Chapter 443 Gun Sect
This Yuan-breaking master was indeed wholeheartedly thinking about the sake of the sect, and he was thoughtful, but Feng Mo didn't buy it.

I only heard Feng Mo snort coldly: "It's really stupid, the 'halberd monster' Xia Houliang has not seen news for 200 years, and he is probably dead. The boy may have accidentally obtained the 'halberd monster' Overlord Meteor Spear. What's wrong with snatching it? What's more, putting such a treasure on the young man whose strength is no more than the Yuan Condensation Stage is a disaster for him, and we have done a good deed."

This Feng Mo was thicker-skinned than the city wall. It was obviously a robbery, but in his mouth, it turned into doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. If others listened to it, they would definitely laugh out loud.

After hearing what Feng Mo said, the strong man in the Yuan-shattering realm immediately stopped talking.He is very clear about Feng Mo's character, if he disobeys him too much, he will definitely be hated by him, Feng Mo holds a high position in the Gun Sect, and a single sentence can make him lose his position in the Gun Sect, so he naturally doesn't want to Will be stupid enough to offend him.

"Who else has an objection?"

Feng Mo glanced at the rest of the people, all of them lowered their eyebrows and were pleasing to the eye, not daring to speak out.

Complacent, he said loudly: "If that's the case, then let's go into the mountains to search for people!"

The rest of the people responded repeatedly, and the young man who was hurt by Xiaofeng showed resentment in his eyes. He had never been insulted so much before, and today he was defeated in public by a man who was a few years younger than himself. In the young man's hand, this made him unacceptable. He swore that if Xiaofeng was restrained by Feng Mo and others later, he would repay the previous debt twice as much.

Yao Wang in the thatched shed suddenly turned his face hard, and looked at the top of the mountain in the distance. Feng Mo, who happened to climb to the top of the mountain, also sensed it, and cast his gaze here.

The two looked at each other far away, and invisible sparks shot out in the air.

"These people, it seems that the visitors are not kind!"

Yao Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, he hadn't made a move for a long time, today, he might not be able to stay out of the matter.

Feng Mo was slightly startled, he could naturally feel Yao Wang's sharp gaze, he knew that Yao Wang's strength was by no means inferior to his.

The young man next to him saw Xiaofeng sitting next to Yao Wang at a glance, and his expression immediately became agitated.

"Elder Feng Mo, that kid is in that hut!"

"Shut up!"

Feng Mo let out a low cry, and although the young man was puzzled, he still kept his mouth shut.

With a wave of Feng Mo's hand, everyone behind him stopped and did not take another step down the mountain.

He secretly guessed in his heart: "The young man had a very happy conversation with a peak of Concentration Realm. Could it be that he has a strong background?"

Once this idea came together, they could no longer suppress it. If Xiaofeng had a background not inferior to that of the Gun Sect, then their round of snatching would have offended a first-class force, which would not be a good thing for the Gun Sect.Their Spear Sect annexed another first-class force not long ago, and it is still in the stage of integration and recuperation at this time. If it is approached by other first-class forces, it will definitely be damaged.

"Elder Feng Mo, what's wrong?"

The rest looked at him strangely.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look!"

Feng Mo decided to stand still and find out whether the spear behind the young man is the Overlord Meteor Gun.

A group of people walked slowly from the upper road, Yao Wang frowned and looked at Xiaofeng.

"Xiaofeng, do you know those people?"

He naturally knew that these people were not targeting him. Ever since the Chiyang Sect was destroyed by Xiao Yu, he no longer had any worries. Now these people came here, nine out of ten came for Xiaofeng, indeed To put it bluntly, it was aimed at the Overlord Meteor Gun behind Xiaofeng.

"One of them tried to take my gun and I beat him today!"

Xiaofeng naturally also saw the young man named Xiaoqi, and his tone was quite disdainful.He has been taught by the halberd monster, so he naturally doesn't pay attention to these low-grade things, this is his vision.

"It seems that they came here for the Overlord Meteor Gun behind you, so be careful for a while!"

Yao Wang didn't dare to be careless. Although he is also at the peak of Concentration Realm, the opponent's team is also not weak. Not only does he have a peak Concentration Realm who can rival him, but there are also more than a dozen masters at the Primordial Breaking Realm. If he is entangled, Xiaofeng will be in danger facing these people.

"I know, Grandpa!"

Xiaofeng was very calm, Yao Wang nodded secretly, this kind of unruffled demeanor is definitely not something that mediocrity can possess.

Feng Mo and his party had already come to the thatched shed. He took a step forward, clasped his fists at the King of Medicine and said, "Feng Mo, the law enforcement elder of the Gun Sect, is new to your land, so I hope you won't disturb your Excellency."

Yao Wang's face remained unchanged, he waved his sleeves and said, "We are guests from afar, everyone please sit down!"

As soon as the words finished, a stool in the thatched shed flew up and landed in front of Feng Mo.

"Thank you!"

Feng Mo sat down in a grand manner, but his eyes were fixed on the Overlord Meteor Gun behind Xiaofeng.

After scrutinizing it for a while, he immediately showed ecstasy. With his eyesight and insight, he can naturally distinguish the difference between the real product and the model.The Overlord Meteor Gun behind Xiaofeng is absolutely genuine.


Xiaofeng didn't have the slightest fear of facing the peak of Concentration Realm, he hated others looking greedily at his Overlord Meteor Gun, so he snorted coldly.

Yao Wang also showed displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "Is there something wrong with your Excellency looking at my grandson's spear like this?"

Feng Mo reacted immediately, looked away reluctantly, and said seriously: "I'm really sorry, I will see Lie Xinxi next time, the spear that this little brother is carrying must be the world-famous Overlord Meteor Spear, right?"

Before Yao Wang could speak, Xiaofeng had already spoken.His face was indifferent, without the slightest intention to hide it, and said coldly: "Yes, it is the Overlord Meteor Gun, what do you think?"

Feng Mo was secretly angry, but since Yao Wang was here and he hadn't figured out Xiaofeng's identity, he naturally wouldn't show it.

"This little brother is serious. I'm just curious. I came here to ask. I don't have any other intentions!" Feng Mo didn't feel unnatural when he told a lie. ? I really want to get acquainted, but I wonder if I have the qualifications?"

Feng Mo's words seem to be polite, but they are actually trying to set out Xiaofeng and Yaowang's family.

The Medicine King was old and mature, so he naturally wouldn't believe Feng Mo's nonsense. Hearing this, he already knew what Feng Mo was up to.

"Elder Feng Mo thinks highly of us, our grandfather and grandson are just idlers in the mountains, and we don't have any sect background!"

Yao Wang replied calmly.He knew that saying this might turn Feng Mo's face on the spot, but it was even more impossible for him to brag.

Xiaofeng also had a calm face. Facing this powerful team, his childish face was full of determination, without any timidity. When the "Halberd Monster" Xia Houliang taught him, he repeatedly mentioned: Only without fear can one be strong.

(End of this chapter)

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