Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 355 The Face Behind the Mask

Chapter 355 The Face Behind the Mask

"Powerful punching punch, body-penetrating strength, three strikes from the Holy Silver Crossbow, superimposed!"

Accompanied by Xiao Yu's roar, his third punch also followed.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

This punch didn't just shake the entire Xuanbing Prison like before. Xiao Yu's punch was like a heavy bomb, containing extremely terrifying power that directly blasted the ice wall to pieces.Yun Sha's expression froze on his face, and when he realized what happened, it was too late.

The powerful and unparalleled fist penetrated into the Xuanbing Prison, raging freely and horizontally in it. With Xiao Yu's punch, not only the bottom ice wall of the Xuanbing Prison was blasted, but the upper ice wall was also pierced. a big hole.


The domain was destroyed, Yun Sha spurted blood wildly, and the aftermath of Xiao Yu's terrifying punch threw him out of the Xuanbing Prison.


The Xuanbing Prison trembled violently, and the ice cubes kept falling. The moment Yun Sha was knocked into the air, it had already announced its collapse.


Yun Sha was in a daze, and before he came back to his senses, Xiao Yu's figure had already appeared above him.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu turned around and slammed his leg heavily on Yun Sha's chest.


Yun Sha's eyes were wide open, his eyeballs almost protruding from his sockets, bloody arrows flew out of his mouth, and his whole body hit the ground like a cannonball.


The huge smoke and dust made it hard to see clearly, and the whole ground was trembling, showing the strength of Xiao Yu's leg.

Xiao Yu stood in the sky, his eyes scanned the smoke, just for a moment, he stomped the sole of his foot, and shot down from the air again.


There was a muffled sound, and a figure flew straight out of the smoke screen, his chest was already soaked in blood, who else was coming if it wasn't Yun Sha.

"call out!"

A white shadow caught up with Yun Sha at a faster speed, and Xiao Yu stretched out his palm, and he had already grabbed Yun Sha's neck, and lifted him up into the sky like this.

The blood had already stained Yunsha's snow-white ice mask red, his mouth and nose were bleeding, his hands were drooping, and his breath was sluggish, and he had no strength to resist.

"The Ninth Level of the Broken God Realm, that's all!" Xiao Yu sneered, and slowly extended his palm towards Yun Sha's ice mask, "I want to see what you look like!"

In fact, Xiao Yu was not interested in the opponent's appearance, but Yun Sha always gave him a weird feeling, so Fang wanted to see the whole picture.


Xiao Yu exerted a little force with his fingers, and the extremely hard ice mask was directly crushed into pieces, and a rather handsome middle-aged face appeared in Xiao Yu's line of sight.


The moment he saw Yun Sha's face, Xiao Yu felt his brain buzzing, his palms trembled, his whole body trembled, and he almost fell from the air.

Facing any opponent, Xiao Yu is fearless, no matter how difficult and dangerous the situation is, he can take it lightly, but the scene in front of him makes him unable to treat it normally.

The Yun Sha that he held in his hand looks exactly the same as Xiao Yu's father, Xiao Haoyun. No, it should be said that Yun Sha is Xiao Haoyun. It is extremely strong.

Although there were some wrinkles and vicissitudes on his face, Xiao Yu could still recognize at a glance that this was his father Xiao Haoyun.


Xiao Yu's eyes were wide open, his mind went blank, and he had no idea what was going on.


With a flash of Xiao Yu's figure, he had already brought Xiao Haoyun to the ground, and he let Xiao Haoyun lie down, his heart was already in a mess.

"what on earth is it?"

No wonder Xiao Yu felt that there was something familiar in Yun Sha's hoarse voice before, and it turned out that Yun Sha was his father who had been missing for many years, Xiao Haoyun.

Xiao Haoyun's voice before was forceful and clear, but Yun Sha's voice was slightly hoarse, but all the timbres in it could not be changed no matter what.

"Why?" Xiao Yu asked suspiciously, "Why didn't Dad recognize me? Even though I have changed a lot in the past few years, and my appearance has changed a lot, he will know the Xiao family and my name, but why? Do you still want to attack me?"

"Could it be." Xiao Yu was startled, "Father has forgotten the past? Was he brainwashed by the 'Dark Prison'?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu began to think in this direction. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. He was not surprised to do such a thing with the weird means of "dark prison".

"'Dark Prison', you are really damned, really damned!" Xiao Yu's evil spirit surged all over his body, and a substantial scarlet circle appeared on the surface of his body. This is the scene that will only appear when the evil spirit is released to the extreme. The evil spirit on his body was so strong that it distorted the space.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, his voice cracked into the sky, and it lasted for a long time. His voice contained fury and killing intent, and it spread far away.


Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan, who were running away quickly, heard a loud shout.

"It's Xiao Yu!"

Both of them recognized Xiao Yu's voice immediately.

"What happened to him?"

The second daughter stopped in her tracks, uncertain.

"No, I have to go back and have a look!"

After Long Jingxin finished speaking, she ran towards the direction she came from just now, completely ignoring Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan was stunned for a moment, but she also moved her body and followed, but she didn't know if she wanted to act with Long Jingxin or for other reasons.

The two of them moved forward, one behind the other, and their speed had reached the limit they could achieve.


Ao Zixuan was following Long Jingxin, suddenly her eyes blurred, and Long Jingxin disappeared from her sight.

"Ah? Meditate!"

Ao Zixuan turned pale with shock, and stopped. Long Jingxin, a living person, disappeared in front of her just like that.

A kind of extreme fear came to her heart, and she just felt chills all over her body.

"Meditation, where are you?"

Ao Zixuan plucked up her courage and shouted loudly, hoping to hear Long Jingxin's response, but there was no one in the vast plain, only the whistling wind.


Ao Zixuan searched around for a long time, but did not find even a trace, Long Jingxin seemed to disappear out of thin air without leaving a trace.

"Xiao Yu!"

Ao Zixuan was extremely flustered, and suddenly remembered Xiao Yu's roar before.She looked forward firmly, and continued to run towards the place where Xiao Yu and Yun Sha fought fiercely.

Xiao Yu roared angrily, and slowly lowered his head, Yun Sha, no, it should be Xiao Haoyun, the blood on his body was shocking, Xiao Yu's heart trembled.

"I actually beat dad like this!"

He regretted in his heart, if he had found an opportunity to remove Xiao Haoyun's ice mask just now, he would not be what he is now.

"Star Infusion!"

With a wave of Xiao Yu's palm, a ray of light fell on Xiao Haoyun's body.

(End of this chapter)

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