Chapter 339
"It's not an option to wait like this!"

Wuqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and as time passed, he felt more and more pressure in his heart.Wuyi and Wude are also not much better, their faces are covered with sweat, and sweat drips down their cheeks.

Xiao Yu still didn't move, his eyes were closed tightly, his breath had stagnated, he was like a dormant animal.

"Shoot together, what do you think?"

Wuyi couldn't wait any longer, but he needed courage, and he needed the support of his companions. If he was allowed to attack the giant cocoon by himself, once something happened, it would definitely not be something he had the guts to take over.


How can Wude control so much, the divine power surrounding the surface of the giant cocoon is getting stronger and stronger, if it is allowed to continue, no one can tell what will happen.


The magma was raging, and the giant magma hand in Wude's hand was already pressing towards the giant cocoon with fiery energy.

The giant hands and feet are more than [-] feet in size, but the giant cocoon that wraps Xiao Yu is only tens of thousands of feet. With this hand, it completely envelops the entire giant cocoon.

Seeing this, Wuyi and Wuqing didn't hesitate anymore, their palms flew up, the super tornado and the huge ice cone exploded at the same time, and they went towards the giant cocoon together.

The three terrifying attacks were almost in no particular order, and they were about to crush the giant cocoon in the center in an instant.

The ruthless, righteous and immoral trio have such self-confidence, there is absolutely no one who can block the full blow of the three of them at the same time.


At this moment, Xiao Yu in the giant cocoon suddenly opened his eyes, and the lightning flashed.He didn't have any momentum erupting, but the giant cocoon of divine power that wrapped him suddenly exploded.

There was only a loud noise, and the divine power surrounding the surface of the giant cocoon pressed towards the surroundings, like a huge wave sweeping away.


The wave of divine power surged out suddenly, and the moment the three terrifying attacks touched the wave of divine power, they collapsed without any suspense.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tyranny of the wave of divine power was far beyond imagination. The attack released by the ruthless, righteous and moral three people was defeated by the wave of divine power in a devastating way, and it exploded into three fireworks in the sky.All of a sudden, magma raindrops, ice chips, and strands of wind flow scattered in all directions, filling the world.

The domains summoned by the ruthless, righteous and moral three collapsed at this moment.


The three spurted blood wildly, and suffered severe injuries in an instant.The domain was destroyed, and they who were connected with the domain naturally could not escape bad luck. The breath of the three of them quickly weakened, and their bodies fell to the ground, shaking out three large pits.

The fierce wave of divine power continued to rage towards the surroundings, and in the center of the wave, there stood a figure, which was Xiao Yu.

He stood quietly in the air, his whole body was shrouded in a layer of faint blue light, his eyes were even more powerful and sparkling.

But he has no momentum all over his body, far worse than before he entered the giant cocoon. At this moment, he is really like an ordinary person. His divine power seems to have completely abandoned him. There is no fluctuation of divine power in his whole body. .

The ruthless, ignorant, and virtuous three slowly climbed up from the pit, their faces full of horror and inexplicable, they didn't know why the power emanating from the giant cocoon was so terrifying, the three of them tried their best Why, it was not enough for a moment.


All three of them spat out a mouthful of blood again, feeling the extreme serious injuries in their bodies, secretly terrified.

Almost none of their internal organs are intact, and the divine power in their bodies is extremely disordered. In this state, it is absolutely impossible for them to fight against others.

They cast their gazes to the sky at the same time, and Xiao Yu's gaze also shot out.He circled around, and his eyes stayed on everyone for a moment, but he didn't make another move, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Strange, why doesn't he have any fluctuations in divine power?"

Wuqing finally felt something strange about Xiao Yu.Wuyi and Wude are also aware of it, and my heart is full of doubts, and even the previous fear has faded a lot.

After scanning the three of them, Xiao Yu stood still again, motionless.

The whole world fell into silence, and the atmosphere was extremely strange, ruthless, righteous, and moral, not even daring to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, they only begged Xiao Yu not to attack them.

As if God had received their entreaties, Xiao Yu in the sky suddenly trembled, and a bloody arrow shot out from his throat.


The ruthless, righteous and moral three opened their mouths wide open, and Xiao Yu actually fell headfirst from the air.


Xiao Yu's eyes were already closed, without any strength to support him, he fell towards the ground, sitting and free-falling, the whistling wind passing by his ears did not change him in the slightest.


There was a loud noise on the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere. The three people who were ruthless, righteous and moral couldn't really see what happened.


The three of them looked at each other from a distance, they all looked at each other, and struggled to climb out of the hole.

Although they were seriously injured, they still had their divine power left. The three of them gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"How could he be like this all of a sudden?"

Ruthlessly puzzled.

"I don't know, could it be the sequelae of madness?"

Unreasonable guess.

"Let's go quickly, if we make him wake up, none of the three of us can escape."

Wude has now become the most ineffective person. The fear in his heart has filled his chest. He is really afraid, very afraid. What he encountered today is even more terrifying than what he has encountered in the past few decades. much.Who would have thought that he, who had made great progress in cultivation and wanted to do great things for the organization, would be injured in such a miserable state by Xiao Yu's hands today.


Wude made a gesture and wanted to escape, but Wuyi stopped him.

"Just now I didn't notice any fluctuation of divine power in Xiao Yu's body, don't you find it strange?"

Wuyi said in a low voice.

"That's right, Xiao Yu really doesn't have any divine power, I've noticed it just now, it's really weird!"

Ruthlessly nodded, he was sure that something must have happened to Xiao Yu that they didn't know about.

"so what?"

Wude is obviously a little dissatisfied. He really doesn't want to stay any longer in this place.Xiao Yu would always be accompanied by weird things, he didn't want to lose his life.

"Wu De, can you calm down?" Wuqing frowned, "You didn't see that kid fall from the sky to the ground without any power, what does that mean? It means that he may have lost his cultivation!"

"Loss of cultivation?"

Both Wuyi and Wude were taken aback. They had never thought of this possibility.

The smoke and dust finally dissipated, and the three of them turned their heads to look forward together, and a huge pothole came into view.

(End of this chapter)

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