Chapter 393
Wang Dong and Liang Jun looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes. If Patriarch Da Huanxi attacked Wang Yalian, how could they sit idly by?

"Forget it, I've lived for nearly a hundred years, so even if I die today, it's no big deal!"

Liang Jun thought to himself that he was ready to go all out.He wanted to use this old life to gain a chance for Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling.

The people standing around Wang Yalian and the others all ran to the high platform desperately. They knew very well that if Da Huanxi Patriarch attacked violently, they would definitely be affected.

"Lianlian, you guys leave quickly, I will block your grandfather for a while!"

Wang Dong stepped in front of the two girls and said in a deep voice.

"Father, grandpa, you"

Before Wang Yalian could finish speaking, Qiao Lingling wanted to pull her away.

"Want to go?"

Da Huanxi Patriarch's eyes flickered coldly, his palms protruded, and a huge palm print was placed directly under the hood.

Wang Dong and Liang Jun's complexion changed dramatically at the same time. Under this terrifying palm, they couldn't even rise up for years of resistance.

Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian's pretty faces were also pale, they couldn't even move their footsteps now, the powerful offensive of Da Huanxi Patriarch had completely blocked this space.

"Hey, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Some people couldn't help but sneer, feeling stupid about Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian's actions.

A trace of unbearableness flashed in Qiao Ran's eyes. Qiao Lingling was his own daughter. Because of Da Huanxi's ancestor, he had always felt ashamed of Qiao Lingling and wanted to make it up, but now even the chance was about to disappear.

"Is it here yet?"

Wang Yalian hugged Qiao Lingling together, her eyes unconsciously swept to the position where Xiao Yu was just now, but she found that Xiao Yu had disappeared.

"Did he escape? That would be great!"

Wang Yalian closed her eyes, the ground they were on was completely covered by shadows.

Da Huanxi Patriarch's gloomy face showed a gleam of pleasure, Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian dared to insult him openly, it was an unforgivable crime.


Suddenly, Da Huanxi Patriarch's complexion changed.


With a muffled sound, the huge palm print that was originally pressing down on the ground suddenly flew out in the opposite direction, shot towards the sky, and exploded into a piece of fireworks in the sky.


Countless people watched this scene dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

Patriarch Da Huanxi's eyes were fixed, and in front of Wang Yalian and the others, there was already a young man in white clothes. His long hair was dancing in the wind, extremely elegant, and his handsome face like a god descended from heaven made Da Huanxi's patriarch extremely jealous. Especially those pair of dark and deep eyes, dotted on the handsome face like stars, people can't help but be attracted by them.

Da Huanxi Patriarch was jealous, but he didn't strike again. He knew that his attack was blocked by this young man just now.

Wang Yalian didn't feel the overwhelming sense of destruction for a long time. She slowly opened her eyes, and a tall and straight figure came into view.

"Xiao Yu?"

Wang Yalian was stunned on the spot.

Qiao Lingling, Wang Dong, and Liang Jun all looked at Xiao Yu blankly.

"Isn't that the boy who followed Wang Yalian? How could he?"

The third prince, Qiao Bin, naturally recognized Xiao Yu, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Who are you, why do you want to stop me?"

Da Huanxi Patriarch was unpredictable about Xiao Yu's identity, and didn't want to establish a strong enemy for nothing.

"How is this going?"

Wang Yalian felt that her brain couldn't function, and the rest of the people were even more dumbfounded. When did Dahuanxi Patriarch be so polite to others?Now he is speaking to Xiao Yu in a completely peaceful tone, which is the tone that only appears when facing people of the same level.

But, how is it possible?Xiao Yu is so young, how can he be qualified to have an equal dialogue with Patriarch Da Huanxi?

"Isn't Da Huanxi the patriarch? It's so majestic!"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, without the slightest respect for Patriarch Da Huanxi in his tone.

Patriarch Da Huanxi's face darkened, it seemed that this young peerless master did not intend to give him face.

Hearing this voice, Lin Qingbing in the sky was shocked violently.

"It's him, it's him!"

Naturally, she could tell that this was the unique voice of the person she was thinking about day and night.

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, everyone's complexion changed drastically. Judging from Xiao Yu's tone, it seemed that they were extremely dissatisfied with Da Huanxi Patriarch.

"Xiao Yu, you."

Wang Yalian stared blankly at Xiao Yu, not knowing what to say, she was completely stunned.A young man whom she had always regarded as an ordinary person had a face-to-face conversation with Patriarch Da Huanxi who was at the peak of the Broken God Realm.

Qiao Lingling frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be."

Her eyes are wide open, her red lips are slightly parted.

Wang Dong and Liang Jun also thought of a possibility that they had preconceived and denied from the beginning.

Xiao Yu turned his head and glanced at Wang Yalian, smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you always want to see me? Your wish has already been fulfilled!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, regardless of how Wang Yalian reacted, her figure suddenly disappeared, and a gust of wind burst out from under her feet.

Da Huanxi Patriarch's complexion changed drastically, and an arm was placed across his body.


A fist had already hit his arm, and a terrifying force he had never experienced suddenly slanted out. He let out a muffled grunt, and his figure directly wiped out thousands of feet.


Xiao Yu's legs swept down in the wind, and right in the middle of the huge throne condensed by Da Huanxi's ancestor's divine power, with a crisp sound, Nuo Da's throne was split into pieces.


Xiao Yu's figure flashed again, and he appeared directly beside Lin Qingbing, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Looking at the handsome face so close at hand, Lin Qingbing's eyes were misty and charming.

A trace of Xiao Yu's divine power penetrated into Lin Qingbing's body, dispelling Da Huanxi's divine power completely, and the meridians in Lin Qingbing's body recovered as before.

"I knew you would come!"

Lin Qingbing burst into tears and threw herself on Xiao Yu's shoulder. She hugged her so hard that she just wanted to never let go in this lifetime.

"Yes, I will definitely come!"

Xiao Yu smiled lightly, and stood in the sky with Lin Qingbing in his arms.

"you wanna die!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch saw the affectionate appearance of Lin Qingbing and Xiao Yu, and immediately became furious. Lin Qingbing is a woman he valued, and now she hugs another person who is more attractive than him in front of him. , how can he bear it?

I saw his sleeves swung, and a burst of divine power swept out like a thunderbolt.


Xiao Yu grinned, stomped the sole of his foot, and shot away angrily with even greater divine power.


Two divine powers of different colors collided in the air, and the space was suddenly overwhelmed and collapsed into pieces.The terrifying energy fluctuations spread, overwhelming the crowd below them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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