Chapter 314 Charm Gate
When the diners in the restaurant saw that the old man knew Xiao Yu, they all turned their heads away, showing no interest. Although Xiao Yu had a handsome face, he had no breath at all. He looked like an ordinary person. In the eyes of high-level practitioners, it is naturally not worth mentioning.They didn't know that the two people sitting here were first-class figures in the world.

Yun Yan's expression was a bit dignified, at the beginning he was able to see through Xiao Yu's depth, but now he can't do it anymore, Xiao Yu is like a pool of deep water, he doesn't know where the bottom is.

"It seems that there is no exaggeration in the rumors. He indeed solved the three God-breaking realms by himself!"

When Yun Yan first heard of Xiao Yu's record, he was also taken aback. In the Valley of the Medicine King, Xiao Yu single-handedly fought against two masters at the ninth level of the Broken God Realm, and easily took their strongest attack. , This scene is still vivid in his mind, but Xiao Yu at that time was by no means qualified to fight against the Broken God Realm, he knew this very well.

Xiao Yu's growth rate can only be described as terrifying.

"Is the matter of the Chiyang Sect true?"

Yun Yan asked suddenly.

Xiao Yu poured a cup of tea for Yun Yan, but did not answer immediately, he knew what Yun Yan wanted to ask.

Although the Chiyang Sect acted quite inappropriately and did many unreasonable things, it was Yunyan's former sect, and he was once proud of the Chiyang Sect. Later, he withdrew from the Chiyang Sect, but from any point of view , the Chiyang Sect is considered half of his family, but Xiao Yu killed all the elite of the Chiyang Sect in the battle a few days ago.

This made Yunyan feel extremely uncomfortable.

"indeed so!"

After a long silence, Xiao Yu just nodded.His tone was flat, without any waves, which gave Yunyan a strong feeling that if it happened again, Xiao Yu would still choose to kill all the troops of Chiyang Sect without hesitation.

"Why?" Yun Yan whispered, "They are innocent, why did you kill them?"

"Innocent?" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, "The moment they decide to join the convection damper crusade, no one is innocent."

"Even so, do we really have to kill them all?"

Yunyan was very excited, and his voice couldn't help but get louder, attracting the attention of the diners nearby.

Xiao Yu's face turned cold, he didn't like being questioned like this, who is he, he is Xiao Yu who is the only one in heaven and earth, who can ask him like this?

If it wasn't for Yunyan's kindness in informing Ao Zixuan of his condition, he would have thrown Yunyan out long ago, he has always acted like this, and has never changed.

Seeing that Xiao Yu's face was gradually covered with frost, Yun Yan realized that he had gone too far. He thought for a second, if Chi Yangzong really had old feelings for him, why would they send red and black monsters to fetch him? Amount of life?Since the Chiyang Sect has no affection for him, why does he still defend the Chiyang Sect?

Yun Yan sat down and said softly, "I'm troubled, sorry!"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but the coldness on his face dissipated a little, he knew that Yun Yan must have figured it out.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was still angry, Yun Yan wisely chose not to speak, and the two poured their own drinks, thinking about their own affairs.

The sumptuous food came quickly, Xiao Yu had already moved his chopsticks, but Yun Yan was a little embarrassed and did not start.Xiao Yu is not a small person, he spread his hands and made a gesture of invitation to Yun Yan.

Yun Yan smiled wryly, nodded, and took a pair of chopsticks to start eating.


While the two were eating, there was a sudden noise outside the restaurant.

Both Xiao Yu and Yun Yan had a thought, they already felt a group of people entered the restaurant, no more, no less, exactly ten people, three women and seven men, all young boys and girls.

"Shopkeeper, we have covered this floor, let the rest of you leave quickly!"

A rough and unreasonable male voice came from downstairs, causing the diners on the second floor to frown and feel quite angry.

Yun Yan and Xiao Yu continued to eat, unmoved at all.

"Wu Xing, speak more politely!"

A pleasant female voice came from below, this voice was full of extreme charm.

Although Xiao Yu was not affected, he secretly wondered why this person's voice contained a strange charm. He could clearly feel that if a person with low strength and weak will heard this voice , I am afraid that he will lose his mind on the spot.

"Let's go upstairs, be polite and ask them to come down!"

The female voice continued, and the diners on the second floor were all about to move.They knew that the owner of the voice would come upstairs soon, and they all wanted to see what the person who made the voice looked like.Even Xiao Yu and Yun Yan were a little curious, they also wanted to see the true face of this person.

The sound of footsteps was so light that it was almost inaudible, and a figure wrapped in a dark purple robe appeared in front of everyone.

She has a graceful figure, with perfect lines like a water snake, and a slender figure.Her face was covered with a layer of tulle, and her slightly exposed skin was as white as snow, which could be broken by blowing bullets. Her pair of red and phoenix triangular eyes were truly captivating. She just stood there, and there was a lot of roughness on the second floor. breathing.

Xiao Yu has to admit that this woman is really a peerless beauty who can cause countless men to fight endlessly, even Ao Zixuan is probably inferior to her.

But who is Xiao Yu, he will not be attracted by beauty, he just glanced at it, and then his attention returned to the food, Yunyan is an old man, so naturally he has long looked down on this aspect, and his gaze stayed for a while On this woman, it moved away.

Bu Zuiyun looked at the diners who wanted to swallow her in one gulp, feeling extremely disdainful in her heart, but she still had a sweet smile on her face, showing no sign of it.


When she saw that the old and the young at Xiao Yu's table didn't notice her at all, she was taken aback for a moment.

She couldn't believe that the two didn't hear her voice, but since they heard her voice, why were they unmoved?She is confident that with her charm and succubus skills, even those of the older generation may not be able to resist.

"These two are a bit weird!"

Bu Zuiyun has paid attention to Xiao Yu and the two of them.

"Big Brothers, we Meimen disciples are going to have a small gathering here, may it be convenient?"

Bu Zuiyun looked at the others and said softly.

The voice was sweet and crisp, extremely soft and lingering, which made people's bones soften a little, and those diners only felt that their figures were floating.Except for Xiao Yu and Yun Yan, everyone walked down obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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