Chapter 349 Xuan Bing
Although Xiao Yu's posture looks very elegant and elegant, every cell in his body has been fully mobilized, and his vigilance has already been raised to the highest level.

Yun Sha's body gave him a more and more dangerous feeling. Facing an opponent of this level, he had to forcibly suppress the sense of familiarity that affected his fighting state.

No matter who Yun Sha is and whether Xiao Yu knows him or not, but if Yun Sha wants to attack Ao Zixuan and others, help the "dark prison" and help the evildoers, Xiao Yu will not let him succeed.

Xiao Yu's dark eyes had already calmed down, and there was a cold light beating in the eyes, and he would never be soft on anyone and anything related to the "dark prison".

Yun Sha was slightly startled. Xiao Yu's composure was far superior to those of his peers. In his estimation, if any young man had Xiao Yu's strength, he would have been frivolous to the sky long ago. Supercilious.

But even though Xiao Yu was powerful, he didn't feel the slightest bit of impatience in him, and his every move seemed to have been carefully considered.Regardless of whether Yun Sha's feeling is correct or not, but Xiao Yu can make him feel this way, that is truly extraordinary.

"This son will definitely be the enemy of the organization in the future, let's get rid of him here today!"

The murderous intent in Yun Sha's eyes became more and more intense. The two stood in the sky and gathered thousands of feet away, but their eyesight was so amazing that they could see clearly whether there was sweat on the other's face.


Yun Sha let out an angry roar, his whole body surged into the sky, the space around him shattered, revealing dark cracks, the earth also crawled and trembled under such terrifying pressure, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and the earth and rocks were flying.Just this time, a huge hollow was exposed on the ground.

Yunsha's aura has reached its peak. At this level, his aura can not only be used to oppress opponents who are lower than his level, but also can be condensed into substance to cause damage to the enemy.

An invisible coercion enveloped Xiao Yu, and faintly, one could see an incomparably huge lion in the sky, the lion's mouth opened wide, and it was about to swallow Xiao Yu in one gulp.


Xiao Yu finally let go of the hands behind his back, his eyes fixed, and his aura suddenly rose.


A light blue light curtain filled the sky, and an indescribably huge five-clawed dragon appeared above Xiao Yu's head, forcibly pressing the lion back.


Yun Sha stared at the strange shape of the creature that suddenly appeared, feeling horrified. He had never seen such a creature before. Although it was only caused by Xiao Yu's aura, its ferocious and majestic posture was awe-inspiring.

Yun Sha asked himself that he had seen eight hundred spirit beasts instead of a thousand, but there was never a single spirit beast that could compare with the illusory "monster" on Xiao Yu's head.

Yun Sha's aura collided with Xiao Yu's aura at the same time, the two of them didn't move, but their auras were already clashing fiercely in the sky.


The lion roared wildly, Yun Sha's aura wanted to overwhelm Xiao Yu, but he couldn't. The five-clawed golden dragon formed by the aura was always hovering in the sky like a rock, not advancing a single point, but not retreating step.


Xiao Yu clenched his fists, and the slightly illusory five-clawed golden dragon above his head let out a roar that shook the sky, and Xiao Yu's aura exploded at this moment.

Yun Sha also waved his hand, and as far as the momentum of the two of them was concerned, there was a violent explosion. Within a hundred miles, no place, whether it was land or space, was intact.


There was a muffled sound in front of the two, and they both turned around and retreated several hundred feet back again.

"This kid!"

Yun Sha stood still in the void, squinting his eyes slightly. The power displayed by Xiao Yu would definitely not be inferior to those spirit beasts at the ninth level of the God Breaking Realm. Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu spun and flew down, pulled with one hand, and the hem of the white robe swayed slightly, just like a master.Indeed, with the strength of the ninth level of the Broken God Realm, every inch of land in this Shenwu Continent is enough to become a grandmaster resounding across the continent.

"I have to say, those so-called geniuses from various sects are indeed a joke compared to you!"

Yun Sha said in a low voice.

"It's better for you to say less of this kind of nonsense. Why should I compare with them?"

Xiao Yu grinned, he never thought of being compared with the geniuses of these sects, because they are not worthy.

"Hmph, I'm not saying this as a compliment to you!" Yun Sha sneered, the ice-blue mist on his palm became thicker and thicker, and the temperature in this world suddenly dropped.

"I said this just to tell you that geniuses will die young!"

As soon as the word "的" was uttered, the ice-blue mist in Yun Sha's hand had been scattered into the air.


With a crisp sound, the icy blue mist released by Yun Sha suddenly turned into a wisp of light smoke and spread.

Xiao Yu frowned, the sky in front of him was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of scene is the same as the ice field used by Wuyi before, but Xiao Yu can feel that the frost condensed by Yunsha is several times stronger than that condensed by Wuyi. Feeling, but Xiao Yu is confident that his feeling will never go wrong.

"Mysterious Ice Cracks the Sky!"

Yun Sha let out a low cry, and the icy blue ice cube that was like a dead thing suddenly swept out, as if it had been given life, and could change its shape automatically.


The huge ice cube turned into a sharp ice blade, and cut towards Xiao Yu's waist.

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, his figure flashed, and he suddenly raised his height, and the ice blade could have slashed under his feet.


Although Xiao Yu escaped the blow, he was shocked in his heart. His speed was very fast, and he had absolute confidence in this. Among the masters of the same level, he asked himself that no one could match his speed. Compare.Among the most advanced opponents he can match, he is also confident that he can use his speed to dodge anyone's attack.

He had indeed dodged Yun Sha's ice blade slash just now, but he barely dodged it, and if he was half a minute late, he would have been slashed by him.

The attack speed released by this cloud evil spirit is indeed unprecedentedly fast.


Being dodged by Xiao Yu, Yun Sha was also furious in his heart, he didn't hesitate, and with a vertical palm, the ice blade that was originally slashing down also suddenly stood up, and slashed straight up towards Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu was high in the sky, roared angrily, clasped his fingers together, and hugged each other, forming a hand hammer.Divine power surged, poured into it, and slammed down on the sharp point of the ice blade.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, Xiao Yu hit with a heavy hammer, and the ice blade slashed, and the two collided together.


Xiao Yu snorted, and turned upside down.

The ice blade stopped where it was, and didn't seem to be hurt at all.


Xiao Yu stopped, and there was blood dripping from the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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