ground was directly scorched until countless dry gullies were formed.

The elders of Chiyangzong and Liufengmen who maintained the defensive formation all turned pale and gasped violently. It was just the aftermath of the explosion, and they could hardly bear it. It is conceivable that the fireball thrown by Xiao Yu has What a terrible destructive power.

"What a violent flame!"

Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing looked at each other, and they could see the deep fear in each other's eyes. Their Chiyang Sect was originally a master of alchemy, and alchemy definitely needed a special flame. Both Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing controlled a special kind of flame. Therefore, both of them can perform martial arts with flames, which is exactly the same. Their understanding of flames is better than others, but the flames displayed by Xiao Yu, they can be sure that the flames they have seen in their lives , nothing can match it.

"This son can't stay!"

Killing intent burst out in the eyes of the two of them, Xiao Yu made them feel more and more threatened, if they don't get rid of this great enemy, they will never have a good life in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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