Chapter 347 The Cruel Person
"Who the hell are you?"

Xiao Yu felt oppressed like never before, no matter what kind of formidable opponent he faced, he had never felt so out of breath.This is not because of Yun Sha's strength, but because of Yun Sha's weird behavior.

Yun Sha's body always gives Xiao Yu a faintly familiar feeling, but this person is now an enemy blocking him.

Yun Sha didn't seem to have heard of Xiao Yu's question, he stood quietly in the air, but the aura of his body changed from time to time, sometimes violent and sometimes peaceful, which made these talented disciples dare not act rashly.

Countless scattered pictures flashed in Yun Sha's mind, and the him in the pictures did not seem to be his current identity.

Countless pictures flickered past one by one like a movie, and finally he found himself in an extremely dark space. A giant black hand that seemed to come from the ancient times stretched out to him. He could only shout, but he was powerless to resist.The big hand grasped him in the palm, and the five fingers slowly closed. Finally, he could no longer see any light, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

A voice kept echoing in his mind.

"You are Yunsha!"

"You are Yunsha!"

Yun Sha's originally chaotic eyes gradually recovered, and a trace of coldness emerged from his eyes, and the temperature of this world dropped several levels in an instant.

"I am Yunsha!"

Yun Sha yelled loudly, like a huge thunder from the nine heavens, shaking the sky and the earth.Invisible sound waves raged towards everyone in Xiao Yu. The geniuses of all sects were all scalp numb, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin stood behind Xiao Yu, looking at his broad and straight body without any fear.


Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot, and an invisible energy stretched out from under his feet, heading straight to the sky.


A muffled sound came from the void where the two faced each other, and there was another violent tremor. Both Xiao Yu and Yun Sha shook their bodies slightly.Where the two forces collided, the space collapsed, the clouds rolled up, and even a crack was split between the sky and the earth at the place where the two collided.


All the scenes in Yun Sha's mind disappeared, leaving only his firm belief, that is to help "Dark Prison" reach the peak of the world.

He aimed at everyone, wanting to stun them all before bringing them back, but Xiao Yu's block was very strong, so that his power could not hurt Ao Zixuan and others in the slightest.

He has frozen himself in the extreme north of the Shenwu Continent, and has endured the harsh test of the freezing weather all year round. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds. After he broke through, even the three people who are ruthless, righteous and moral are trembling and respectful when they see him.He is now firmly seated in the fifth place in the "Dark Prison", his position is unshakable, but Xiao Yu in front of him, so young, is able to take his attack lightly, which naturally makes him extremely horrified.

"Xiao Yu!"

The pupils of Yun Sha's eyes were full of Xiao Yu's figure, he felt that this young man was very extraordinary.

"Three people who are ruthless, righteous and moral, what happened to them?"

Yun Sha said in a low voice.

"You already have the answer, why are you still asking me?"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, he did not believe that Yun Sha would fail to guess the fate of Wu Qing and the other three.

"Indeed!" Yun Sha's eyes burst with murderous intent, "If they hadn't died, you definitely wouldn't have let you rescue them. It seems that we have met a strong opponent."

"Provoked?" Xiao Yu sneered, "If it weren't for your 'Dark Prison' wolfish ambition to subvert the mainland, how could all these incidents have happened?"

"Hmph!" Yun Sha snorted coldly, "Since you killed our 'Dark Prison' people, then stay here to be buried with you!"

As soon as Yun Sha finished speaking, his soles suddenly stomped towards the void. Cracks the size of his thumb appeared all over his body. They were gaps in the space. Just showing his strength slightly, he was able to shatter the space. I don't know how much better the three Wude are.

"Kill you people from 'Dark Prison'?" Xiao Yu grinned, "Unfortunately, I have killed quite a few people from 'Dark Prison', and there are also a lot of lifeless trash who have said things like being buried with me, but I It’s still standing right here.”

"Really?" Yun Sha shouted, "Perhaps you won't even have the chance to hear this sentence in the future!"


Ice-blue mist filled the sky, forming strangely shaped ice edges.

"Frozen rain, fall!"

Yun Sha's fingers bent slightly, and tens of thousands of ice edges fell down from the sky, making the sound of breaking through the air very messy.The speed of each ice edge is extremely fast, and the air is rubbed by it to form a light blue trace.


These geniuses all ran away with their heads in their arms, trying to escape from this area, but the area covered by the freezing rain was too large, and they couldn't escape at all.

Xiao Yu's face froze, and his heart was furious.When Yun Sha made a move, he didn't just target him alone, his attack range was aimed at everyone, obviously to pose a huge problem for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu knew that if these ice edges fell on these geniuses from various sects, they would be severely injured or even die immediately.

At the same time, Xiao Yu also knew that the "Dark Prison" must need these people to do things for them, otherwise they would not have tried their best to capture these people in the secret space, and the "Dark Prison" would never allow them to be harmed.But Yun Sha's ruthlessness is simply chilling. He aimed his attacks at everyone, just to force Xiao Yu to take these attacks.

It was the first time Xiao Yu had seen such a ruthless person, such a terrifying mind, and this almost forced him into a corner where he had to act.

"Since you want to play, let's play with you to the end!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he overlapped his hands in the air, a huge light shield of divine power blocked above everyone's heads.

"Clang clang!!"

Countless ice edges fell violently, hitting the divine power light shield one after another, the sound was extremely harsh, and the people below were worried whether the light shield would break.


The ice edge continued to fall, causing the light shield to tremble continuously, but it was still unable to cause damage to the light shield, and everyone below breathed a sigh of relief.

"No matter what kind of embarrassment it is, he has never been afraid!"

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin stood silently behind Xiao Yu, staring at this peerless figure.Xiao Yu seemed to be born without knowing what fear is.

Yun Sha looked at the light shield of divine power enough to cover one area of ​​the earth, and his face sank. He originally wanted to use the icy rain to cause some trouble to Xiao Yu, but now his calculations were in vain. Eye-opening.

"Let's see how long you can hold back!"

Yun Sha's eyes turned cold, his figure flew down, and shot towards the divine light shield.

"The power to break the mountain, Ice Crystal Fist!"

Yun Sha flew up and swept away the falling ice edges, and the ice-blue mist coiled around his palm again, turning his entire palm into crystal ice.


Yun Sha slammed his fist on the divine light shield.

(End of this chapter)

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