Chapter 404 Promise

Ao Zixuan's heart trembled, and she murmured.These two words are very close to her who has a fiancé, but she feels extremely strange.

"Yes, let's get married, Zixuan!"

Long Zhantian took a step forward, wanting to hold Ao Zixuan's hand, she subconsciously took a step back, Long Zhantian paused and stopped on the spot.

"Is she resistant to me?"

Long Zhantian was very disappointed. Until now, Ao Zixuan still hasn't completely opened up to him, or in other words, never opened up?
When the word "marriage" was mentioned, Ao Zixuan first skipped the figure of Xiao Yu in his mind, the man who appeared at the critical moment and resisted the strong wind and waves on his shoulders by himself; The man who never backed down after his words were defeated; the man who stood upright and looked down on the world; the man who took her away like a rogue; the man who said she was not qualified to be his woman; The man who kissed her like a rascal.

"Why... is it him?"

Ao Zixuan's eyes danced slightly in her eye sockets, she really hoped that the person in her mind was Long Zhantian, not Xiao Yu.This way she won't be in as much pain as she is now.

"Zixuan, are you okay?"

Long Zhantian carefully observed Ao Zixuan's reaction.It was only after he thought about it that he suddenly brought up the matter of marrying Ao Zixuan. Seeing Ao Zixuan's attitude towards Xiao Yu, he felt a deep sense of crisis.He loves Ao Zixuan, there is no doubt about it, because of love, he is afraid of losing.There is no comparison between him and Xiao Yu, and the sense of superiority in his heart can only turn into a sense of frustration.

Xiao Yu's body went deep into the dragon's pond and tiger's lair, and rescued Ao Zixuan and other geniuses of the sect. He thought to himself, if it were him, he would definitely be fascinated by Xiao Yu's demeanor. He is ashamed of such a man.

His only trump card is to have the identity of Ao Zixuan's fiancé, he knows that Ao Zixuan is not the kind of person who is always in trouble, if he proposes marriage, he believes that Ao Zixuan will agree.

"Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?"

Ao Zixuan hesitated for a moment before asking.

Long Zhantian's expression froze. He didn't dare to answer this question truthfully.

Smiling, Long Zhantian said: "This is what Daddy meant. I asked him, and he felt that the alliance is not yet stable. We two are getting married at this time. It happens to be another happy event, which can make the rest of the alliance Let’s all come to join and strengthen the entire alliance. Besides, I really want to marry you.”

Looking at Long Zhantian's sincere eyes, Ao Zixuan only felt that her heart was in a mess. If she followed her heart, she would never want to marry Long Zhantian. Speaking of which, Long Zhantian was more like an older brother. Only in Xiao Yu's body did he experience that feeling of thumping.However, Long Zhantian is her fiancée, she doesn't want others to think that she is an unruly woman.

"Battle days."

After a long time, Ao Zixuan just raised her head, and there was a hint of determination on her pretty face.

"Let's get married!"

Long Zhantian was overjoyed, stepped forward and grabbed Ao Zixuan's hand, excitedly said: "Really? Zixuan, you agreed?"

Ao Zixuan froze, but she still nodded.

"Great, great!"

Long Zhantian was so excited that he wanted to reach out to kiss Ao Zixuan's cheek.Ao Zixuan stretched out her hand and gently pushed his chest, her face was a little unnatural.

"Zhan Tian, ​​don't be in such a hurry, we haven't gotten married yet, on the night of the wedding, everything I have is yours!"

Ao Zixuan's words made her feel helpless, but she has already made up her mind, so she won't regret it.

"Yes yes yes, I'm too impatient, I'll go to my father and ask him to arrange a wedding date for us!"

Long Zhantian nodded quickly, turned around and ran to the main hall of Liufengmen.

Ao Zixuan looked at Long Zhantian's disappearing figure, a line of tears lay down on her face.

"Xiao Yu, only in this way can I make myself stop thinking about you."

Long Xiaotian sat at the head of the hall, meditating.

Long Zhantian proposed to Ao Zixuan to get married, and it was indeed with his consent. The current alliance really needs some happy events to increase cohesion. It is necessary to deepen exchanges between the various sects, and to face enemies in the future, so that they can truly be united as one.

"How about it, it will be six days later, and all the wedding invitations will be sent out tomorrow. You and Jing Xin will handle this matter!"

Long Xiaotian finally chose the time, and said with relief.After all, he waited until the day when his son got married.

"Yes, Dad, I'm going to discuss it with my little sister now!"

Long Zhantian said happily.


Long Xiaotian waved his hand, and a rare smile appeared on his face. Although he was extremely strict with Long Zhantian, he was more like a loving father at this moment.

Long Zhantian resigned in response, and went straight to Long Jingxin's residence. He didn't want to delay this matter, but just wanted to implement it quickly. If the invitation was sent out, then this matter was a certainty and could not be taken down.

"Little sister, little sister!"

Long Zhantian came to the door of Long Jingxin's room, knocked on the door and shouted.

"Big brother?"

Long Jingxin's voice came from inside.

She opened the door and saw Long Zhantian standing outside the door with an excited face.

"Brother, it's so late, what are you doing? So excited!"

Long Jingxin was puzzled.

"Little sister, I'm getting married, hurry up, come and write invitations with me!"

Long Zhantian doesn't look like a sect genius now, he is just an excited groom-to-be, and his usual calmness has long been forgotten.


Long Jingxin's beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't react, why did Long Zhantian want to get married suddenly?
"Sister Zixuan?"

Long Jingxin frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of Ao Zixuan.

"Of course!"

Long Zhantian said excitedly.

Hearing this news, Long Jingxin should have been happy for her elder brother, it was indeed a happy event for him to marry the woman he loves, but at this moment Long Jingxin couldn't be happy at all.

She thought of Xiao Yu, who was supposed to be Ao Zixuan's favorite person.

"Brother, sister Zixuan agreed?"

Long Jingxin asked tentatively.

"Of course!" Long Zhantian said with a smile, "She has already agreed, father has set our wedding date in six days."

"After six days?"

Long Jingxin was silent, Xiao Yu was not at Liufengmen at the moment, so she definitely wouldn't know the news, although she didn't know where Xiao Yu went, but she thought it must be a very far away place.

"I see, let's write invitations!"

Long Jingxin nodded, and entered the room together with Long Zhantian.

The next day, the news that Long Zhantian, the young master of Liufengmen, was going to marry his fiancee, Ao Zixuan, spread rapidly as if he had grown wings.

(End of this chapter)

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