Chapter 370 Gambling
"Why, didn't you just say that Fort Rising Sun is not eligible? Then I really want to know, what qualifications do you have to participate in the alliance?"

Xiao Yu looked at Zhan Wang and pressed him step by step. He might not react too much when others insulted him, but insulting his relatives was truly unforgivable.He didn't intend to let the King of War go so easily today.

"Wow, is that Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god? That pervert who single-handedly fought against the three god-breaking realms?"

"He's so handsome, look at his expression, it's extremely cold, no matter how hard he pretends, he can't pretend it."

"I didn't expect to see my idol here, it's great, it's great!"

The disciples of these sects talked a lot, and they all became very interested in Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu's reputation is too great. Compared with those older generation, he is the person closest to these disciples, and he is the target they are chasing.


Zhan Wang's face was gloomy, but he was a little afraid to answer. He has been walking in the mainland for many years, so he naturally knows the basic rules of survival. He understands the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Su Wen, Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god, is arrogant and boundless, defiant to everything. Seeing him today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

The King of War didn't speak, but a sarcastic voice came from behind him.

Zhan Wang raised his brows, secretly thinking that it was not good.

An old man in a gray robe came out. His appearance was full of old age, but his hair was pitch black, which seemed a bit nondescript.

"Xiao Yu, we were talking too much before, but you don't need to be so pressing, right?"

The old man in gray robe is the Supreme Elder of Yuan Zhan Sect, named Li Guang, he belongs to the same generation as Long Xiu, even the sect masters of other sects will be very respectful when they meet him, and his strength has already reached the third level of the Broken God Realm, he Naturally, Xiao Yu couldn't hear him being so arrogant.

"Joke!" Xiao Yu glanced lightly, "You humiliated my grandfather, and you want me to give you good looks?"

Xiao Yu continued: "I don't want to embarrass you either, as long as I apologize to my grandfather and everyone in Sunrise Castle immediately, then the matter will be over."

Xiao Yu's words were plain, and the veins on Li Guang's forehead twitched violently. He was indeed extremely angry. Xiao Yu was really the most arrogant junior he had ever seen.

Neither Long Xiu nor Long Zhantian spoke. Zhan Wang insulted Xiao Maifei. Naturally, they wanted to see Zhan Wang deflated. In addition, they knew that they could not persuade Xiao Yu.

"He is really domineering!"

Looking at the unmoving body, Ao Zixuan secretly said in her heart.

"Apologize?" Zhan Wang frowned, "It's absolutely impossible for me to apologize."

Li Guang also sneered and said: "We Yuanzhanmen are not in the habit of apologizing to others, your calculation is wrong. Could it be that you think that people on the mainland can really do whatever they want if they respectfully call you Aotian Kuangshen? "

Xiao Yu's expression remained unchanged, showing no sign of anger at all. He stretched out a finger, pointed at the King of War, waved his finger, and then pointed at Li Guang.

"Then there is nothing to say. I will give you a chance. If you two go up together, if you lose to me, then kneel down and apologize. If you win, I will bring everyone in Sunrise Castle to kneel down and apologize to you. How about that?" ?”

Xiao Yu's words made Zhan Wang and Li Guang raise their brows, and the audience was even more uproarious.

"He wants to fight two? Two masters of the broken god realm? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

"Idiot, he was able to kill three masters of the God Broken Realm, and there are only two, what is it?"

"But even though I said that, Li Guang, the Supreme Elder of Yuan Zhanmen, is not comparable to Zhao Tianxing, Li Yuan and his ilk!"

"That's what you're saying, is it true?"

The surrounding discussions erupted one after another, and the entire square became noisy.

"It's crazy, I like it!"

Bu Zuiyun looked at Xiao Yu's beautiful eyes, and smiled lightly.

"Oh, Senior Sister Zuiyun, so you like Xiao Daxia?"

The woman beside her teased again.

"Go, what do you know!"

A red cloud appeared on Bu Zui Yunqiao's face, and she scolded in a low voice.

"Hey, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Li Guang sneered, but he agreed with Xiao Yu's proposal very much. He felt that he could already compete with Xiao Yu, and if they added a battle king, they would surely win.He had already seen the scene where everyone in Fort Rising Sun knelt and apologized to them, but he never thought about it, what would happen if they lost?

Zhan Wang looked at Li Guang, and Li Guang nodded to him.

"Okay, Xiao Yu, the Aotian Mad God, I hope you will keep your word. Since you have asked the two of us to do it together, then we should be respectful rather than obedient."

Zhan Wang's words made him blush a little, which showed that they were afraid of going one-on-one with Xiao Yu.

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri didn't worry too much, they were full of confidence in Xiao Yu, and even if Xiao Yu lost, wouldn't they just kneel down and apologize?Xiao Yu saved face for them, so they naturally had to prepare for the worst.

"Don't worry, you will find it very interesting later!"

Xiao Yu grinned, but that faint smile made Zhan Wang a little uneasy.He shook his head, keeping these years in his heart.

The surroundings were boiling, and the disciples of those sects did not expect to be able to see the duel of the masters of the broken gods here, and one fought two. Such a wonderful battle is rare in the entire continent.

"Xiao Yu, although you have a great name, you are a junior after all, so you should be more careful in what you say. Why don't we expose this matter now? There is still time for you to regret it."

Li Guang pretended to be kind, but these words really forced Xiao Yu into a corner where he had to act, and the masters of the other forces shook their heads secretly.

Xiao Yu just smiled lightly, how could he not understand such a simple method of provocation?But how could he put Zhan Wang and Li Guang in his eyes?He dared to challenge even the God-shattering Realm, so why talk about the second-level and third-level God-shattering realms?Even if there are a few more people, he can take care of them calmly.

Huali, the grand elder of the Orchid Sect, frowned, she felt that Xiao Yu must be relying on something.When this young man met her for the first time, Xiao Yu was still unable to pose a threat to her, but after half a month, Xiao Yu was able to kill three Broken God Realm, this growth rate can be called monster.

Seeing Xiao Yu's calm and composed appearance, Li Guang and Zhan Wang couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but now that the arrow was on the string, they had to fire.

"Let's go to the top to fight, click as soon as possible, how about it?"

Zhan Wang was also worried that his disciples would be affected, so he pointed at the sky.

"what ever!"

Xiao Yu's figure flashed, and he had already appeared in the sky tens of thousands of feet high.

Li Guang and King Zhan looked at each other, and they all flew up together.

The people below all looked at the three people in Skyrim without blinking, expecting a wonderful battle to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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