Chapter 441 Halberd Monster

On the Shenwu Continent, a unilateral massacre is taking place.Half of the god-breaking masters in the Eleven Forces Alliance mobilized and began to defeat the first-class forces on the mainland that were dominated by the "Dark Prison" one by one.

After receiving the help of the "Dark Prison", these first-rate forces are indeed stronger than ordinary first-rate forces, but it is undoubtedly a man's arm if they want to compete against the alliance of eleven forces individually.Long Xiaotian and the others took them by surprise and chose to defeat them one by one, and now they have wiped out three first-class forces.

This matter is still going on, and everyone who was worried that "Dark Prison" would send high-level god-breaking realms to intervene also let go of their worries, because until now they have not encountered "Dark Prison" blocking, " "Dark Prison" seems to have really disappeared, ignoring the life and death of these first-class forces.

How did they know that because of Xiao Yu, Fairy Twins was forced to use the technique of blood sacrifice to release the powerful power at the peak of the God Breaking Realm, frightening all the top powers in the "Dark Prison", and they chose to go to Avoiding the place in the extreme north, naturally no longer pay attention to these dispensable pieces.

For "Dark Prison", the growth of the Holy Body is more important than anything else. If the Holy Body takes shape, they will also be able to break through the peak of the God Realm without fear, and even be stronger than it.

In the west of the Haimiao Empire, a figure kept flashing.

"Half a month, time is really tight!"

Xiao Yu kept tearing apart the space, carrying out large-span space teleportation. He never thought that there would be a time limit for the situation of Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo at the beginning.

Finding medicine, Xiao Yu felt that it should not be too difficult, but if a time limit was added, it would be even more difficult.

After he came out of the Orchid Gate, he headed towards the west of Haimiao Empire, because Qilian Mountain was in this direction.

He remembered very clearly that when he met Yao Wang outside Lansimogao Empire, Yao Wang said that he was living in seclusion in Qilian Mountain now, and Xiaofeng would visit him in Qilian Mountain during this time.

When talking about the understanding of medicines, the first person Xiao Yu thought of was of course Medicine King.Although the King of Medicine is not too strong, he is definitely a master of medicine, and he must know the medicine. If he wants to inquire about Xiulongguo and Shensoul Jade Chips, finding the King of Medicine is the most ideal way.

In the depths of Qilian Mountains, there is a simple shed built with grass and trees, and behind the shed is a wooden house that can be seen everywhere.The precious medicinal materials are planted all around, and they grow quite impressively, obviously they have been carefully cared for by others.

Yao Wang was sitting in the thatched hut, holding a watermelon in his left hand and a spoon in his right hand, constantly feeding the bright red flesh into his mouth.


There was a loud shout from a distance, and Yao Wang turned his head in surprise, only to see a boy in civilian clothes standing on the top of the distant mountain, waving to him constantly.

There was a look of relief on Yao Wang's face, although he was far away, he could still recognize it at a glance, it was his grandson Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng was carrying a spear on his back, and his figure was a little taller than it was a few months ago, and the immature look on his face was also a little less, and there was more determination.

Yao Wang suppressed the excitement in his heart, waved to Xiaofeng, and still sat in the thatched shed.Xiaofeng jumped down from the top of the mountain and flew along the slope, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

He hadn't seen Yao Wang for a long time, and he was a child, so the thoughts in his heart naturally burst out at this moment, and he just wanted to rush to Yao Wang's side earlier.

"Slow down, you kid!"

When Xiaofeng rushed to the thatched shed where Yao Wang was, Yao Wang couldn't sit still anymore.

He walked up to Xiaofeng, stretched out his hand and caressed the latter's head, with an extremely loving look in his eyes.When Xiaofeng wanted to leave to wander alone, he didn't quite agree, but seeing Xiaofeng's firm look, he finally didn't stop him.When a child grows up, he has his own way to go after all. This is a saying that his teacher often talks about.

"Grandpa, I'm back to see you!"

Fog loomed in Xiaofeng's eyes, but Jue resisted not shedding tears. Although his body hadn't grown much, his heart had been fully tempered in these short months, and he was no longer the one who met Things will be frightened, and the little boy will only hide behind his grandpa.

Now he has reached the peak of the Condensation Realm.

In less than three months, this speed of cultivation is terrifying.Compared with Xiao Yu who can kill monsters and refine Qi, he is only weaker by a line.

"Just come back, just come back!"

Yao Wang was a little surprised: "Xiaofeng, you have reached the peak of Yuan Condensation Realm? How could it be so fast?"

Xiaofeng showed a hint of pride on his face: "It is the master who used the supreme divine power to open up many meridians in my body, so the speed of cultivation can reach a thousand miles a day, but this is only limited to those below the Yuanyuan Realm. If the strength reaches the Broken God Realm At the peak, the speed will slow down, and then I need to hone and accumulate by myself, the master said, the current speed is just an appearance.”

"Your master?" Yao Wang frowned, "Who is your master?"

He was very worried in his heart, Xiaofeng hadn't entered the world deeply, if he really found a famous teacher, it would be great, but if he was accepted as an apprentice by someone with bad intentions, and taught him wrong principles of behavior and the principles of dealing with others, then it would be a disaster It was terribly wrong. It was terrible.

When a person is young, he is the easiest to be changed. His acquired habits and hobbies will be affected by the surrounding environment.Yao Wang didn't want Xiaofeng to go astray because of this.

"My master's name, it seems to be 'Halberd Monster'!"

Xiaofeng thought about it and said.

"'Halberd Monster'?"

Hearing this name, Yao Wang's eyes were fixed, he was very surprised, even a little unbelievable.

This halberd monster Xia Houliang's reputation is not insignificant. He had already become famous 200 years ago.For the first time in 200 years, there has been no news about him in the mainland. Almost everyone thought he was dead, but unexpectedly he is still alive.

Although Xia Houliang, the halberd monster, belonged to the same period as Da Huanxi's ancestor, his behavior style was completely opposite to that of Da Huanxi's ancestor. Liang has never had a bad reputation. It is said that he is not close to women, and he is jealous of evil. He has taken actions to punish some first-class forces with extremely misbehaving styles. His reputation on the mainland is very good.

No wonder the King of Medicine was so surprised. Xia Houliang was already a master of the God Breaking Realm 200 years ago. After 200 years, his strength must have improved to a higher level. It is conservatively estimated that his strength is comparable to that of Da Huanxi's ancestor. It is indeed a great blessing for Xiaofeng to have him as his teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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