Chapter 493 Master?

"Who are you? What is your purpose?"

Xiao Yun's eyes were cold, and his words were no longer polite. Although his strength is weak, the arrogance in his heart has never diminished. He is a member of the Xiao family, and he has a younger brother named Xiao Yu.No matter what the situation is, he will never show weakness, let alone bow to those enemies with ulterior motives.

"As I said, this is the Sun family. As for the purpose, I don't know. I'm just responsible for taking good care of you!"

Sun Yaoyue also felt very uncomfortable with Xiao Yun's tone, but there was nothing she could do now. She had to keep a distance from Xiao Yun in order to calm down and deal with Xiao Yun's various problems.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and with a flash of his figure, he was about to hit the window. He wanted to break through the window and escape from this place.


As soon as he got close to the window, he felt a palm grabbing the back of his collar.


A strong force forced him to fly back and landed on the bed again.

Sun Yaoyue stood by the window expressionlessly, her palms still in a tugging posture.

Xiao Yun's face turned red, feeling extremely humiliated.Thinking of him as a majestic man, being played in the hands of a woman at this moment is more uncomfortable than killing him.


Xiao Yun yelled loudly, and blasted his fists against the wall of the room. Before the vitality overflowed, a more surging divine power surged from behind him, blocking all the routes for his vitality to be released, and at the same time burst out a suction force, He pulls back.

"Don't waste your energy, with me here, you can't get out!"

Seeing Xiao Yun's grinning face, Sun Yaoyue smiled inwardly, but she still suppressed the smile on her face, pretending to be cold.

"What's the purpose of your Sun family? I'm just a small Yuan-breaking realm, what can I do for you?"

The anger in Xiao Yun's eyes rose violently. He not only hated Sun Yaoyue, he hated himself even more. He thought to himself: "If, if I can be like Xiao Yu, who can stop me? Why am I so useless."

Back then in the Fire Cloud Empire, Xiao Yun was regarded as the number one expert and the most promising general of the younger generation of the Fire Cloud Empire, leading the brigade.Later, when the Xiao family moved, he had no choice but to leave his job. As the level of contact got higher and higher, he realized that he still had a long way to go, and he also understood that he in the Fire Cloud Empire was just sitting on the sidelines.

He is also determined to create a piece of the world on this continent, but there is always no chance to deliver it. The Xiao family's skills are not enough to support his talent, and the achievements he can achieve are extremely limited.

"I can't answer these questions for you. I'm sending someone to invite the third elder. You just wait honestly. Maybe you will get the answer you want from him."

Sun Yaoyue whispered a few words to a child of the Sun family who was not far away, and the child immediately turned and left.

Xiao Yun also gave up the idea of ​​escaping, with Sun Yaoyue here, and an unknown Sun family expert patrolling outside, he had no chance at all.

He secretly speculated in his heart what kind of purpose the people of the Sun family had for him, and after thinking about it, he really didn't understand that there was something about him that could be valued by others.

"Could it be that their target is not me, but to deal with Xiaoyu?"

He thought of an extremely frightening possibility. He knew Xiao Yu's temperament well. If something happened to him, Xiao Yu would definitely not just sit idly by. It might be because he agreed to the other party's conditions.

He didn't know that at this moment Xiao Yu was struggling to find the entrance to the space around Dongjun.

"Third Elder, why? Why did you ask Yaoyue to take care of an outsider?"

Sun Xinyan's temper is relatively straightforward, and he has always been unable to hide his words. When he learned that Sun Yaoyue was assigned to take care of Xiao Yun, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart.Sun Yaoyue was the only woman he valued, and they were the most popular couple in the entire Sun family.They come from two different collateral lines. They are cousins. In the Shenwu Continent and even the wider world outside, cousins ​​are allowed to get married. Sun Yaoyue has long been his intended abandoned son, but now his intended wife is here. To take care of a man from outside, he must ask Sun Yue for an explanation, even if he is punished.

"Xinyan, watch your attitude!"

Sun Yue gave him a cold look, and his tone was a bit hostile.

Sun Yue's body froze, and just this glance made him feel overwhelmed.But he still stubbornly raised his head and looked at Sun Yue.

"Hey!" Sun Yue suddenly laughed, "Your temper is very similar to that of elder brother when he was young!"

Sun Yue saw the shadow of Sun Lin in Sun Xinyan.

He continued: "There is no way for Yaoyue to take care of him. When it comes to strength and ability to take care of others, Yaoyue is the crown of the third generation disciple of the Sun family. Only when she goes can he be safe. Besides, This is also an opportunity for her to make meritorious deeds. If she takes good care of that person, it will be of great significance to our Sun family. In the future, the Sun family will benefit, and Yaoyue's contribution will be the biggest one. Why not do it? "


Sun Xinyan was dumb for a moment. Everything Sun Yue said made sense, and with Sun Yaoyue's credit as the end point, he had no way to refute it.

"Xinyan, I know you like to invite the moon, but you have to be calm in order to become grand. If you can't control yourself over such a trivial matter, then what's the future?"

Sun Yue smiled lightly, and patted Sun Xinyan's shoulder lightly.Among the Sun family, Sun Yue is not only one of the three most powerful, but also has his own set of skills to control people.


Sun Xinyan, who was originally full of anger, had nothing to say with Sun Yue's few words.

He stood up, saluted Sun Yue, and exited Sun Yue's yard.

A child of the Sun family hurried past him and ran into Sun Yue's yard.

"Third Elder, the person you ordered Hao Sheng to take care of has woken up!"


When Sun Yue heard it, his eyes lit up.

"Take me there!"

Sun Xinyan really didn't understand why the always serious Third Elder had such a rich expression because of an outsider.

When Xiao Yun was frowning, Sun Yue had already stepped forward from the door.

"It's great that you're awake!"

The moment Sun Yue saw Xiao Yun, his eyes lit up, making Xiao Yun very uncomfortable.He hates this kind of eyes that look at treasures.As soon as Sun Yue arrived, Sun Yaoyue immediately stood aside respectfully.

"Are you the third elder?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yu already guessed Sun Yue's identity.

"Yes, I am the third elder of the Sun family. You can call me the third elder. Of course, I prefer you to call me master!"

Sun Yue looked at Xiao Yun with a smile.

"Master?" Xiao Yun was stunned, "Why should I call you Master?"

Sun Yue was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "I want to accept you as an apprentice, and I can also instantly raise your strength to the peak of Concentration, are you willing?"

This news was undoubtedly a blockbuster that exploded in Xiao Yun's heart.

He wondered if he had heard it wrong, Sun Yue could make his strength soar from the breaking yuan state to the peak of the concentrating state in an instant?
(End of this chapter)

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