Chapter 456 Trading?

"Brother Yun, let's make a quick decision! If we continue to delay, our divine power will be exhausted in it. At that time, we really can only let it be slaughtered!"

Xiao Yu looked at Yun Tian and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's do it together!"

Yun Tian naturally knew this truth well, the two hit it off immediately, and when their eyes met, they had already darted in opposite directions.

"Hmph, these two little kids really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

A sinister smile appeared on Yuan Bin's huge strange face, and the next moment, thousands of thunders rioted at the same time, slashing at Xiao Yu and Yuntian in anger.


The figures of Xiao Yu and Yun Tian kept flashing, dodging all those disturbing thunders, leaving only illusory afterimages in the sky.The speed of both of them has been displayed to the extreme.

"Strong punching punch, body-penetrating strength, stacking!!"

Xiao Yu had already flashed to Yuan Bin's left side, and suddenly swung out a punch that contained strong energy and condensed divine power.The terrifying fist power slanted out, and the thunder guarding around Yuan Bin was torn apart almost instantly.

"Tianyun Palm, Shatter the Universe!"

Yun Tian dodged a thunderbolt in front of him, and waved a palm at Yuan Bin.A wave of illusory clouds came towards him, palm shadows filled the sky, and the next moment, the palm shadows all merged together, turning into a tens of thousands of feet of huge palms and piercing into the thunder.


Seeing that the defense was broken, Yuan Bin did not panic at all, but smiled even brighter.


All of a sudden, both Xiao Yu and Yun Tian's complexions changed drastically, and the energy currents of two colors, one blue and one gold, suddenly exploded left and right. Xiao Yu's fist strength was directly engulfed by the blue energy current, and he was even more shocked. Dazed, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell back.

Yun Tian also suffered the same fate as Xiao Yu, the golden energy tide blasted his Tian Yun Palm into pieces in an instant, and he himself suffered a huge shock, vomiting blood and flying back.

Two figures shot out in embarrassment, one from the left and the other from the right. When they landed and stabilized their figures, they still couldn't hide the horror on their faces.

Because they actually felt their own divine power fluctuations from the energy waves of different colors, which is simply unprecedented.

"how is this possible!"

Xiao Yu and Yun Tian glanced at each other, what happened to them in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison today is truly unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

"Jie Jie, aren't you very strange, why can this family use your divine power?"

Yuan Bin's insolent laughter made Xiao Yu and Yun Tian's ear-piercing sounds, it was pure irony.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Yuan Bin proudly said, "I might as well tell you that I have been staying in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison for tens of thousands of years, and my familiarity with these thunders has reached the point where the ancient times shine. Every thunderbolt has its own spirituality and life, and I can easily control it. Using the characteristics of thunderbolt power, I can divide, absorb, and refine the divine power of the opponent who strayed into it, and then use it for me. How about it, how does it feel to be crushed by your own strength? Hahaha!"

Both Xiao Yu and Yun Tian's faces were livid, and a strong uneasiness filled their hearts.They are all amazingly talented and brilliant people, and they have full confidence in defeating their opponents, but everyone's biggest opponent is not the enemy, but themselves.When they shot Yuan Bin, it was equivalent to facing their own power, that is, they were fighting with themselves. Under such circumstances, how could they have a chance of winning?
The opponent has not fought, and he has already become a mess. This is really an excellent way to hurt people's hearts.

The masters who became famous in the ancient times were indeed not ordinary people. Their sophistication and cunning were indeed far inferior to young people like Xiao Yu and Yun Tian who had less than thirty years of experience in the world.

But Xiao Yu and Yun Tian had to have a respect for Yuan Bin. Being able to control Thunder to such a degree was no longer a talent that could explain it.

This battle is extremely dangerous!
Both Xiao Yu and Yun Tian knew that this was definitely a fierce battle.None of them thought that they would be forced to such a degree in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.

The two looked at each other, and both read an inexplicable smile from the other's eyes.They are invincible in all directions and have never been defeated, but today they all have a feeling of being defeated.The two of them didn't check for a while, and fell into the trap set by Yuan Bin by mistake, which made them look disheartened now.

"You have no chance of winning now, how about we make a deal?"

Yuan Bin, who had the upper hand, suddenly changed the subject and became more amiable.

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, he didn't think that people like Yuan Bin would have any good intentions, even if it was a deal, it must be an extremely unfair deal.

"Oh?" But he remained calm, pretending to be curious, "What business?"

Yuan Bin showed an intriguing smile on his face, and pointed to Xiao Yu.

"You want the Soul Jade, I guess it's for saving people, if that's the case, I can give it to you!"

Xiao Yu's expression didn't change much, he would never believe that Yuan Bin would be so kind.

"But." Sure enough, Yuan Bin continued, "What I want is to enter your body. I don't ask to be able to control it, but I only need to be able to have half of the control."

Yuan Bin's goal at the beginning was Yun Tian's body, but during the confrontation with the two, he felt the extraordinaryness of Xiao Yu's body. There was an extremely violent power lurking in Xiao Yu's body, but it was still lurking. Did not break out.

He is a remnant soul who survived the ancient times, and his vision is naturally unique. Although Yuntian is stronger and has a higher level now, he thinks Xiao Yu's potential is even more terrifying.

Strength cannot be seen overnight, sometimes, what is needed is a long-term investment.

An eagle sometimes flies lower than a chicken, but a chicken can never fly as high as an eagle.

"my body?"

When Xiao Yu heard this deal, he didn't reject it directly, which made Yun Tian extremely puzzled.

Little did he know that Xiao Yu had his own considerations, if he had to make a choice, he would rather sacrifice his life to save Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu, what he was considering now was the possibility of this matter.

"That's right, as long as you hand over half of your body to me, I'll immediately hand over the Soul Jade to you!"

Seeing that Xiao Yu didn't refuse directly, Yuan Bin knew that Xiao Yu was already hesitating, so he immediately continued to seduce.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and several thoughts flashed in his mind.

"If I save people in this way, am I still the Xiao Yu who once aspired to become the pinnacle of the world?"

The originally hesitant eyes gradually calmed down, and the dark and deep eyes emitted a faint light in the sea of ​​thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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