Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 465 Absorbing Thunder

Chapter 465 Absorbing Thunder

Xiao Yu always felt that he had heard this name before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.


He frowned slightly, trying to remember, and suddenly thought of a person.

"You dare to kill me? I'm from Sanctuary!"

Xiao Yu's mind suddenly became clear about Da Huanxi Patriarch's dependable appearance before he died.

"I don't know if the places Da Huanxi Patriarch and Brother Yun mentioned are the same place?"

Xiao Yu asked Yun Tian: "Brother Yun, have you heard of Patriarch Da Huanxi?"

"Da Huanxi Patriarch?" Yun Tian looked a little strange, "Are you talking about that old whore who often molested little girls at an old age and took him as a concubine?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, this description of Yun Tian was a bit funny.

"It should be the person you mentioned, he seems to be from the sanctuary too!"

Yun Tian nodded: "He is indeed from the Sanctuary, but he is just an outcast from a second-rate family. You don't need to think too much about it. Why, do you have a problem with him?"

Xiao Yu smiled: "He caught my friend and I killed him!"

When Yun Tian heard it, he was dumbfounded.Xiao Yu said this lightly, it can be seen that killing people is just a common thing in Xiao Yu's eyes, and even though Da Huanxi Patriarch is an outcast of a second-rate family in the Sanctuary, his strength is absolutely almost invincible in the Shenwu Continent. Xiao Yu was able to kill him, which also highlighted Xiao Yu's abnormality.

At least he doesn't have the confidence to go beyond so many realms to kill the opponent.The level difference he can accept is only three levels of distance, but a level two God Breaking Realm like Xiao Yu can kill a peak God Breaking Realm, and even a third level God Breaking Realm master like Yuan Bin Remnant Soul, he asked himself Impossible.

"Brother Xiao, I don't think you know much about Sanctuary, do you?"

When Xiao Yu heard Yun Tian's question, he nodded immediately. He could say that he knew nothing about Sanctuary except for one name.

"In that case!" Yun Tian continued, "Then I won't tell you the specific situation of the Sanctuary. I believe you will go there in the near future."

Xiao Yu didn't feel displeased with Yuntian's concealment, but he was grateful in his heart. He knew that Yuntian was doing it for his own good. Some things, if they haven't reached the level or strength, don't get in touch with them. If they get in touch too early, they will only Get yourself into trouble.He believed that with his own cultivation speed, he would be able to reach that level soon.

"Talk about me, what about you? What are your plans?"

Yun Tian asked.

Xiao Yu grinned, and suddenly sat down cross-legged.

"The power of thunder here is very helpful for me to improve my strength. After I absorb all the power of thunder here, I will leave to save my friends."

Yun Tian was stunned, very surprised, the power of thunder in this place is violent and strong, it would be shocking to be able to absorb one or two thousandth of it, but Xiao Yu actually wanted to absorb all of it?

Xiao Yu didn't see Yun Tian's surprised expression, he closed his eyes, and his mind was already immersed in cultivation.Killing the remnant soul will not improve his strength, but absorbing the thunder can make his strength skyrocket. The thunder here is very impressive both in terms of purity and quantity. If he can absorb it completely, his strength will definitely increase. a leap.

Yun Tian suppressed the shock in his heart, and stood beside Xiao Yu.He was protecting the Dharma for Xiao Yu to avoid some other factors from disturbing Xiao Yu's cultivation. Although it is almost impossible for this to happen in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, it is always good to be on the safe side.He already regarded Xiao Yu as a good brother, so naturally he would not let him have any worries.

Losing the suppression of the power of thunder, the divine power in Yuntian's body is also recovering rapidly, feeling more and more full of power in his body, Yuntian feels happier.


The thunder rolled over, and a thunder storm appeared above Xiao Yu's head again. At this moment, he was a black hole, and it was a black hole that could absorb thunder. All the violent thunder arcs in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison rushed into his body.

His body surface was overflowing with divine power, it was light blue at first, but after absorbing the thunder, the color gradually became stronger, stronger and stronger each time, and the purity and quantity of divine power also increased steadily.

More and more lightning arcs were sucked into Xiao Yu's body. The lightning arcs scattered all over his body, surrounded by lightning, and his muscles swelled and contracted at times, as if he was breathing primitively.

While Lei Ting was washing every cell in his body and enhancing its vitality, it was also continuously improving its internal quality and strengthening its physical strength.

The crystal light enveloped Xiao Yu's whole body, and Yun Tian just stood aside silently, watching his surroundings carefully, not letting go of any disturbance.

This station in Yuntian is a day and a night. On the third day, he was shocked to see that the sea of ​​thunder was gradually thinning, and the sun was able to cast down.


Yun Tian was stunned, he looked at the sky, the sea of ​​thunder dissipated slowly, and the surrounding thunder also gradually disappeared, all of which belonged to Xiao Yu's body.

After the last arc of lightning in this space entered Xiao Yu's body, both of them were exposed to the scorching sun. The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison completely disappeared under Xiao Yu's crazy absorption.If this news is known to people on the mainland, their jaws will probably drop.

The light blue divine power on Xiao Yu's body has turned into dark blue at this moment, but it is not the kind of dark blue that looks thick and colorful, but the crystal brilliance flowing like the sea.The aura of his whole body also swelled like never before, and a trace of electric current was transmitted along his arms to his legs, and finally transmitted to the ground.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison disappeared, and the remnant souls in the central part of the East County suddenly became agitated, and they all came towards the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison. They usually regard this place as a forbidden place, but now they feel that the thunder that made their hearts palpitate has completely disappeared. Disappeared, naturally wanted to find out.

But before they approached, there was a violent thunder force coming from the ground, which directly shook the remnant souls who wanted to approach to their wits.

The rest of the remnant souls didn't dare to do anything wrong again, and all chose to retreat. Under this kind of power, they could only be reduced to instant kill targets.

"He really absorbed it all, he's a monster!"

Yun Tian has already categorized Xiao Yu as not a human being, and has become numb to his terrifying actions.

After another hour, Xiao Yu finally made a movement.

The thunder arc suddenly escaped from Xiao Yu's body, covering him instantly, his body slowly floated up to the sky, and the sea-blue divine power began to retract crazily, and all of it was received into his body.


He suddenly shouted loudly, opened his eyes, and with a flash of light, the ground below exploded violently for no reason, and smoke and dust were everywhere.He swung his fist, and a huge fist print with the power of violent thunder blasted directly into the sky.


A huge pitch-black cave suddenly appeared in the sky, and the power of one punch could break the sky.

Xiao Yu turned slightly, restrained all his strength into his body, and landed on the ground.

"Finally a breakthrough!"

(End of this chapter)

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