Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 321 The Missing Person

Chapter 321 The Missing Person

The moment Xiao Yu landed on the Sunrise Fort Square, people from the Xiao family rushed over.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xiao Maifei asked, Xiao Xuri also looked puzzled, Xiao Yun and others all surrounded and stood around Xiao Yu.

"It's 'Dark Prison!' They want to catch Jinxiu. It should be Jinxiu's special physique."

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Jinxiu and narrowed his eyes slightly, but he couldn't see anything special about Xiao Jinxiu.

"Jinxiu has a special physique?"

All the upper echelons of the Xiao family looked at Xiao Jinxiu, and they all found it strange that Xiao Jinxiu had been in the Xiao family for so long, and they had never noticed that Xiao Jinxiu had any special physique.

"Jinxiu, give me your hand!"

Xiao Yu stepped forward and stood in front of Xiao Jinxiu.

Xiao Jinxiu stretched out his hand obediently, and Xiao Yu clasped her wrist, and the divine power in his body entered her body from his wrist.


Xiao Yu frowned. She felt a hidden power in Xiao Jinxiu's body, but this power is now in a dormant period. If it is triggered to erupt, Xiao Jinxiu's strength will suddenly skyrocket, at least she can enter the state of concentration. territory.You must know that Xiao Jinxiu's current strength has only just reached the breaking yuan state, and even Xiao Yu has never done this kind of thing that can instantly cross a large class.

Xiao Yu withdrew his palm, and already had the answer in his heart. Xiao Jinxiu must also have a special physique, and that's why "Dark Prison" attacked her.

"But how did 'Dark Prison' know that Jinxiu has a special physique?"

Xiao Yu couldn't figure out this question, he didn't understand it very much.

Everyone around knew that Xiao Yu was thinking about something, and no one disturbed him.

Xiao Yu's brows gradually eased, he temporarily put the question aside, and turned to Xiao Maifei.


Xiao Yu took out a small golden dagger from his arms and handed it to Xiao Maifei.

"It's really my good grandson, good grandson, the Xiao family is really lucky to have you, lucky!"

Xiao Maifei actually ignored this thing that made him value most of his life, and patted Xiao Yu's shoulder excitedly.Originally, he thought that although Xiao Yu's departure could play some role, he could not dominate the battlefield between Liufengmen and Chiyangzong. In the battle of Yang Zong, he turned the tide with his own strength and won a complete victory with one against three, which played a decisive role.

For Xiao Maifei, what Xiao Yu saved was the sect he was once proud of, and what he protected was the former glory in his heart.

Xiao Yu has saved everyone from misery and fire countless times, no matter who has such a relative, they will feel that their face is extremely glorious.

I don't know since when, Xiao Yu has never been defeated again. All the way from the Huoyun Empire, Xiao Yu has created one after another brilliant achievements that make people's eyes explode in shock.

He really loves his grandson the most, and he has put the hopes of the entire Xiao family on Xiao Yu's shoulders.

"Grandpa, don't be so sensational!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and he also understood Xiao Maifei's excitement, but his character was destined that he would not say anything provocative.

"That's right!" Xiao Yu continued, "Elder Long asked me to bring you a message!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Maifei's body shook suddenly, and his whole body trembled violently.

"Old Dragon?"

Xiao Maifei was a little unbelievable, and reconfirmed: "Is it my master?"

Xiao Yu nodded and replied, "Elder Long asked me to tell you that you are always his good disciple."

As soon as Xiao Yu's words fell, Xiao Maifei's old eyes were already filled with tears. He tried not to let the tears flow out, and closed his eyes.


Xiao Maifei murmured: "I'm not filial, I haven't visited you for so many years."

"Okay, it's better not to sigh here, Yu'er, Dad, let's go in and talk!"

Xiao Xuri coughed lightly when he saw strange expressions on many of the Xiao family's children.

Xiao Yu patted Xiao Maifei on the shoulder, and helped him to the main hall of Fort Rising Sun.

In the main hall, Xiao Yu, Xiao Yun, Xiao Maifei, Xiao Jinxiu, Xiao Long, and Xiao Xuri were all present.

Xiao Yu told all the things he learned, and also briefly described the matter of letting Long Xiaotian form the alliance.

"You mean, let us join Sunrise Castle?"

Xiao Xuri asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Now more than half of the first-class sects on the mainland have been dominated by the 'Dark Prison', and there are only a dozen first-class sects left. If they don't unite, they will eventually be dismantled and annexed one by one , which is the only way."

Xiao Yu himself has to admit that the power of "Dark Prison" is really unfathomable, even he dare not say that he can become the top combat force in this organization.

The Wuyi he met in the Meimen territory alone was already comparable to him, and he didn't think that Wuyi was the strongest person in the "Dark Prison".

After listening to Xiao Yu's words, Xiao Xuri nodded in agreement without any objection. Although Sun Fort was built by him alone, he also knew that the reputation of Fort Rising Sun would never escape the attention of the "Dark Prison". Only the alliance can have a chance of survival.

What's more, with Xiao Yu in Fort Rising Sun, if an alliance is formed, their position in Fort Rising Sun will definitely not be low in the alliance.

The rest of the Xiao family also nodded one after another. Of course they did not have any opinion on Xiao Yu's decision.

"The matter of the alliance, we have implemented it recently, uncle, you order to get the people in the castle ready to go, and tomorrow we will march to the central region."

Xiao Xuri followed his orders, and Xiao Yu began to meditate again.

"Why is the 'Dark Prison' taking the initiative now, but it doesn't take much action. Instead, it sends a single person to catch some people with special physiques? What is it for?"

Xiao Yu has been thinking about the "Dark Prison" all the time. The power that the "Dark Prison" now possesses is enough to set off a huge wave, but they didn't do that, obviously there are other secrets behind them.

"Are they still afraid of something?"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of this point. This continent is vast and endless, and it's not just the Shenwu Continent. There may be some hidden forces that make the "Dark Prison" afraid.

This level of power is hidden very deeply, and it must have unimaginable power. Perhaps this kind of power is enough to sweep the first-class power in the entire Shenwu Continent.

Of course, all of this is just Xiao Yu's speculation, he doesn't know that such forces really exist in this continent.

In the Shenwu Continent, on the vast land in all directions, strange scenes are being staged.

Disciples with special physiques of each sect suddenly disappeared strangely, completely disappearing without a trace. Even the Lanhuamen and Liufengmen, which had won great victories in the anti-aggression war, encountered such strange things one after another without exception. .

Among the remaining first-class sects, except Meimen, all sects have important disciples missing.

This series of events happened almost at the same time, but Xiao Yu, who was far away in Fort Rising Sun, didn't know that the person he loved the most was also on the list of missing persons.

(End of this chapter)

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