Chapter 377 Wang Yalian

The Meteor Empire was not very well-known on the main road. It was only a second-rate empire, and it couldn't be compared with a big empire like Lansimogao Empire.

But since 100 years ago, this empire has become famous on the continent for no other reason than a master of the Broken God Realm who calls himself Da Huanxi Patriarch lived in the Meteor Empire.

A country, no matter how weak it is, can become a first-class empire on the continent if it is supported by a God-shattering master.

This is the horror of a peerless master.

It took Xiao Yu a day to reach the Meteor Empire, which is far east of the mainland. At this time, it was noon, and the sun was shining brightly, scorching the earth.

Xiao Yu came to a small town outside the border of the Meteor Empire, the town was extremely prosperous.Most of the passers-by on the street were holding oil-paper umbrellas, Xiao Yu was holding a paper fan and fanning it gently in front of him, like a young man traveling around.

He did this on purpose, since he wanted to hide it, he would hide it to the end.He wasn't worried about Lin Qingbing's problem. Since the Great Huanxi Heart Jue practiced by Da Huanxi Patriarch is a method of dual cultivation, it means that the two people who want to have intercourse are willing to do so, otherwise it will only achieve the opposite effect. Yu can conclude that Da Huanxi Patriarch will not use force.Taking a ten thousand step back, if Patriarch Da Huanxi directly forcibly had a relationship with Lin Qingbing, then it would be useless for him to worry now, he knew Lin Qingbing's character, if so, Lin Qingbing would definitely commit suicide.

"Shopkeeper, have a bowl of noodles and a pot of tea!"

Xiao Yu randomly found a teahouse with a faint smile on his face.Coupled with his unparalleled handsome face, many women stopped to look at him.

"Objective, take it easy!"

The efficiency of this teahouse was not bad, a bowl of noodles and a pot of tea were brought out quickly, Xiao Yu ate very elegantly, with a paper fan beside him.

Not far away from him, a woman in a green skirt was looking at him without blinking.

The woman was about 20 years old, she didn't wear makeup on her face, her appearance was exquisite, and her figure was well-proportioned. She was already an extremely rare beauty in this small town.

Looking around with her beautiful eyes, she felt that Xiao Yu was full of unspeakable charm.She has lived in this town for 21 years, and she has never seen such a handsome and elegant man.

Beside her was a maid who was obviously a young lady from a wealthy family.

"Miss, you"

The maid beside her naturally noticed the change in the master's gaze, and asked softly.

"Go, Xiaohong, let's go there!"

The woman in the green skirt moved her lotus steps lightly, and her hips swayed slightly, which attracted the eyes of many young people who are full of vigor.

Xiao Yu naturally sensed her approach, so he just smiled lightly, pretending not to know, and continued to deal with Su Mian in front of him.

The woman in the green skirt sat on the bench beside Xiao Yu, with an elegant smile on her face.

"Young master, you are not a local, are you?"

Xiao Yu was slightly taken aback, the woman in the green skirt was so direct when she came up, which made him a little speechless.

"Girl, I am indeed not a local, what can I do?"

Xiao Yu raised his head, and looked at the woman in the green skirt with a pair of dark and deep eyes, which made her heart tremble.

These are a pair of indescribable eyes, and those two pitch-black pupils are like endless black holes, attracting her to keep approaching.

"The little girl's name is Yalian. She is from the Wang family in the town. I think you are very handsome, so I want to get acquainted. I wonder if you can give the little girl this chance?"

There was a shyness on Wang Yalian's face, but a pair of crystal clear eyes looked at Xiao Yu bravely.

Xiao Yu was stunned again, the woman's directness really made him a little hard to resist.Although he can easily fight against many first-class masters in the world, he rarely encounters this kind of scene.

He forcefully collected his mind and said with a light smile: "Of course, I'm a foreigner. This time I came to the Meteor Empire to have fun, and I worry about not having any friends. I didn't expect God to send it to me so soon."

It has to be said that Xiao Yu is also a genius in acting. He originally had that kind of flat and indifferent temperament, but at this moment pretending to be a tourist boy is also very lifelike.

"Hehe, you really can talk!"

Wang Yalian smiled happily. It was the first time she met a man who made her fall in love.

"I don't know where the young master wants to go when he comes to Meteor Empire?"

Xiao Yu took a sip of tea, and said with some expectation on his face: "I heard that the Phoenix Mountain of the Meteor Empire is an ancient wonder, so of course I'm going to have an eye-opener this time."

However, Wang Yalian's complexion changed suddenly, Xiao Yu was startled.

"This Phoenix Mountain, is there anything weird? Why did she have such a big reaction when she mentioned Phoenix Mountain?"

Xiao Yu thought to himself.

"My lord!" Wang Yalian recovered a little after a long time, and said to Xiao Yu, "Phoenix Mountain, you can no longer play!"

"Ah?" Xiao Yu pretended to be surprised, "Why is that? Isn't it a famous scenic spot in the Meteor Empire?"

Wang Yalian smiled and explained: "Young master, I don't know. Not long ago, our emperor announced to the entire empire that Phoenix Mountain will be banned from now on, and it will completely become the residence of the patriarch of the country."

"Patriarch of the country protection? Foot restraint? What's going on here?"

Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained calm, and he continued to ask.

"This patriarch of protecting the country has existed in our empire for more than 100 years. It is also because of him that our Meteor Empire was able to become famous on the mainland. In order to thank him, the emperor sent someone to surround the entire Phoenix Mountain and gave him as a present. as private territory."

"So it is!"

Xiao Yu nodded, but he already had a calculation in his heart.The Meteor Empire has existed for a hundred years and can make the Meteor Empire famous in the mainland. Apart from the Da Huanxi Patriarch, there is probably no other person.

"Since that's the case, it's really a pity!"

Xiao Yu had a regretful look on her face, and Wang Yalian couldn't bear it, she quickly said: "My lord, you don't have to be so depressed, our Meteor Empire has other attractions, if you want, I can accompany you."

"Haha, that's what I wish for!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face, making Wang Yalian feel a little silly.

"Such a handsome man, I'm afraid those princes in the palace are no more than this!"

Wang Yalian thought to herself.

Xiao Yu took this opportunity to chat with Wang Yalian a lot in the teahouse, and learned about the general situation of the Meteor Empire.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from outside the street, and a man with the appearance of an officer and a soldier galloped past the center of the road on a steed.


Wang Yalian also looked over curiously. In her impression, this kind of situation would only happen when the empire issued an urgent order.

"It seems that the emperor has some special orders!"

Wang Yalian thought to herself.

Xiao Yu seemed a little absent-minded, he was thinking about how to get close to the strange Phoenix Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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