Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 429 The Fountain of Saint Power

Chapter 429 The Fountain of Saint Power
"Hero Xiao Xiao, I, how about I leave now?"

Xu Hao begged for mercy repeatedly, kept bowing his head, and only hoped that Xiao Yu would let him go.


Xiao Yu nodded, "You can leave!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Xu Hao was overjoyed, but the two elders, Red Flower and Green Leaf, were not worried at all.If Xiao Yu was so talkative, there wouldn't be so many cruel rumors about him in the mainland.

Xu Hao was about to leave, but Xiao Yu's next words made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"You can leave, you can leave since you abolished your cultivation base, I will never stop it, and I guarantee that no one else will stop it!"

Xiao Yu's face was expressionless, and there was no trace of emotion in his indifferent eyes.

"Hero Xiao, this"

Xu Hao trembled all over, how could he be willing to let him abolish his cultivation?It took him a hundred years to complete his cultivation, and he acted arrogantly, offended many people, and had many enemies. If he had no strength, not only would his body function decline, but he might even face endless pursuit .

"It's okay if you don't abolish your cultivation, just take a punch from me! After my punch, whether you die or live depends entirely on you, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

As soon as Xiao Yu changed the subject, Xu Hao's eyes shone with hope. If he received a punch from Xiao Yu, he might still have a chance.

He gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take a punch from Daxia Xiao!"

After speaking, he mobilized the divine power in his body to form an extremely thick barrier of divine power in front of him. He didn't dare to be careless towards Xiao Yu.However, he had never heard of the news that Patriarch Da Huanxi died in Xiao Yu's hands. If he had known, he probably would not have chosen to take Xiao Yu's punch.

Ning Ningxiang had just accepted the fact that Xiao Yu was the real Aotian Kuangshen, but now she heard that Xu Hao could leave after receiving Xiao Yu's punch, and she immediately became worried.

They knew that Xu Hao was not Xiao Yu's opponent, but if he survived Xiao Yu's punch and went to the Lanhuamen to make trouble in the future, then what would they do?They can't guarantee that the head of the sect and the Supreme Elder are always in the Lanhua Gate, let alone have such good luck every time, that they can have the Proud Sky and Mad God to support their Lanhua Gate.

The red flowers and green leaves were not worried at all. At their level, they naturally knew the gap between each stage of the Broken God Realm. Xiao Yu was able to kill Da Huanxi Patriarch who was at the peak of the Broken God Realm, and his strength must be at least above the Broken God Realm. At the peak level of the realm, this Xu Hao is at best a second level of the Broken God Realm. If he wants to take Xiao Yu's punch, how can he be so easy to catch?

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu retracted his fist and threw his fist back, without any fluctuation of divine power, looking ordinary.The eyes of the two elders, Red Flower and Green Leaf, opened their eyes wide, and Xiao Yu's cultivation had already reached the point where he had returned to basics.


Xiao Yu punched out, seemingly weak, but an extremely crisp sound came from the entire space.


Xu Hao spurted blood wildly, his eyes almost protruding from their sockets, and he fell directly to the ground.At the moment of his death, he couldn't understand why Xiao Yu's power would lean on him without breaking through his defense.

A generation of masters in the God-shattering realm fell away.

Xiao Yu slowly withdrew his hand, and the barrier condensed by Xu Hao's divine power slowly dissipated, as if it had never been there.

"Thank you, Daxia Xiao, for protecting the sect!"

The two elders, Red Flower and Green Leaf, finally came back to their senses after their hearts were shaken wildly, and bowed down to Xiao Yu, Ning Ningxiang and the women who had made things difficult for Xiao Yu just now were even more silent and knelt down again and again.

Ning Ningxiang secretly looked at Xiao Yu, and found that there was no displeasure on his face, and felt a little relieved.

"Get up!"

Xiao Yu's face was calm, and with a wave of his hand, all of them were supported by an invisible force, and they had no power to resist, which made them even more horrified. Even their sect masters couldn't do this kind of thing so easily. do it.

"Xiao, Hero Xiao, I really don't know." Ning Ningxiang took a few steps forward, with a trace of panic showing on her beautiful face, "I offended you just now, I hope you don't blame me!"

"Nothing!" Xiao Yu waved his hand, and said in a flat tone, "But you still have to pay attention to some words and deeds in the future, and don't jump to conclusions before things are confirmed!"


Ning Ningxiang and the girls responded repeatedly, they felt that Xiao Yu was not as cold as the rumors said, and their evaluation of Xiao Yu in their hearts increased a bit.

"I don't know what the great hero Xiao is doing when he comes to my Orchid Gate?"

Red Flowers and Green Leaves clasped their fists together and asked.

"That's right, Elder Huali from your Orchid Sect entrusted me to deal with the issue of the Saint Power Spring!"

Xiao Yu replied.

"The Supreme Elder invited you here, that's great!"

The safflower and the green leaves showed joy. These days they worked hard for the energy riot of the fountain of holy power, but they were still unable to contain it, which caused the spring of holy power to rebound even more. Today they almost managed to control the riot. Can't live.

"It's not too late, take me there quickly, the two trapped in the fountain of holy power are my friends!"

Xiao Yu didn't want to waste any more time here.

Red Flower and Green Ye were startled, knowing that there was no delay, they quickly led Xiao Yu in.

Ning Ningxiang and the girls followed behind, and they didn't even guard the mountain gate. Now they don't worry about anyone coming to make trouble at the Lanhua gate.Aotian Kuangshen sits here, no matter who comes to make trouble, there will be no return.

Compared to this, they wanted to see how Xiao Yu would solve the issue of the Fountain of Saint Power.

"Senior sister, Xiao Daxia said that Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu are his friends, don't you care?"

A woman behind her whispered to Ning Xiangxiang.

"Care?" Ning Ningxiang shook her head, "It's a pity I didn't get to know him earlier!"

Under the leadership of the red flowers and green leaves, Xiao Yu traveled through the mountains and forests of the Orchid Gate.

Along the way, many female disciples pointed and pointed, very curious.

"Look, who is that person? Isn't our Orchid Gate not allowing men to enter?"

"Yeah, it's really strange, and the two elders, Red Flower and Green Leaf, personally led him the way. Could it be that he is a genius from some sect?"

"Very likely, but he is so handsome, I have never seen such a handsome man!"

Guessing Xiao Yu's identity made these ignorant girls tireless, until Ning Ningxiang wrote a few big characters on the ground, and they stopped talking, and their eyes widened.

While walking by himself, Xiao Yu felt an extremely obscure energy fluctuation ten thousand zhang ahead.

"Hero Xiao, the fountain of holy power is just ahead!"

The red flowers and green leaves pointed to the front and said.

Xiao Yu nodded, took a step forward, and appeared in the distant sky.

This is a clear spring. The difference from ordinary spring water is that the energy here is extremely abundant.

The spring water surged, and Xiao Yu's brows gradually wrinkled.

(End of this chapter)

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