Chapter 312 The Venerable

It has been a few days since Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu came to the Orchid Gate. As soon as they arrived, they were arranged by their master, the Supreme Elder of the Lanhua Gate, to enter the most sacred spring of holy power in the Orchid Gate.

This fountain of holy power contains traces of holy power left over from the ancient times. It can transform a person's body to a certain extent, making it more suitable for cultivation, and it is more compatible with the martial arts of the Lanhuamen. It can be regarded as one of the inheritance of the Lanhuamen. one.

They have been in it for a few days, immersed in their cultivation, and have not been disturbed by the outside world, so they don't even know about the outbreak of the Orchid Gate.

Fortunately, the strength of the Orchid Sect is beyond imagination, and they will kill the enemies one by one in the future and protect the sect thoroughly, so that the two of them can practice in it with peace of mind.

The old man Lanhua stood outside the hot spring, looking at the two of them, with a look of relief on his slightly tired face.

"It seems that I have found two good disciples this time!"

she muttered to herself.

Although the power contained in the holy power spring of the Orchid Sect is powerful, it is extremely difficult to absorb it. Everyone in the Orchid Sect can only soak in this spring water once in a lifetime. The feeling of repulsion brought by the force will make the person who soaks in the spring uncomfortable.Therefore, the longer the soaking time this time, the closer the soaking person will be to the holy power.

It is rare to see Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu who have been disciples for three or four days at the same time, which shows that Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu have very high plasticity.

"You two, it's hard to catch up with your little lover!"

The old man Lan Hua couldn't help but sigh, the news about Xiao Yu has been widely spread in the whole continent recently, even she has to admit that she is definitely no match for that kind of record.

She was very strange, when she met Xiao Yu in a few days, although she knew that he was strong, he was definitely not strong enough to defeat her, but in just a few days, such an astonishing record broke out.

"This continent has been stable for a long time. There are some things that shouldn't exist. I'm afraid they will come out to make a name for themselves again. I don't know what will happen this time!"

The old man Lanhua remembered the battle with Dalimen a few days ago. She and the suzerain teamed up to use the strongest combined attack technique of Lanhuamen, and only then did they narrowly win.

And among them was a mysterious strongman in the Broken God Realm, who did not belong to the Dalimen, and she had faintly felt an undercurrent surging.

Lansimogao Empire, Liufeng Gate.

Long Xiaotian has already personally set out to lead a group of elders to those first-class sects that won the final victory in the anti-aggression war. This matter is Xiao Yu's entrustment, and he understands the importance of the matter most in his heart. "Dark Prison" targets the entire continent. If Liufengmen stay out of the matter at this time and don't care about it, the "Dark Prison" will disintegrate the other sects, and Liufengmen will definitely be destroyed. Even Xiao Yu Now, I'm afraid it's hard to do it alone.

Xiao Yu stayed for a few days and planned to leave. After all, Rising Sun Fort and Iron Sword Sect have just been integrated, and it is still unstable. Although he concluded that "Dark Prison" will not attack Rising Sun Fort again, there is no absolute, there is always a certainty. Variable, Sunrise Castle is full of his relatives, his clansman, the importance is self-evident.

Xiao Yu came out of the room, intending to go to Long Xiu to say goodbye.As soon as he left the courtyard, he saw Ao Zixuan coming from a distance, and Long Zhantian naturally followed her.

Xiao Yu went head-on, without looking at the two of them at all, his eyes were indifferent, and he passed by their side.

Long Zhantian wanted to say hello, but seeing Xiao Yu's stern expression, he flinched, unable to say a word, because Xiao Yu put too much pressure on him.He also knew very well that a person like Xiao Yu didn't need to be polite to him at all, and he didn't even need to be polite to Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian.

The reason why Xiao Yu was polite to Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian was because Long Xiu was the master of Xiao Yu's grandfather Xiao Maifei, and Long Xiaotian was the master of Liufeng Sect.But he is just an unpopular young sect master, maybe his strength is considered top among the younger generation, but in the eyes of these monsters, he is so worthless, it is completely normal for Xiao Yu to ignore him.

Ao Zixuan was in a complicated mood. When Xiao Yu took her away, she hated Xiao Yu so much, and she was very disgusted with Xiao Yu's eyes looking at her. The loss of words, the emptiness in my heart, is extremely uncomfortable.

"Why doesn't he even want to look at me now? Is it really like what he said, am I not qualified?"

Ao Zixuan and Long Zhantian looked at Xiao Yu's retreating back together, and sighed softly in their hearts.

"Elder Long!"

Long Xiuxiu was sitting in the main hall of Liufengmen, Xiao Yu saw him unimpeded all the way.When the disciples guarding the gate saw Xiao Yu, they all bowed and saluted, showing the same respect as they did to Long Xiaotian, who would dare to stop him?

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

Long Xiu also called Xiao Yu "Xiao Daxia" at the beginning, but later changed it to "Xiao Yu" at Xiao Yu's request. After all, he is Xiao Maifei's master, and Xiao Yu is Xiao Maifei's grandson. He called Xiao Yu "Xiao Yu". Heroes" is really inappropriate.

"Well, Mr. Long, I've been bothering you for so many days. It's time for me to say goodbye. I have to go back and report to my grandfather!"

Xiao Yu cupped his fists and said.

"Leaving? You have no idea what you asked Xiaotian to do, so you are in such a hurry to leave?"

Long Xiu stayed and said, he naturally knew whether there would be a result at this moment, this was just his rhetoric.

"Old Long, my grandfather still needs to be taken care of. I also need to inform them about the alliance. Let's not live today!"

Xiao Yu smiled and replied.

"If that's the case, then I won't keep you anymore. I'll bring this to your grandfather!" Knowing that Xiao Yu couldn't be kept, Long Xiu took out the little golden dagger from his pocket, "Tell him, No matter what time, he is my good disciple."

Xiao Yu took the dagger, nodded, turned around and left.

When he left, he wondered if he would tell Long Jingxin, but in the end he gave up and left Lansimogao Imperial City alone.

In the mysterious space, the three people who were ruthless, righteous and moral were still sitting cross-legged. Suddenly, the space was distorted, and a figure suddenly appeared beside them.

The three of them opened their eyes in horror, and they didn't feel relieved until they could see who was coming.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with a rather handsome face. It was the middle-aged man who shattered the glacier and came here with overwhelming momentum.

The three people who are ruthless, righteous and moral usually look calm and aloof, but now they are full of fear. The pressure this person puts on them is undoubtedly huge.


The three of them knelt down on one knee in the void, clasped their fists and said, their voices were full of reverence.

"stand up!"

The middle-aged man looked indifferent and waved his hand slightly.

The three stood up in trepidation and waited quietly. They had been waiting for this person for four full years. Once he came out, it would definitely be the beginning of the whole big plan.

(End of this chapter)

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