Chapter 459
"Why is that?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled, he didn't believe that Yuan Bin, like himself, would have such a perverted ability to flash.

"Hey!" Yuan Bin replied, "Looking at you, you seem to be very surprised. I don't mind telling you that no matter where it is, within this world, it's all the domains I display. Wherever I think, it's just Just a thought, you want to block me with your domain? It's ridiculous!"


Xiao Yu and Yun Tian looked at each other, their expressions became more serious.They never thought about it in this direction. They thought that the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison was an extreme match with Yuan Bin, so the power of thunder in it was under his control, but they didn't expect that he would completely control the entire Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, and And made it its own domain.

It's no wonder that Yuntian's sword domain can't block him, the gap between the two can be seen at a glance.

"You don't want to be like this!" Yuan Bin continued, "I have forgiven you enough by letting this little brat display domains. Let me tell you, in my Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, no domains are possible. If I don’t agree with it, it’s the same even if a strong person in the Yuanshen realm comes!”

As soon as Yuan Bin finished speaking, thunder surged all around, and the arcs of thunder were faster and fiercer than before, and the roar of thunder completely swallowed the entire space.


Countless lightning arcs condensed in one place, forming an incomparably huge pillar of thunder that descended from the sky!

Yun Tian wanted to mobilize the domain to resist, but was horrified to find that he had lost contact with his own domain.


Seeing that Yuntian was still in a sluggish state, Xiao Yu stomped his footsteps, and his figure flashed out instantly. One hand grabbed Yuntian's neck and dragged him away from the domain of swords.


The thunder light poured down, and the thunder pillar that supported the sky directly swallowed up the entire sword domain.


The domain was destroyed, and Yun Tian, ​​who was pulled to the rear by Xiao Yu, immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and suffocated his breath.

Although the pillar of thunder did not hit the two of them, the rest of the scattered thunder force was chasing after them. With both Xiao Yu and Yun Tian suffering great damage, they soon approached the two of them. Body.


In desperation, Xiao Yu had no choice but to throw Yun Tianchao further away, and turned around to defend himself.


Xiao Yu merged his hands and pulled out a huge shield of divine power to block in front of him.


The thunder force bombarded it, and Xiao Yu felt his hands tremble, but Braum's shield was indestructible, no matter how powerful the attack was, it could not be broken.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xiao Yu retreated while blocking, stepped on the ground step by step, and sank deep into the soil.


The power of the thunder finally slowed down, Xiao Yu grabbed the shield and swung it suddenly, using its counter-shock force to flip backwards, leaving the range of the power of the thunder.

The divine power shield disappeared, Xiao Yu shook his numb hands, and stood together with Yuntian again, Yuntian seemed to have not recovered from the destruction of the domain just now.

Since he became an artist, countless masters have been beheaded in his sword domain, which can be said to be invincible, but what happened today has attacked his brain time and time again.Not only did the domain of the sword fail to achieve the corresponding effect, but it also lost contact with him during the battle. This feeling of being manipulated by applause made him extremely ashamed.

"Brother Yun, all the space here is under his control. I wanted to use the domain just now, but found that it was extremely restricted and I couldn't use it at all. You don't have to worry too much about it!"

When Xiao Yu's voice came, Yun Tian just came back to his senses, he nodded, slightly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to comfort others.

When he first met Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was completely cold-faced, and he once classified Xiao Yu as a person with no feelings in his heart, but it was only now that he realized that Xiao Yu was truly cold-faced. Heartwarming.

"Brother Xiao, in this situation, I can't expand the domain, and I can't use my strongest attack. It seems that if I want to solve Yuan Bin, I still have to count on you!"

After thinking for a moment, Yun Tian made the most correct judgment.Because he is too strong and has too much divine power, he is also the one who has been depleted the most. Most of his attacks require strong divine power support, but because of Yuan Bin, the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison here has absorbed too much of his divine power , and restricted the opening of his domain, he could no longer use powerful killing moves.

Therefore, pinning hope on Xiao Yu at this moment is the most sensible choice.Although he didn't know much about Xiao Yu, he admired Xiao Yu's tenacity and perseverance.

With the dual strength of the broken god state, he can walk through Dongjun where the souls are everywhere, and can still stand after being hit by Yuan Bin several times. Such a person is worthy of his hope.

He believed that there must be something amazing about a person who possesses the divine veins of the Holy Venerable.

"I attack?" Xiao Yu looked at Yun Tian, ​​and said helplessly, "Brother Yun, I was neutralized by him twice when I attacked just now. To be honest, I really have no good way."

A smile appeared on Yuntian's face: "Your attack will be resolved by him, that's because he can transform in the thunder and can't prepare to hit his entity, what if I can force his entity out?"

"Forcing him out?" Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, "Brother Yun has a way to force him out? If so, then things will be much easier!"

Yun Tian didn't answer, but the smile on his face was very confident.


The thunder rolled, tearing out a pitch-black passage, from which Yuan Bin's remnant soul transformed into a huge human face slowly floated in, staring at Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu with eyes like copper bells.

"What are you talking about? Shocked by my power?"

Yuan Bin said proudly.

"Hmph, it is recorded in the book that when General Lei Yuan Bin takes the initiative, he will be arrogant and arrogant, extremely proud, and disgusting. Seeing it today, it is true!"

Yun Tian snorted in disdain.

"Do you really think that you have the chance to win?"

Xiao Yu also sneered.

"Oh?" Yuan Bin said with great interest, "What else can you do? Just use it and let me smash it for you one by one. When I defeat the enemy, I always like to destroy their bodies first, and then destroy their bodies." Mind, from which I can find infinite pleasure."

Xiao Yu and Yun Tian were furious in their hearts, they looked at each other and nodded.

Yun Tian turned around in place and sat cross-legged on the ground. His mind sank instantly, and strange fluctuations emanated from the surroundings. A power that Xiao Yu had never experienced slowly merged into the space.

Yuan Bin above also smelled an unusual smell, and after waiting for him to feel it, his color changed dramatically.

(End of this chapter)

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