Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 445 Nine Heavens Thunder Prison

Chapter 445 Nine Heavens Thunder Prison
Seeing Xiao Yu like this, Yao Wang paused, he knew that Xiao Yu must have something important to rush over here, otherwise it would be impossible for him to not even change his dirty clothes.

"Hero Xiao, but it doesn't matter if you say it, I know everything I can say, and I can say everything!"

Xiaofeng also closed his mouth tactfully, he could already feel the faint evil spirit emanating from Xiao Yu's body.

"It's like this. I have two friends who were vainly taken away by the remnant soul, but because of my obstruction, the remnant soul failed, but their spirits were frightened, and they needed one of two magical medicines Come to repair the soul, only in this way can they wake up, I want to know if these two kinds of medicinal materials are in stock here?" Xiao Yu continued, "One of them is called Xiulong fruit, and the other is called Shensoul jade chips .”

Yao Wang's eyes widened wider and wider, and he said in surprise, "You mean Xiulong Fruit and Shenpo Jade Chips?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

It took a long time for the medicine king to recover from the shock, and sighed: "These two kinds of medicines are called the gods of medicine. Almost [-]% of the medicines in the world act on the human body, but they affect the human soul. The medicine for the soul is definitely a rare treasure, which can be encountered but not sought after. I don't have any here."

As soon as Yao Wang finished speaking, Xiao Yu showed an extremely disappointed expression.When Bai Lanhua mentioned the medicinal materials, the first thing he thought of was the King of Medicine, who was most likely to know where these medicinal materials were, but now it seemed that his thinking was still too simple.

"Does the Medicine King know where to find these two medicinal materials?"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of another possibility. If Yao Wang himself did not have these two medicinal materials, would he know the location of these two medicinal materials?
Yao Wang showed a hesitant expression, and did not speak for a long time.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Xiao Yu frowned.

Yao Wang shook his head and sighed, "It's not that I have any difficulties, it's just"

Xiao Yu waved his hand and said resolutely: "Since you don't have any problems, King of Medicine, it's okay to say, as long as you know where the medicinal materials are, I will handle the rest by myself."

"Are those two friends important to you?"

Yao Wang asked a very stupid question, but he already had the answer in his heart, if those two people were not important to Xiao Yu, why would he be so busy.

"Yes, it's very important, it must be saved!"

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Yu blurted out.Liu Piaoxu and him were trapped in the demonic blood formation, they lived and died together, and Yang Xiruo was entrusted by Yang Shucheng at the end of his life, so neither of them could have any accidents.Even if he were to die by himself, he couldn't make any difference between these two.

"Okay!" Yao Wang gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Xiulong fruit is an ancient treasure. I don't know where it is now, but I do know some pieces of Shensoul jade. According to the "Pharmacopia", Shensoul jade The crumbs are stored in the Thunder Field of the Primordial Battlefield, which is now called the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, located in the extreme east of the Shenwu Continent."

"Nine Heavens Thunder Prison? Can you find spirit jade chips in it?"

Xiao Yu didn't want to miss any details, so he asked again.I got a positive answer from Yaowang.

He looked happy, as long as there are clues, everything will turn around.

He stood up, clasped his fists at Yao Wang, and said, "Thank you, Yao Wang, for letting me know, it's not too late, I don't want to stay for a long time!"

Yao Wang's expression changed suddenly, and he said solemnly: "Hero Xiao, do you really not know the danger of the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison?"

He saw that Xiao Yu didn't react too much after hearing the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, and immediately understood that Xiao Yu had never heard of Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.


Xiao Yu frowned. Hearing the name Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, he felt that it was not an ordinary place, and there must be some danger in it, but listening to Yao Wang's tone, it seemed that this danger was not an ordinary danger.

Yao Wang quickly explained: "The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is a place left over from the ancient battlefield, and there are remnants of strong people from all sides everywhere. They are all waiting for someone to get into it, so that they can snatch their bodies and take them as their own. In order to revive oneself, it is extremely terrifying. In addition, there is also the nine-day thunder that is difficult to resist even the masters of the god-shattering realm. These thunders are different from ordinary thunders. It is even more powerful and unpredictable. The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is definitely a forbidden place that the whole continent is talking about, and there, it is also called "."

Yao Wang paused for a moment, as if his mind had been affected. After a long time, he just uttered a few words.

"The tomb of the supreme powerhouse!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed. This name, as the name suggests, means that countless supreme powerhouses have fallen into it. He can guess that there are many supreme masters who don't take the dangers seriously and want to enter it to find out. Fan, as a result, never came out again.

"I didn't expect that the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is interesting!"

Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly grinned.

Yao Wang was surprised, and said helplessly: "Don't you worry about yourself? Are you not afraid that you will never come out again?"

Xiao Yu looked into the distance, and murmured: "As early as three years ago, I should have died, but there was a person who sacrificed his life so that I could escape and save myself, so I can have With today's achievements, one of the two people in need of medical treatment is the daughter he entrusted to me at the end of his life, is there any reason for me not to go?"

He retracted his gaze, and showed a confident expression on his face: "What's more, I, Xiao Yu, no longer know what it is to be afraid since three years ago. In this world, nothing can stop me!"


A huge thunderbolt suddenly fell from the clear sky, shaking the entire Qilian Mountains, as if God was dissatisfied with Xiao Yu's arrogance.

"Yaowang, there is no need to say more, please give me the blueprint of the soul jade chip, so that I can identify it better!"

Yao Wang was captured by Xiao Yu's soaring heroic spirit, he stopped talking, took out a blank paper, and with a few strokes, he outlined the general shape of a strange jade.

"This is the Soul Jade. When you get it back, you only need to scrape off the jade shavings on its surface, and it will be the shavings of the Soul Jade you need!"

Xiao Yu took the white paper and thanked Yao Wang.He looked at Xiaofeng at the side, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said softly: "Xiaofeng, train yourself well, you will definitely achieve what you want in the future, if there is anything, just go to Liufengmen and say One sound, and I will definitely help you to the end."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, regardless of Xiaofeng's grateful expression, he stomped his foot and shot into the void.

Falling in the clouds, Xiao Yu didn't leave immediately, his eyes swept away and looked at a location not far away.


There was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and he punched out.


There was a muffled sound in the void, and a force collided with Xiao Yu's fist.

(End of this chapter)

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