Chapter 353 Resolve
The temperature in the Xuanbing Prison changed very quickly, not only Xiao Yu was affected, but even those crampons that attacked Xiao Yu became much slower.

A string of ice crystals connected, pulling many crampons in the air, and the extremely cold ice-blue air spread towards the center, where Xiao Yu was at the very center.


Xiao Yu's surroundings were already frozen, and the frozen area was still spreading, and he was about to touch his body immediately.


Xiao Yu turned his head to look at Yun Sha, and stamped his foot.


The next moment, Xiao Yu disappeared in place.

Yun Sha's heart suddenly jumped, Xiao Yu used this move to dodge his Xuanbing Thorn and Xuanbing Palm, and even swept him away with his kick, how could he be careless now.


A sneer appeared on the corner of Yun Sha's mouth, and Xiao Yu's figure had already appeared beside him.

"Powerful Punch!"

This time, Xiao Yu did not receive the Raptor Wagging Tail, but received a powerful punch.

His fist hit Yun Sha's chest like a rocket.


Xiao Yu's fist had already pierced through Yunsha, where the force of the fist passed, there was a bang, a piece of ice wall had been blasted, and a large piece of ice shards flew.


Xiao Yu's face turned cold, he didn't feel any contact with Yun Sha's body, his punch was completely in the air.

He turned his head suddenly, Yun Sha's figure had appeared at the place where Xiao Yu was standing before, and many thick ice blocks had blocked him.

"It's impossible for the same trick to work for me twice!"

Yun Sha sneered.

Xiao Yu didn't reply, he felt a little weird, Yun Sha's speed was really too fast.He used Shunpo, which was a skill that could reach the opponent in an instant, but Yunsha disappeared in an instant, which was comparable to Shunpo.

"What is this?"

Before Xiao Yu had time to think about it, the bone-chilling chill around him had already blown towards his face.

"not good!"


With a crisp sound, one of Xiao Yu's arms was already attacked by the cold air, and it was instantly frozen.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and with a burst of divine power on his arm, he shattered those ice cubes away.


The ice on his arm had just been handled by Xiao Yu, but his legs were suddenly solidified, and the cold air hit him, completely freezing the part below his knees, and it was still spreading upwards.

"Ice traps the world, seals the mysterious ice palm!"

Xiao Yu was about to use his divine power to disperse the ice cubes when Yun Sha yelled loudly and slapped out with his palm.A crampon suddenly protruded from the ice wall facing Yunsha's back, which was countless times bigger than before, and its speed was as fast as lightning. There was only a scream, and the huge ice hand had appeared on Xiao In front of Yu.

"Extended strike!"

Xiao Yu pushed forward with both hands, his arms exploded, and the powerful thrust blocked the giant ice hand in front of him.


The giant ice hand was blocked by Xiao Yu, but Yun Sha was not surprised at all. His fingers dropped slightly, and he said coldly: "Frozen!"


The cold air on the ice wall suddenly raged, like an air conditioner that was originally only a breeze, suddenly increased to the highest gear.The cold air gushed out, Xiao Yu was startled, but he didn't even react, his whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The thick black ice sealed him in it, and his expression was also frozen on his face.In just one day, Xiao Yu was frozen twice in a row.

"Rampant, there is a price to pay!"

Freezing Xiao Yu, Yun Sha didn't feel too proud. He looked at Xiao Yu coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Now, die for me!"

Yun Sha slowly raised his right palm, and the icy blue mist in his palm formed an ice crystal dagger. With a flash, he was already in front of the frozen Xiao Yu.

The dagger had already been raised, but for some reason, a strange feeling flashed in Yun Sha's heart at this moment, and the dagger he held high did not stab out for a long time.

It's not that he can't stab Xiao Yu, his ice crystal dagger has the ability to penetrate, especially objects like black ice, this ice crystal dagger can be completely ignored, if he wants to kill Xiao Yu, he just moves forward once. , the dagger can be pushed to Xiao Yu's heart.


Those scattered images reappeared in Yun Sha's mind, and he beat his head in pain.

"You are Yunsha, you are Yunsha!"

The cold voice came again, he stopped, and muttered in his mouth: "Yes, I am Yunsha, and I am one of the four great masters of the 'Dark Prison'. I want to kill all Prison' people."

Yun Sha's gaze returned to cold again. He looked at Xiao Yu who was frozen in front of him and couldn't move at all. The corner of his mouth curled up in a cruel arc, and the ice crystal dagger in his hand stabbed out, aiming at Xiao Yu's heart.


The ice crystal dagger penetrated directly into the profound ice as if passing through the air, and when it was about to pierce Xiao Yu's heart, a palm suddenly grabbed the edge of the dagger.


Yun Sha was stunned, he never thought that Xiao Yu, who was frozen in ice, would move.

The two gathered together under a thick layer of black ice, and both could see each other. Xiao Yu's head slowly twisted, and the black ice that imprisoned him made a "creaking" sound, but they could no longer stop him.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, and an extremely powerful light blue light suddenly appeared in the Xuanbing, filling the entire Xuanbing Prison.

Terrifying power erupted, and the profound ice that had frozen Xiao Yu was shaken to pieces. Yun Sha turned pale in shock, and wanted to pull out the dagger to retreat, but Xiao Yu's palm was tightly holding the blade of the ice crystal dagger, making Yun Sha There is simply no way to back off.


All the black ice exploded, and the muscles in Xiao Yu's left arm swelled. He pulled it suddenly, and Yun Sha couldn't help but staggered forward a few steps.If it compares to physical strength, he can't compare with Xiao Yu at all.

"Want to kill me? I'll send you to die first!"

Xiao Yu's furious voice resounded throughout the Xuanbing Prison, and the fist wrapped in white air was rapidly enlarged in Yun Sha's eyes.


The strength of the fist cracked the air, and countless ice shards flew in all directions, but Xiao Yu's punch still hit the empty space.

At the critical moment, Yun Sha gave up the ice crystal dagger, retreated violently, and finally escaped Xiao Yu's violent punch.

The entire Xuanbing Prison was shaken violently by Xiao Yu's fist, but there was still no hole, not even a gap leading to the outside world.The firmness of this mysterious ice prison made Xiao Yu look sideways again.

"It runs really fast!"

Xiao Yu looked at the exquisite ice crystal dagger in his hand and said mockingly.This ice crystal dagger is not ordinary at first glance, which can be seen from Yun Sha's unwillingness to let go before.

Yun Sha's face sank like water, and Xiao Yu deflected his attacks again and again, which made him feel the extreme chill from the bottom of his heart.In previous battles, as long as the opponent was trapped in his own domain by him, he could bring the opponent to death with just three or two strikes, but Xiao Yu's strength was beyond expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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