Chapter 474 Spring
Xiao Yu didn't show the slightest trace on his face, he smiled and said: "I just came here not long ago, I have something to ask. Second Uncle!"

This "Second Uncle", Xiao Yu called it not so willingly, and it was extremely unnatural, but since he and Ao Zixuan were married, it was only a matter of time before they got married, and Ao Wuqing was Ao Zixuan's second uncle. Uncle, he should have said that.

Hearing Xiao Yu's "Second Uncle", Ao Wuji and Ao Wuqing were taken aback, Ao Zixuan's pretty face was flushed, but her love for Xiao Yu was overflowing in her heart.

Xiao Yu's willingness to call it that is enough to prove how much he loves Ao Zixuan.

"Zixuan, you guys"

Ao Wuqing looked at Ao Zixuan and asked.

Ao Zixuan had the nerve to speak, she lowered her head and hid behind Xiao Yu.Ao Wuji laughed and waved his hands.

"Second brother, how can you ask the child directly? Xiao Yu. Xiao Daxia has something to do with you, so let's avoid it for a while, and you can talk here!"

Ao Wuqing winked at Ao Zixuan, Ao Zixuan understood, and they left the courtyard together.

Only Xiao Yu and Ao Wuqing were left in the courtyard, Xiao Yu raised his hand and said, "Sit!"

Ao Wuqing sat opposite Xiao Yu, he looked at Xiao Yu, and said calmly: "Hero Xiao, what can you do with me?"

"I want to know something about the 'Dark Prison'. Why did they arrest you?"

Ao Wuqing frowned, with a look of pain, as if caught in memory.

After a long time, he just raised his head and sighed: "Oh, they arrested me. At first, they didn't want me to reveal the information about the 'Dark Prison' to you. Then they saw that I was still a little smart, so they wanted me to let you go." Naturally, I didn't want to be the strategist of the entire "Dark Prison" to advise them. Afterwards, they locked me in the six-stringed gate and was constantly monitored by a master of the God Breaking Realm. Until this alliance will Liu Xianmen encircled and suppressed, and I was rescued just now."

After listening to Ao Wuqing's narration, Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, and continued to ask: "During the time you were in the 'Dark Prison', did you meet any special people, such as my father or my mother?"

Ao Wuqing suddenly showed an extremely terrified expression, and said in a shy voice: "I saw General Xiao, but he doesn't remember me at all, and he seems to be a different person. It seems that his position in the 'Dark Prison' will never be different. Low, as for Lingtang, I haven't seen it before."


Although Xiao Yu already knew about this matter, he still couldn't help but want to ask Ao Wuqing, hoping to get other information from him, but obviously what Ao Wuqing knew was similar to his own.

"By the way!" Xiao Yu suddenly remembered something, "Do you know what the 'Dark Prison' has done recently?"

Ao Wuqing shook his head: "I really don't know this, since I was locked in the six-string gate, I almost lost contact with the outside world."

Xiao Yu was a little disappointed. This conversation did not yield any substantial results.

"Why do they abolish your strength?"

Xiao Yu asked the biggest question in his heart.

"I don't know about this either. Logically speaking, my strength is not the slightest threat to them, but one day when I woke up, I found that there was no strength in my body, and there was no vitality left."

Ao Wuqing shook his head and sighed, as long as he was a cultivator, it would be difficult to accept being abolished. Ao Wuqing's performance has surpassed many people, and there are many people who committed suicide because their cultivation base was abolished.

"Maybe it's to minimize your chances of escaping!"

All Xiao Yu could think of was this explanation. He stood up and turned to leave.

"Take a good rest, take a good rest during this time!"

Seeing Xiao Yu gradually disappearing from sight, Ao Wuqing's expression remained unchanged.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what did you tell Second Uncle?"

Ao Zixuan was waiting not far from the courtyard, when she saw Xiao Yu coming out, she immediately went up to meet her and hugged Xiao Yu's arm.

"I asked him something about the 'Dark Prison', don't blame me for being impatient!"

Xiao Yu smiled.

"How could it be? Although I don't know the reason, I know that 'Dark Prison' is your great enemy."

Ao Zixuan's understanding made Xiao Yu fall in love with her more and more.

"I'm so glad to be with you, Xuanxuan!"

Xiao Yu stared at Ao Zixuan's eyes and said seriously.

"I'm the one. Brother Xiao Yu is so good. You have almost all the qualities of a good man. If you don't love you, who will you love?"

Ao Zixuan smiled coquettishly, her ice-blue long hair fluttered in the wind, she was so glamorous.

Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing. Of course he knew that Ao Zixuan loved him not because of how strong he was, nor because of how handsome he was. , is him.

"Come on, let's find a place to sit and let me tell you why I hate 'Dark Prison' so much."

Xiao Yu's gaze suddenly turned cold, with strong killing intent.When the word "dark prison" was mentioned, he couldn't contain the rage in his heart.

Ao Zixuan felt Xiao Yu's sudden change of momentum, and the hand that hugged Xiao Yu's arm couldn't help tightening, wanting to give Xiao Yu some warmth.

That night, Ao Zixuan stayed in Xiao Yu's room, and he told the story of his father Xiao Haoyun from beginning to end.

"How did Uncle Xiao become like that?"

After Ao Zixuan heard this, she looked horrified, she just now understood why Xiao Yu hated the "dark prison" so much.Speaking of it, Sima Yu was one of the culprits that caused the destruction of Xiao Yu's family, and the "dark prison" was an even bigger culprit.

"I don't know either!" Xiao Yu sighed, and said, "The means of the 'Dark Prison' are evil and weird. It is probably not difficult to erase a person's memory and change a person's personality."

In this world, there are indeed too many things that Xiao Yu doesn't understand, for example, the Unfeeling Forgetfulness Pill that Ao Zixuan took before, this is something that cannot be explained by common sense.

"Brother Xiao Yu!" Ao Zixuan held Xiao Yu's palm tightly, "I believe that you will be able to change Uncle Xiao back to his original state, I believe in you, you will be able to! No matter what happens, I will be by your side by your side forever."

Looking at Ao Zixuan's unwavering gaze, Xiao Yu's heart was shaken.No matter how much he lost, but now, he still has relatives, friends, and love.He is not alone, he is by no means alone.

There was a strong confidence on his face, and he grinned with a slightly sinister smile.

"That's natural. I will hold you for the rest of my life and won't let you leave me! As for my father's affairs." Speaking of this, Xiao Yu's eyes were sharp, and his whole body exuded an unparalleled arrogance. "Whoever dares to make me suffer, I will make him suffer ten times more. No one can block my way, even gods, I will pull him down and stomp him hard."

Ao Zixuan was fascinated, and the charm exuded by the confident Xiao Yu was irresistible.

She stood up and took off her clothes silently.

(End of this chapter)

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