Chapter 33 Lu Changtian

Lin Feiyun, who was number one in the ranking of the younger generation of Fenzongmen, led the nine people behind him and stopped outside Tianwu City. Eleven fast horses were waiting outside the gate. Prepared, in Duanyun Sect disciples always prepare horses when they go out to do errands, this custom has existed since the Duanyun Sect was founded.

"Everyone, we are the strongest lineup that the sect can send out. It can be seen that this matter is not trivial. Let's all get on our horses, so don't miss the schedule."

Lin Feiyun did have the spirit of a leader, and no one objected to what he said.Everyone got on their horses one after another, except Xiao Yu who was missing.

"Isn't this guy unable to keep up?"

Li Yingyu looked at the empty horse on the saddle and frowned secretly.


There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and Xiao Yu had already sat on the horse.


The ten people present all looked at each other, they only heard a slight noise, Xiao Yu was already sitting on the horse, no one saw how he got here, not even Lin Feiyun, who was ranked number one, saw clearly.

"Is this person so strong?"

Lin Feiyun felt dark in his heart.Liu Mubai's face was extremely ugly, but he was defeated miserably by Xiao Yu, so he naturally knew what Xiao Yu's strength was.

"Everyone is here, let's go!"

After Lin Feiyun finished speaking, he flicked the reins, and rode his horse to gallop first, followed by several people behind him. Xiao Yu was the last one. He seemed a little careless. Although the horse was carrying him to run, he didn't look ahead. Glance back and forth from left to right.

"Hmph! It seems that this trip didn't go so smoothly!"

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, he didn't look around anymore, he slapped the horse's butt suddenly, the horse he was sitting on ran away like an arrow from the string, and caught up with everyone in an instant.

The destination of their trip was the Death Canyon, but before that they had to go to a place called the Great Rift Valley outside the Death Canyon to meet with the other two teams of the Cloud Breaking Sect.

"Xiruo, do you know how far the Great Rift Valley is from Tianwu City?"

Yang Xiruo walked side by side with Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu suddenly turned his head and asked.

"I've seen it on the map. According to the speed of our horses, it should take two days!"

Yang Xiruo replied.

"Two days?" Xiao Yu lowered his head in thought, and thought to himself, "Interesting, I really want to see what tricks will come out along the way!"

A group of 11 people rode their horses galloping at an extremely fast speed. These horses were carefully selected by the Duanyun faction.After walking for half a day, with the scorching sun in the sky, several people were already tired, and the two girls Li Yingyu and Yang Xiruo kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads.While feeling uncomfortable, there was the sound of water flowing not far in front.

Lin Feiyun himself felt parched, and seeing the state of the crowd, he waved his hand and said, "Everyone should be tired, let's go to the river ahead to rest!"

Everyone was already extremely hot, so Lin Feiyun naturally readily agreed to what Lin Feiyun said, and everyone ran forward at full speed. They couldn't help but go to the river to wash their faces and drink water.

"What a beautiful river, what clear water!"

After walking for hundreds of feet, a wide and clear river appeared in front of everyone. Several people couldn't help but dismounted and ran towards the river. The horses ignored it.Li Yingyu and Yang Xiruo looked at each other, and walked over quickly leading the horse.

Xiao Yu didn't feel much. He lived in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for three years, and he had never experienced any kind of hardship. This bit of heat was commonplace for him, but these disciples who only cultivated comfortably in the sect behaved extremely unbearably.

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu scooped up water and slapped it on their faces. They immediately felt refreshed. The two of them drank a few more sips of water, feeling that it wasn't enough. They even dragged their shoes. They kicked the water surface with two pairs of jade feet. The man's eyes are dull, such a beautiful scenery is rare.

Xiao Yu took a sip of water and wiped his eyes again, the cold river water could make him more concentrated.After finishing these, he leaned leisurely under a big tree to enjoy the shade.The disciples of Duanyun Sect's sect each found a shady place to rest, only Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu were still playing around by the river.

"This brother, my name is Lin Feiyun, let's get to know each other officially now!"

Lin Feiyun sat beside Xiao Yu, and extended his hand kindly to Xiao Yu. He really wanted to make friends with this strange young man.

"Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu's answer was still so short, but his hands were held together with Lin Feiyun's.

"Although this Lin Feiyun is hailed as the number one master of the branch sect of Tianwu City, he can treat everyone with courtesy without arrogance, which is really rare!"

Xiao Yu withdrew his hand, already evaluating Lin Feiyun in his heart.

Lin Feiyun didn't mind Xiao Yu's indifference at all, a smile appeared on his masculine face, and he followed Xiao Yu's example and leaned against the big tree.

"Everyone, let's rest here for half an hour before setting off!"

Lin Feiyun turned his head and saw the people who were very happy, and said with a soft heart.



Everyone was very happy and responded unanimously.Xiao Yu, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Looks like they should come out too."

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu were sprinkling the water in their palms towards the bank when suddenly their minds moved and they jumped up together. A black shadow appeared on the spot where they were, and there was only a sound of explosion, a hollow was forcibly shaken out of the river bank, and the river water It rushed in instantly.


Lin Feiyun reacted the fastest. He stood up suddenly, stomped his feet, and leaped to the front of the two women. The rest of the people also stood around the two women one after another, looking ahead vigilantly.

A huge ax was stuck in that puddle. The blade of the ax had already been submerged in the water, and the handle of the ax was above the water. A young man was standing on it with one foot.The person who came was dressed in a black gown, and his face was quite delicate, but the waves emanating from his body were extremely powerful.

"The younger generation of the Duanyun faction's Tianwu City branch sect, ten of you are the top ones, right?"

The young man in black stood on the handle of the ax with his hands behind his back, his face was arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to everyone at all.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak attack us?"

Li Yingyu had already put on her shoes, her beautiful face was full of anger.Yang Xiruo's pretty face was also slightly cold. The young man in black showed no mercy in his attack just now. If they were unable to dodge in time, they would be seriously injured by that blow.

"Sneak attack?" A sneer appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and he continued, "You think highly of yourself too much. How can you let me go for a sneak attack with two He De of the fourth level of the Broken Yuan Realm? I, Lu Changtian, just want to kill two of you first. It’s just for fun.”

(End of this chapter)

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