Chapter 388 Kneeling?

The second princess didn't seem to have the slightest affection for the eldest prince Qiao Xin, and said coldly: "Private fighting is prohibited within the imperial city, let me remind you one last time!"

Qiao Xin shuddered, and said bravely, "Second Sister, Wang Dong shot at Third Brother and injured Third Brother, that's why I came here. It's not my fault."

Hearing this, the second princess turned her gaze to Wang Dong who was at the side.Wang Dong's heart trembled, but he wasn't too worried.

The second princess turned her head, looked at the eldest prince Qiao Xin, and said indifferently: "I have already said that no matter what the reason is, private fighting is prohibited within the imperial city. If there is any problem, you can go out of the imperial city to solve it privately."

The eldest prince Qiao Xin opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He was really afraid of himself, his second sister, not because of anything else, but because of that terrifying strength.

The third prince shrank aside, not daring to speak, and he never dared to say a word to his second sister.He was originally a flirtatious person, and he did a lot of bad things in the imperial capital. After the second princess found out, he almost chopped off his limbs on the spot. Since then, when he saw his second sister, he always took a detour.

"Lingling, long time no see, how are you?"

Wang Yalian, who was silent at the side, came out suddenly and grabbed the second princess's hand. The second princess didn't show any disgust at all, but her indifferent face fluctuated slightly.

"I'm okay!"

Qiao Lingling nodded, the frost on her face melted a little, but the icy temperament did not ease at all.

However, Xiao Yu had already heard the problem. When Qiao Lingling mentioned the Emperor of the Meteor Empire just now, she referred to him as the Emperor, not the Emperor Father. Obviously she had some opinion on the Emperor of the Meteor Empire, otherwise it would not be the case.

"Lingling, thank you very much!"

For Qiao Lingling who prevented the duel between Wang Dong and Qiao Xin, Wang Yalian was naturally very grateful. No one wanted to see their father defeated in front of everyone.

Qiao Lingling nodded, her taciturn appearance made Xiao Yu a little curious about what this woman had gone through.

"I still have some things to do, so I won't accompany you, Lianlian, this time"

Qiao Lingling looked at Wang Yalian, her indifferent eyes showed a trace of unbearable.

Wang Yalian raised her head and bit her red lips lightly: "I know, but I have no way out."

"Hey!" Qiao Lingling sighed softly, her gaze became extremely firm, "If that's the case, then I will definitely do my best to prevent that beast from succeeding."

"Don't!" Wang Yalian said hastily, "Lingling, you're undoubtedly dishonoring him by doing this, and he won't let you go!"

Qiao Lingling let out a miserable laugh, and said softly, "Is there anything else I'm afraid of? Heh!"

Looking at Qiao Lingling's pretty face of compassion and despair, Wang Yalian felt a deep sense of bitterness in her heart. All of this cannot be changed by ordinary girls like them.

Qiao Lingling left, Qiao Xin and Qiao Bin gave Wang Dong a vicious look, and they also pushed away the crowd to leave. With Qiao Lingling's intervention, they naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. Everyone in the imperial capital knew that Qiao Lingling was angry What a scene it will be.

"These two princesses are really amazing!"

Xiao Yu looked at the place where Qiao Lingling left and sighed.

Wang Yalian sighed quietly: "Oh, if given her a choice, she would rather not have this strength."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu asked strangely, "Why?"

"Xiao Yu, do you still remember the patriarch I mentioned?"

Wang Yalian's expression turned serious, revealing a trace of resentment.

"Of course I remember!" Xiao Yu raised his brows, "Could it be that her strength is related to the patriarch who protects the country?"

"That's right! She was the servant chosen by the Patriarch Huguo back then, and the Patriarch Huguo abandoned her a year later."

Wang Yalian showed a little bit of deep hatred.

"So it is!"

Xiao Yu nodded, and said in his heart: "This Patriarch Da Huanxi has done a lot of crimes!"

"Xiao Yu, she is really pitiful!" Wang Yalian said, tears welling up in her eyes, "At the beginning, she was chosen by the Patriarch Huguo because of her father, who is the current emperor. He regarded her as a The gift was given to Patriarch Huguo, just for the empire to get the protection of Patriarch Huguo. She was really attracted by Patriarch Huguo back then, and fell in love with him, but now she has ended up like this."

"Indeed, people's destinies are different, and everyone has a different path to go!"

Xiao Yu sighed and expressed sympathy for Qiao Lingling's experience.

"Since then, her whole heart has died. She is completely desperate for life, and her love for the patriarch of the country has also turned into hatred. She also told me that she swore an oath , if anyone can kill Patriarch Huguo, she must be a slave and handmaid in this life, following that person around."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xiao Yu suddenly coughed violently, choking on Wang Yalian's words.

"Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Yalian said strangely.

"It's okay, suddenly my throat feels uncomfortable!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled.My heart is a little ashamed.

It may only be a moment for a woman to change from love to hate. He once again realized the horror of women.

"Actually, her oath is almost useless. Looking at the entire continent, who can kill him?"

Wang Yalian sighed, she was overwhelmed by the patriarch's tyrannical strength, which made her breathless.

"Actually, that's not necessarily the case!" Xiao Yu smiled and said, "There are countless capable people on the continent, maybe one day the patriarch of protecting the country will really die at the hands of others, and we don't know!"

"Well, what you said makes sense!" Wang Yalian naturally thought that Xiao Yu was comforting her, "I hope there will be such a day."

"There will be!"

Xiao Yu said softly.

"What did you say?"

Wang Yalian said strangely.

"Hey, it's all right!"

Xiao Yu shook his head with a smile, and looked towards the high wall of the guard field, where someone had already stood up.


A loud and deep voice came from the high wall, and everyone looked there. A middle-aged man in a dragon robe was standing with his hands behind his back.Full of regal air.

He is Qiao Ran, the emperor of Meteor Empire.

"Meet the emperor!"

All the people knelt slightly, facing Qiao Ran's luggage.

On the guard field, almost everyone has knelt down, except for one person.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing, quickly kneel down!"

Wang Yalian pulled Xiao Yu once, secretly anxious in her heart.Wang Dong also looked at Xiao Yu with some dissatisfaction, secretly thinking that this young man is not polite.

"Why should I kneel? I am not from the Meteor Empire, nor is he the emperor of our country!"

Xiao Yu smiled faintly and waved his hands, but his body did not move, standing upright like a spear.

(End of this chapter)

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