Chapter 497 Blocking
"Two Broken God Realm, one Peak Broken God Realm?"

Xiao Yu looked at the three of them, and was also shocked. This lineup is enough to sweep any first-class forces in the Shenwu Continent. I am afraid that only "Dark Prison" can match it. No wonder Xia Houliang said that the hidden family's strength is terrifying. Xiao Yu also Indeed, I have seen it.

He squinted his eyes slightly, glanced behind the three of them, and saw Xiao Yun lying on the ground twitching all over at a glance.He could feel a powerful force in Xiao Yun's body attacking his own power, devouring and merging his original power.

"What did you do?"

Xiao Yu's face darkened instantly, and his tone was cold.At this moment, Sun Lin, Sun Xing, and Sun Yue all felt a terrifying murderous aura, all three of them were stunned, and Xiao Yu's aura was far beyond his own strength.

Only then did the three of them notice that Xiao Yu's gaze was pointing at Xiao Yun behind them.The eyes of the three of them met each other, their divine power had been operating secretly, forming a blockade. They didn't know the relationship between Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun, and they had already attributed Xiao Yu to the person who came to make trouble.Now that Xiao Yun has completed the divine power empowerment, as long as he integrates a little, he can really step into the peak of the Concentrating Mind Realm, and the realm will stabilize on its own. If it is destroyed by the other three families at that time, their efforts will be ruined in one fell swoop.Of course they can't let this happen.


Xiao Yu never had a chance to be blocked by the three of them, and his figure suddenly disappeared.The three of them didn't even feel the slightest sense, and Xiao Yu had already appeared beside Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Yun's arm, but his expression changed.

The three of Sun Lin were horrified. Xiao Yu's movement this time did not have any warning, and it did not affect the power of the space.

Although shocked, they were still ready to attack the moment Xiao Yu appeared next to Xiao Yun.

The leader, Sun Lin, waved his palm and stopped the two younger brothers.Only then did Sun Yue and Sun Xing realize that Xiao Yun was in Xiao Yu's hands at this moment, if they made a full attack and Xiao Yu used Xiao Yun as a shield to receive their attack, that would be really bad.

They thought that Xiao Yu would make some moves, but unexpectedly, after Xiao Yu squatted down, he stopped in place and remained motionless.

Xiao Yu felt that the power in Xiao Yun's body was gradually being unified, and his vitality was gradually transforming into divine power. This strange sight made him stunned for a moment.Although the situation in Xiao Yun's body was strange, Xiao Yu didn't dare to interfere in the slightest. He knew very well that if his power entered Xiao Yun's body indiscriminately at this moment, it would probably cause huge rejection from his body, and it might be self-defeating, causing irreparable consequences.

"Breakthrough to the concentration state? But it doesn't look like it. What's going on?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he turned his gaze, looked at Sun Lin and the others, and said coldly, "What did you do to my elder brother?"

"Your brother?"

The three of Sun Lin were taken aback at the same time?The young man in front of him whose strength is several times stronger than his own is actually Xiao Yun's younger brother?
"Are you Xiao Yun's younger brother?"

Sun Yue was a little unsure, and asked again.

"Yes, my name is Xiao Yu. What is the purpose of you bringing my elder brother here?"

Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot and took a step forward, his divine power surged up, shaking the entire Sun family mansion violently.Just because he couldn't interfere with Xiao Yun didn't mean he couldn't beat these three old fellows violently.

"Slow, slow!"

Sun Yue was terrified. The strength Xiao Yu showed was not weaker than him. He quickly waved his hand and explained: "We didn't harm him, but helped him break through to the peak of Concentration. Don't get me wrong. .”

Both Sun Lin and Sun Xing looked unhappy. Both of them were legendary masters who had stepped into the God Breaking Realm. Under Xiao Yu's power, they felt a great threat.

"Help him?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Yun who was on the ground, and found that the wriggling of his body gradually calmed down, and the power in his body melted into one.

"Peak of Concentration Realm?"

Xiao Yu was astonished to find that Xiao Yun's strength had gone directly from the third stage of the Yuansha Realm to the peak of the Concentration Realm. No matter what happened, Sun Yue obviously did not lie to him.

"How did you let his strength skyrocket? Will there be sequelae?"

Even so, Xiao Yu will not be too polite when speaking. These people must have a special purpose for bringing Xiao Yun here for no reason and helping him break through to the peak of Concentration Realm, and he will never show favor to them because of this .

Both Sun Lin and Sun Xing were extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Yu's tone of questioning, and they were about to explode when Sun Yue spoke first.

"There is no sequelae. He is the owner of the eighth-level divine vein. We use the divine power empowerment to convert the vitality in his body into divine power, and raise his strength to the peak of the state of concentration. From then on, it will remain stable, just high and not low."

Sun Yue's words were sincere, and Xiao Yu believed them eighty percent.Most of the reason why Sun Yue always answered Xiao Yu's questions was due to Xiao Yu's strength. He had a faint feeling in his heart that if they fought with Xiao Yu, the three of them might not be able to please each other. Be careful, and even implicate the entire Sun family.

Sun Lin and Sun Xing snorted heavily. They lost face in front of Xiao Yu, so naturally their attitudes would not be any better.

Xiao Yu ignored the three of them, possessed himself and carried Xiao Yun on his back, and wanted to leave.


The three of Sun Lin saw Xiao Yu's movements, and they all moved at the same time. No matter what, they couldn't let Xiao Yu take Xiao Yun away from the Sun family. Xiao Yun meant a lot to the Sun family. The Sun family will still be reduced to the last place in the martial arts and receive the least resource allocation. In this way, the development of the Sun family will be much slower than the other three families.If things go on like this, the Sun family is likely to be suppressed by the other three families all the time, and they will never be able to hold their heads up again.

The speed of the three was extremely fast, and Sun Lin was the first to bear the brunt. He had already flew over Xiao Yu's head, and grabbed Xiao Yun with his palm.Attacking Xiao Yu was secondary, leaving Xiao Yun behind was their most important goal.

Sun Xing rushed out from the other side of Xiao Yu, with a howling wind in his palm, he stabbed at Xiao Yu's left side, he was a little bit reserved with this move, he didn't want to kill Xiao Yu.

Sun Yue appeared in front of Xiao Yu in a flash, and stepped towards Xiao Yu's chest.

"Hmph, you want to stop me?"

There was a playful look in Xiao Yu's eyes, his figure suddenly rose, he turned around, and the soles of his feet swept out, almost meeting the attacks of the three people in no particular order.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three muffled sounds, Sun Xing and Sun Lin just took two steps back, their expressions were horrified, but Sun Yue was not so lucky, Xiao Yu swept him out of the main hall with one leg, and smashed a wall gotta smash.

(End of this chapter)

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