Chapter 490
"Go and see what happened. Remember, no matter what happened, you must not intervene in the battle. You just need to figure out the reason and report back immediately! Do you understand?"

The white-haired old man's tone was flat, but Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan stood upright, not daring to disobey the slightest bit. The whole family knew that when it came to the degree of hot temper, this old Patriarch must be among the best.

He usually looks calm and breezy, but once he gets really angry, it's really out of control.Once, a junior in the Zhao family blatantly slandered the ancestors of the Sun family. He was so enraged that he severed the meridians of that person's whole body with one palm.

He only said one sentence: "If you want to ask for an explanation, the final result will be a war between the two families!"

This kind of tough attitude forced the Zhao family to give up. This is also the reason why the Zhao and Sun families have been at odds over the years.


Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan led the order to retreat, and flew towards the place where the energy was berserk.They knew that the strength of the opponent was far superior to them, so they didn't have the intention of fighting, and they had their lives in their hands, so they didn't dare to have such thoughts.Both of them are leaders of the younger generation of the Sun family, so they naturally know how to investigate.

They gradually approached the place where the battle took place, and the escaping energy made them secretly startled. Just wanting to get close, they already felt great pressure. If those energies hit them casually, they might be seriously injured on the spot.


Sun Yue and Zhao Siyuan punched each other, they were both shocked, and each flew back hundreds of feet.The grassland had already been ruined by their fighting, and it was turned over in pieces, only a little bit of weeds stuck to the riddled land.

Compared with other places, this piece of land has sunk several zhang. This is the result of they have used their divine power to protect Xiao Yun. Without their divine power protection, this land would have already collapsed.

"It's the third elder and the third elder of the Zhao family!"

Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan looked at each other, they were both a little shocked, it turned out that the top figures of the two families were fighting here.Both of them were very strange. Although they knew that Sun Yue and Zhao Siyuan had old grievances and didn't see each other, they wouldn't fight suddenly. They wanted to know the reason why they did it.

"Huh? Someone?"

Sun Yaoyue was the first to discover Xiao Yun who was lying motionless on the ground, and Sun Xinyan followed Sun Yaoyue's gaze and was startled.Although the exercises he practiced are the same as those of Sun Yaoyue, their functions are a little strange.Sun Yaoyue's kung fu focuses on attacking, but the kung fu he cultivates is more sensitive. He can feel that there are two different divine powers filling Xiao Yun's side. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he is protecting the ground. Xiao Yun was not affected by the battle.

He had already thought of the owner of the two divine powers almost instantly, the person who fights here and divides his divine power to protect others, who else is there besides the two big men who are looking at each other in the sky?

"That person. Why is he so valued by them?"

A moment of doubt flashed in Sun Xinyan's mind, Xiao Yun was as young as him, even younger, what was it that attracted Sun Yue and Zhao Siyuan's attention?
At this moment, the two people in the sky suddenly turned their heads to look at the hiding place of Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan.


Both of them were startled, and couldn't help but smile wryly in their hearts. Although they were careful enough, how could they escape the perception of the peak master of the Broken God Realm?

"Yueyue, Xinyan?"

Sun Yue was overjoyed when he saw that they were the two juniors in the family.Zhao Siyuan secretly thought something was wrong.

"Sun's little monkey? Huh, what are you doing here? Leave quickly!"

Zhao Siyuan spoke first, with a hint of threat in his tone.

With such tyrannical divine power in his shout, Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan were startled suddenly, with an urge to flee, for a master at the peak of the God Breaking Realm, crushing them to death is like crushing an ant.

"Hmph! Zhao Siyuan, do you really think I don't exist?"

Sun Yue snorted coldly, and his aura spread out, directly diluting Zhao Siyuan's aura a lot, Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan's tense bodies finally relaxed.

"Yueyue, Xinyan, take that young man away from the ground, bring him back to the family, and let the head of the family and the second elder take good care of him!"

Sun Yue pointed to Xiao Yun on the ground, and said to Sun Yaoyue.


Sun Yaoyue and the two immediately walked towards Xiao Yun, and they did not dare to disobey Sun Yue's words.

"court death!"

Zhao Siyuan let out a low cry, his body flashed suddenly, and he shot down directly from the sky, trying to catch Xiao Yun before the two of them.

"Hey, where do you want to go?"

Sun Yue's figure also plummeted, and a palm was placed across Zhao Siyuan's body.


The two suddenly exchanged blows, and Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan were so shocked by their divine power that they kept retreating.

Zhao Siyuan flipped into the air and stood in the sky again. Sun Yue stepped back a few steps. With a wave of his palm, he brought up a gust of wind, rolled up Xiao Yun's body, and flew towards Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan. go.


The two of them caught Xiao Yun together. The first time Sun Yaoyue saw Xiao Yun, she had a strange feeling. The handsome and resolute face made her feel an unknown throbbing.

"Not leaving yet?"

Sun Yue shouted, and the two of them stopped hesitating immediately, and quickly left in the direction of Sun's house.


Zhao Siyuan was furious immediately, his body turned into a gust of wind, and he wanted to chase after him, but Sun Yue crossed his body and stood in front of him.

"Zhao Laosan, we haven't had enough fights yet, where are you going?"

Sun Yue's tone could not conceal his complacency, he had finally achieved his goal in this confrontation with Zhao Siyuan, as long as Xiao Yun entered the Sun's house, no matter how powerful Zhao Siyuan was, he would not be able to cause any trouble.

"Hmph, Third Sun, I remember!"

Zhao Siyuan saw that it was hopeless to take Xiao Yun away, and he didn't want to have a pointless fight with Sun Yue.The two of them are equal in strength, and if they want to tell the winner, they have to fight to the death, which is obviously not necessary at present.

He turned around, had already exited the battlefield, and headed towards the west where the Zhao family was located.

"Old boy, you still want to rob me, what a joke!"

The corners of Sun Yue's mouth curled up, and his figure straightened, appearing in the distant sky.

"call out!"

Sun Yaoyue and the two who were running wildly suddenly felt a gust of wind above their heads. When they looked up, Sun Yue had followed them without knowing when.

"Three elders!"

Sun Yue didn't answer the two of them, he reached out with his palm and pulled Xiao Yun into the air.

"I'll take people back first, come back quickly!"

Throwing down a word, Sun Yue and Xiao Yun had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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