Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 330 There are still experts

Chapter 330 There are still experts
"Lava burns the sky, bursts magma!"

Wude stretched out a finger, turned into a huge finger of divine power, and pierced into the vast ocean of lava.The huge fingers stirred violently, and the entire lava ocean boiled, gradually forming a vortex with extremely high temperature.


The ocean of lava rolled violently, and there were huge lava thorns growing downwards on it, all sticking out in the direction of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes were focused, and he reacted immediately. His figure kept flashing in the void, flying up and down, avoiding the huge lava thorns that suddenly pierced down one after another.


Xiao Yu suddenly felt something was wrong, these giant thorns gradually formed a tendency to encircle him, trapping him in a space formed by himself.

"Xiao Yu, you should have a good taste of the exploding magma!"

Wude's gloomy voice came from outside, Xiao Yu's heart trembled slightly.Just at this moment, all the surrounding lava spikes swelled up, and the swelling speed was very fast. In just a moment, those huge spikes had already squeezed this place so that there was no room.

Xiao Yu yelled wildly, and the divine power in his body spewed out majesticly, spreading out from all directions around his body, propping up a large space.

"It happened!"

Just as Xiao Yu was about to forcibly break through these lava spikes, he suddenly felt a destructive aura approaching him.


Countless loud noises came out almost at the same time in an instant, converging into a sky-shattering and thorough roar, and the lava spikes exploded in unison.

When each spike burst open, a stream of extremely hot magma would be shot out, spreading down everywhere, and spraying towards Xiao Yu's direction.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Yu had no chance to retreat at all, and he could not dodge at all.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and a gorgeous flame appeared in the palm of his hand.Without the slightest hesitation, he threw a ball of fire at his feet.

"Pillar of Flame!"

The ball of fire exploded on the ground at Xiao Yu's position, and a huge pillar of flame shot up into the sky, engulfing Xiao Yu directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the bursting magma hit the surroundings of the flame pillar, the muffled sound continued, and the two terrifying temperatures burned the space into nothingness.

"Clap clap clap!"

The terrifying impact scattered in the air, and the flame column was constantly trembling from the impact of the huge amount of magma flow, but it was limited to this, and there was no loophole at all.

Xiao Yu was in the pillar of fire, and the flame was emitted by him, so naturally it would not cause any harm to him.He also made an impromptu idea, using this method to block Wude's bursting magma.

Wude frowned slightly, this result was obviously not what he wanted to see.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can hold back!"

Wude snorted coldly, his eyes flashed coldly, he stepped out and appeared behind those magma flows, and the divine power in his body was crazily injected into those magma.


The impact and destructive power of the magma suddenly soared, the magma rolled in the sky, and sparks splashed everywhere.The invisible impact force will force it to sink again, and the altitude here is much lower than that of a place thousands of miles away.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xiao Yu's complexion changed, he felt more and more violent attacks around him, and the momentum of those magma flows increased by an unknown number of times.

"This guy wants to compete with me in divine power? That's fine, I'll play with you to the end!"

Xiao Yu sneered again and again in his heart, and with a move with both hands, two flames condensed in the palm of his hand again.

"Pillar of Flame, open it continuously!"

After Xiao Yu's shout fell, two huge pillars of flame immediately rose from the ground, forming a three-legged confrontation with the previous one, sharing most of the impact damage of the magma flow.

Xiao Yu didn't end here, the divine power in his body overflowed from every pore of his body without reservation at this moment.

The divine power condensed, and a huge divine power gun appeared in his hand.


Xiao Yu gave a soft drink, squatted down halfway, and immediately everything within a hundred miles was within his perception.

"what happened?"

Wude, who was on the periphery, suddenly had a feeling of being spied on, startled, and he immediately distracted himself, trying to find out who was secretly observing them.

But no matter how he searched for induction, he found nothing. There was no third person in this world.

Xiao Yu, who was in the pillar of flames, grimaced and stood up slowly.

He used fate to find out the direction of Wude, and now of course he wants to attack with thunder.

"The Ultimate Bomb!"

Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the huge gun in his hand trembled violently, and a huge grenade was shot out.

This orientation is exactly the orientation of Wude.

The huge grenade directly broke through the heavy magma flow, driving straight in, unstoppable.

"This is?"

Wude was still thinking about searching for the hidden "third person" in the space, and suddenly felt a foreign object break through from his magma flow.


The magma flow exploded, and a huge thing that Wude had never seen before rushed towards him at a high speed.

Wude snorted, and his divine power condensed into a thick barrier in front of him.


A huge grenade exploded on the barrier, and a gorgeous mushroom cloud appeared in the sky.The momentum broke through the clouds and swept across the sky, and all the surrounding magma flows were blasted into a huge hollow.

The energy storm continued to spread, and Xiao Yu took advantage of the turbulent space to get out immediately. His figure fell straight to the ground, and continued to fly forward while scraping the ground.


Wude's figure flew upside down in embarrassment in the air, and he flew straight for tens of thousands of feet before he stabilized his figure.


As soon as he stopped, Wude gushed out a mouthful of blood and covered his chest.

His face was extremely gloomy, and his heart was extremely horrified. The mysterious attack just now directly broke through his barrier. The violent force shook his internal organs slightly, and even one of his arms was blown to pieces. Cracked, blood poured down.

He really couldn't understand how Xiao Yu sensed his position and launched a counterattack against him when the surroundings were filled with scorching magma.


Wude's heart shuddered, and he stood in front of him with one hand.


A leg swept across his arm like a long whip.

Wude snorted, his entire arm was paralyzed.The figure flew upside down again, leaving an obvious trace in the sky.

A wave of air exploded under Xiao Yu's feet, and he charged forward again, even faster than Wude, and rushed behind him.

"Powerful Punch!"

White air waves appeared in Xiao Yu's palm, spreading out in circles.Violent fluctuations emanated from his fist, and he had already locked Wude's back.

Wude's complexion changed drastically, he knew very well that under such circumstances, his own defense would have absolutely no effect on Xiao Yu.The domain he activated was useless the moment it was hit by Xiao Yu's ultimate explosive bomb.The magma flow in the sky has dimmed.

Wude had mobilized his divine power to form a defense behind him. The moment Xiao Yu punched, his figure was slightly sluggish, and the speed of his punches was also much slower.


A burst of divine power suddenly descended from the sky, and at the same time, a dark purple light penetrated through, trapping Wude.

(End of this chapter)

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