Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 409 Long Zhantian's Worries

Chapter 409 Long Zhantian's Worries
The two drank very excitedly, one jar after another, without any interruption.

Talking at this moment has become meaningless. Only by drinking can they vent their emotions and release their sorrow.

The pain in Xiao Yu's heart, the compassion and helplessness in Ao Zixuan's heart, maybe only wine can slightly suppress it.

During this time, Lin Qingbing sent more than ten jugs of spirits, both of them opened it and drank it. After an hour, they had already drank more than thirty jugs.


Another two wine jars were broken into pieces, Xiao Yu's face was reddish, but he was not drunk at all, he was surprised by Ao Zixuan's drinking capacity, although Ao Zixuan's eyes were blurred at this moment, she was not drunk.

If it were someone else, even Xiao Long, who claims to be a big drinker, would have already become a soft person.

"What? Do you think I can drink well?"

An extremely charming look appeared on Ao Zixuan's face, she blinked at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was overwhelmed by indescribable amorous feelings, he almost couldn't control himself, and pulled Ao Zixuan into his arms Willful love and compassion.

He could have been like this, but everything was because of Ao Wuji, that warm and touching picture was gone forever.

"You really can drink!"

Xiao Yu nodded.

"Xiao Yu, you are really an upright man!" Ao Zixuan was already drunk in her words.

She stretched out a few green onion fingers, snapped them off one by one, and muttered: "Able to drink, strong in strength, resolute in character, handsome in appearance, and extraordinary in temperament. Oh, there are too many, I can't even count them."

Ao Zixuan put down her hands, stared straight at Xiao Yu, and said sweetly: "Xiao Yu, do you know? In my heart, you are the best man in the world. No one can compare to you. You are a real hero, a real hero. You have everything a man can dream of."


Xiao Yu smiled miserably and didn't answer, but he was sad in his heart: "I'm excellent? The best? Unfortunately, I can't even keep the woman I love the most. I can only watch her prepare a wedding with someone else. I even told If I love her, I can't even do it, so what kind of excellence am I?"

The more I thought about Xiao Yu, the more I felt that I had failed, and the fists placed under the table were already clenched.If Ao Zixuan's life would not be in danger because of him, he would really snatch her away immediately and take her away.But fate just likes to play tricks on people, even he, the arrogant and crazy god who looks down on the world, cannot escape from it.

"Xiao Yu, do you love me?"

Ao Zixuan suddenly uttered a sentence that made Xiao Yu's soul fly into the sky, this sentence made Xiao Yu's heart tremble wildly, first he was boundless ecstasy, and then, he was full of fear.

"Did she remember?"

Xiao Yu stood on the spot blankly, almost losing his ability to judge. He could face any situation calmly, but only when facing Ao Zixuan, he would be in a mess. No matter how iron-blooded a man is, he will be no exception.

Taking advantage of Xiao Yu's loss of consciousness, she stretched her head over and kissed Xiao Yu's lips lightly.

That gentle touch was so familiar, Xiao Yu's body trembled like an electric shock.

Ao Zixuan's lips parted, and her face, which was already blushing from drinking, turned even redder, exuding a mature charm.

"Xiao Yu, this is a repayment for your kindness in saving my life, thank you for being so kind to me all the time!"

Ao Zixuan's complexion suddenly changed, becoming extremely serious and sad.

"Tomorrow is my wedding day. After that, I will be me and you will be you. I hope you will never appear in my life again. Can you promise me?"

Xiao Yu's eyes throbbed violently, at this moment, he even stopped breathing.Although he has been doing this all the time, he never thought that these words would come out of Ao Zixuan's mouth, he never thought that Ao Zixuan would ask him to do this.

"I promise you!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the sadness that was about to burst out of his body, and made his voice sound as calm as possible.

Ao Zixuan stretched out her hand to grab the last jar of wine, a small part of her lotus root-like jade arm was exposed, and Xiao Yu saw the delicate knife pattern on her arm.

This is a knife, like a tattoo engraved on Ao Zixuan's wrist, it cannot be peeled off at all.

"This knife, you should have never used it!"

Xiao Yu looked at the knife pattern on Ao Zixuan's hand, and murmured.Ao Zixuan forgot all the things she had with him, so naturally she would not remember the thing that Panlong Zhanhuang gave her the Thunder Dragon Saber.

"What did you say?"

Ao Zixuan's figure was a little wobbly, obviously she was reaching her limit.She has no memory of the knife pattern on her hand. She doesn't know when it appeared. Every time she touches it, a strange feeling will flow through her body, but she doesn't understand what it means.She has the best weapons in the world, but she never knows it.


Xiao Yu shook his head, already at this point, he naturally didn't want to make any further complications, Ao Zixuan, after all, did not belong to him. (This is just what the protagonist thinks when he is sad, Xuanxuan must belong to him, this will never change)
"Come on, it's the last jar!"

After Ao Zixuan finished speaking, before she had time to lift the wine jar, she couldn't stand the drunkenness, and lay down directly on the table.The wine jar slipped from her hand and was about to fall to the ground.


Xiao Yu stretched out his hand, caught the wine jar, and directly handed it to his mouth, gulping down the jar.Now, even wine can no longer heal the pain in his heart.

Ao Zixuan lay quietly on the table, such an indecent posture looked extremely charming and graceful on her body.Every movement of her is extremely soft and beautiful, unparalleled in the world.


After drinking a jar of wine, Xiao Yu was not drunk, he sighed softly, stood up, walked to the gate of the courtyard, and leaned against the gate.

"Xuanxuan, you will be happy, I believe!"

Xiao Yu looked at Ao Zixuan who was sleeping soundly, with a touch of warmth in his eyes.

Not far away, two figures were moving rapidly.

"Brother, sister Zixuan must be in Liufengmen, why are you so worried?"

Looking at Long Zhantian beside him, Long Jingxin said strangely.

But Long Zhantian didn't say a word, he heard from others that Ao Zixuan came to this yard, and someone saw Xiao Yu also in this yard before.

This is what worried him the most, if Xiao Yu did something wrong to Ao Zixuan, then he would really regret it.

Now he just wants to see Ao Zixuan as soon as possible, and he just wants to take her away from Xiao Yu as soon as possible. He has a heartfelt fear of Xiao Yu, which is not only due to Xiao Yu's strength, but also from Xiao Yu own charm.

(End of this chapter)

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