Chapter 357 Xiao Yu Zixuan
Xiao Yu fell to the ground, this was the second time he fell when facing the enemy, it was the kind of fall that truly lost consciousness.

The first time was in the Battle Emperor's Domain in the Death Valley, when Xiao Yu was also hit through the chest by the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor whose strength was far superior to his own.

If he hadn't possessed the passive skill of the Darkborn Sword Demon—the Blood Demon Well, which allowed him to recover from death, he wouldn't have achieved such a high achievement now.But what Xiao Yu never imagined was that his second fall was actually caused by his own father.

Xiao Yu fell into a coma at the moment, his body was surprisingly cold, and every time he took a breath, some cold air would come out of his nostrils.Although it didn't freeze the ground instantly like before, it was still extremely cold.

The vast plain is vast and ruthless. On this land that has experienced fierce battles, a lonely figure fell here.

Ao Zixuan exerted her speed to the extreme, and the worry in her heart was about to make her collapse. After Xiao Yu yelled just now, there was no energy fluctuation in the sky, obviously the battle was over.

Why did the battle end after Xiao Yu yelled?Ao Zixuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, Xiao Yu's shout contained resentment and resentment, why did he make such a shout?

Ao Zixuan had already thought of the worst possibility, that is Xiao Yu's defeat.Although she has great trust in Xiao Yu's strength in her heart, the situation is different, and she naturally has the most basic worries. Xiao Yu rescued all of them from the secret space. Obviously, after a fierce battle before, when he led them to escape, The three people who are ruthless, righteous and immoral arrived again, Xiao Yu must have fought against the three again, and after that, another powerful enemy suddenly appeared on the plain.

In this way, Xiao Yu experienced three extremely fierce battles in one day, how could Ao Zixuan not be worried?She and Long Jingxin were acting together just now, but Long Jingxin disappeared strangely halfway, and she searched hard to no avail, so she thought of coming here first to find out.If Xiao Yu wins, then she can ask Xiao Yu to find Long Jingxin together.Xiao Yu is powerful and witty, with his help, the chance of finding Long Jingxin is infinitely greater, and if Xiao Yu loses, she would rather die here with Xiao Yu.

She herself didn't know where this idea came from, maybe it was to repay Xiao Yu for saving her life, or maybe her subconscious mind was directing her actions.

For some reason, the closer Ao Zixuan was to the place where Xiao Yu and Yun Sha were fighting, the more uneasy she felt, and her speed also slowed down.

She has stepped into a messy land, and it is obvious that there has been a fierce battle here.The surroundings were terribly quiet, and she could clearly hear the beating of her own heart.

She looked up, and there seemed to be a land in front of her that was slightly sunken, making it difficult for her to see the scene on that land.She slowed down, taking each step very lightly, for fear of disturbing something.

The breeze blew past, but the warm feeling brought by it could not calm down Ao Zixuan's mood.

Finally, she came to the edge of the sunken land, and her eyes turned to a place hundreds of feet away.

Ao Zixuan felt as if her heart had been hit by a heavy hammer, and couldn't help but take a step back.In her unparalleled eyes, a white figure lying on the ground appeared.

She clearly remembered that Xiao Yu was wearing white clothes.

"Impossible, impossible."

Ao Zixuan staggered back a few steps again, with several different expressions on her face.Fear, disbelief, dazed, overwhelmed and... grief.

"How could this be. How could this be!"

Ao Zixuan's beautiful eyes lost their color at this moment, and she didn't know why her heart hurt so much when she saw this scene, this heart-piercing pain made her almost faint, even Since she had completely forgotten about Long Jingxin's disappearance, she only had Xiao Yu in her eyes at this moment.

"Xiao Yu! No."

Ao Zixuan fell to her knees on the ground, a shrill cry resounded through the sky.

Ao Zixuan seemed to want to vent the extreme sadness in her heart, and shouted "No" to the sky three times in a row.That incomparably shrill cry, which seemed to pierce the sky, made people feel terrified when they heard it.

Tears crazily flowed from Ao Zixuan's eyes, it really was like a spring of tears.Her mournful cries turned into cries, and Xiao Yu's name seemed to echo across the plain.

"Xiao Yu!"

I don't know how long it took, Ao Zixuan was finally tired, she sat down on the ground, her eyes were empty, she completely lost her previous expression.

"No." She suddenly raised her head and looked towards where Xiao Yu was, "He won't die, he won't die, I have to go and see, go and see"

Ao Zixuan didn't look like a martial artist at the moment, she ran in a panic, her feet were flimsy, she would fall down at any time, in the last few steps, she almost crawled to Xiao Yu's side.

"Xiao Yu!"

Ao Zixuan helped Xiao Yu up, and found that his whole body was cold and his complexion was as pale as paper.Her fingers tremblingly poked towards the tip of Xiao Yu's nose.

"Still angry!"

Her face, which had already been covered with a layer of gray, instantly cleared up a lot, and Xiao Yu was still breathing, although it was not very strong, but definitely still breathing.

She stretched out her hand to Xiao Yu's chest, and found that his heartbeat was still so strong.

"It's great, it's great that she's alive!"

Ao Zixuan wept with joy, she didn't know why she was so happy, Xiao Yu's life and death could make her change quickly amidst great joy and great sorrow.


Xiao Yu was in a coma and felt that someone was touching him. Although his whole body was uncomfortable and cold, he still stubbornly opened his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu!"

Ao Zixuan let Xiao Yu's head rest on her lap, this kind of treatment, even her fiancé Long Zhantian has never received such treatment, when the two of them went too far, it was nothing more than holding hands, and it was just touching each other Xiao Yu was regarded as the first man she hugged in her arms.

But she didn't know how much love she had with Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes slowly opened, and what caught his eyes was a beautiful face full of heaven and earth aura, full of aura like flowers, enough to be miserable for a lifetime.


Xiao Yu couldn't believe it, Ao Zixuan had fled away with Long Jingxin before, how could she be here now?But in front of him is indeed Ao Zixuan, he can even smell the faint fragrance from Ao Zixuan's body.He wanted to call Ao Zixuan, but the extremely weak feeling in his body made his voice extremely weak.

"Xiao Yu! Are you okay?"

Seeing Xiao Yu opened his eyes, Ao Zixuan was overjoyed and said with concern.

Xiao Yu's lips twitched, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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