Chapter 380
"Lianlian, don't worry, dad is only your daughter, so he will protect you, after all, the second princess is her"

Wang Dong sighed, his eyes became extremely firm.

"Dad, I"

Wang Yalian didn't know what to say, but Wang Dong's tone revealed a determination that could not be refuted.

"Go, let's hold a family meeting immediately!"

Wang Dong turned around and walked out of the study, Wang Yalian nodded and followed behind Wang Dong.

In the hall of the Wang family, many people have gathered, and without exception, these people have the right to speak in the Wang family.They are all elders of the royal family.

The leader is a few elders, all of them are elders of the Wang family, judging from the aura exuding from them, each of them has the strength to break through the Yuan Realm.

"Elders!" Wang Dong looked at the few people and said in a deep voice, "I have decided to move the Wang family out of the Meteor Empire."

"Move out of the Meteor Empire?"

Every elder was stunned for a moment, the news was too sudden.

"Wang Dong, do you know what you are talking about?"

An indifferent and majestic voice sounded, Wang Dong frowned, and cast his eyes on the old man at the bottom.This person is the elder of the Wang family, and his status in the Wang family is comparable to him, and even worse.This person's words are definitely an important factor in the Wang family's decision-making.

"Elder, what do you mean by that?"

Wang Dong asked in a deep voice.

"Huh!" The elder of the Wang family snorted coldly, "As the head of the Wang family, you actually made such a decision that completely lost the Wang family's status in the Meteor Empire. Before you made this decision, did you think about our entire Wang family?"

The elder Wang's words made Wang Dong's face red. His decision was indeed out of selfishness, but he did not regret it.

"Elder Elder, I made this decision because of Lianlian. She is a rare martial arts genius in our royal family, and her achievements in the future will never be inferior to mine. You must know the content of this shooting star order. If Lianlian, then our Wang family will definitely suffer a big blow."

Wang Dong's gaze was firm, and he confronted the eldest elder of the Wang family.

"You are confused!" The elder of the Wang family was furious, "If Lianlian is favored by the Patriarch Huguo, then her strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and she will break through quickly. It will only be good for our Wang family, and there will be no harm!"

"Crack!" Wang Dong suddenly slapped the table and stood up, "Grand Elder, don't you know the final fate of the young female martial artist who was favored by the patriarch of the country? You want Lian Lian to change Is it like that?"

"Wang Dong, make it clear that Lian Lian is a member of our Wang family. For the benefit of the Wang family, it is only natural to make some sacrifices."

Elder Wang's face was gloomy, obviously extremely angry.He only thought about the interests of the Wang family, and his thoughts were deeply ingrained and could not be changed.


Wang Dong wanted to say more, but Wang Yalian walked in from outside the hall.

"Father, Great Elder, stop arguing!"

There was a trace of sadness on Wang Yalian's face.

"Wang Du, even if I go, the patriarch of protecting the country may not be able to like me!"

Wang Dong's complexion changed, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Lianlian, no!"

Wang Yalian shook her head and said: "Father, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I can't be so selfish. If I implicate the entire Wang family because of me, then I am a sinner of the Wang family."


Wang Dong sighed, he knew that Wang Yalian's decision could not be persuaded no matter what, his daughter usually looks virtuous and dignified, soft and weak, but her temper is really stubborn.

"Lianlian, don't blame me, our Wang family really can't stand the blow!"

The Great Elder looked at Wang Yalian and sighed.He is responsible for the rise and fall of the Wang family, and some things are beyond his control.Wang Yalian, why doesn't he love her?


No one noticed that the space outside the Wang family hall fluctuated slightly, and a figure in white disappeared.

"This patriarch who protects the country, it seems that he is indeed the patriarch of Dahuanxi!"

When Xiao Yu returned to the room, he felt a little weird. This was the first time he had eavesdropped on someone else's conversation.

He has a general understanding of the affairs of the Wang family, and he also understands the so-called urgent order, which must have been planned by Da Huanxi Patriarch.

Although the Meteor Empire is a country, it can be easily eliminated by a master like Patriarch Da Huanxi.It is easy for the entire royal family to be controlled by Da Huanxi Patriarch.

"Da Huanxi Patriarch?" Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, "I'm still worried that you won't come out of Phoenix Mountain, as long as you come out, then things will be easy!"

Although Xiao Yu was worried about Lin Qingbing, he was not in a hurry.Lin Qingbing is a smart woman, she must have a way to delay time.

"Master Xiao, are you there?"

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door, and it was Wang Yalian who came.

Xiao Yu immediately got up and opened the door, Wang Yalian's complexion was paler than before, and Xiao Yu's evaluation of Da Huanxi Patriarch was a little bit worse. Just a name alone can make Wang Yalian so scared. Da Huanxi Patriarch really did many unforgivable things.

"Young Master Xiao, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for two hours. You must be hungry. I've sent someone to prepare dinner. Let's go eat together!"

Wang Yalian showed a slightly weak smile and said to Xiao Yu.

"Okay, thank you!"

Xiao Yu was not polite either, and followed Wang Yalian to the dining hall of the Wang family.

There are many people in the dining hall of the Wang family, most of them are young children of the Wang family, men and women, it is very lively.After the children of the Wang family finished practicing, they would come here to have a meal.

"Young Master Xiao, our dining place is right in front. There is a small cubicle there, and the noise from outside will not disturb you."

Wang Yalian pointed to a room at the end of the dining hall, which was an independent single room.

"It's really troublesome Miss Wang!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly at Wang Yalian.He had a good impression of Wang Yalian. After all, girls in Wuxiu, although they don't say they are arrogant and have high eyes, most of them will hold their own identities and don't get too close to ordinary people.But Wang Yalian did not have this kind of situation at all.She treats ordinary people in the same way. Such a woman is indeed rare.

Seeing Wang Yalian's arrival, many disciples of the Wang family greeted Wang Yalian. Wang Yalian is the leader of the Wang family's generation, so she is naturally respected by them.

Wang Yalian nodded politely to them, Xiao Yu followed Wang Yalian with a calm expression.

The two walked through the long corridor of the dining hall, and suddenly a person stood in front of them.

"Sister Yalian, who is he?"

This is a boy with thick head and thick brain, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but his body is quite strong, and he is still tall. Compared with Xiao Yu, he is only a head shorter.

Xiao Yu saw the unkind look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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